Join Session does not work (Steam, Advanced sessions plugin)

Hey all, it has come to this, asking for help haha.
I have followed some tutorials to get started, and from there I have read all the docs I can find, but I just cannot get join session to work when using Advanced Session Plugin with the OnlineSubsystemSteam.
Let me lay out what I have done so far.

Advanced Session Plugin, downloaded from here, for unreal 5.3.2 (the version I am using)

Advanced sessions and Advanced Steam Session plugins are enabled and accessible in the editor.

Added these settings (and more, will get to that later) to begin with to defaultengine.ini.

+NetDriverDefinitions=(DefName="GameNetDriver",  DriverClassName="OnlineSubsystemSteam.SteamNetDriver",DriverClassNameFallback="OnlineSubsystemUtils.IpNetDriver")




Additionally, adding

To PublicDependencyModuleNames


To DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames

in build.cs

With the above complete, when running standalone mode from the editor, I can see and interact with the steam overlay.

From there, I went ahead and hooked up the session functionality to my menu system.
When a user creates a lobby, the blueprint looks as such:

When a user clicks to open the lobby browser, it looks like this:

Now up to this point, everything works fantastically.
Inside the lobby, the host can open a steam friends list dialog, and send invites (and the recipient actually gets the invite, and the blueprints that accepts the invite in game on the client is run [but join session fails there]).
Inside the lobby browser, the client can see the session, including every single one of my ā€œExtra Settingsā€ parameters. So that data is send entirely correctly.

And lastly, where is all falls apart, is the actual ā€œJoin Sessionā€ node.

Alright, so from what I understand, this is all pretty much correct, but join lobby simply does nothing.
This all works when running 2 ā€œplay standaloneā€ PIE mode games are launched, although without steam. It will use the fallback net driver.

Just to add some clarity to my methods:
I am running the editor by launching it via my visual studio solution.
I have visual studio, and all my project files on 2 separate PCā€™s using 2 separate steam accounts, both of which are logged in.
Both PCā€™s can make a lobby, and see their steam friends, and their own steam nickname and avatar in game.
Both PCā€™s have windows firewall entirely OFF for testing this.

I have found sparse information about this topic, everyone with problems seems to find different solutions, and I have tried pretty much all of them. Other things I have tried:

Random defaultengine.ini settings, from various discussions, including the following:

+NetDriverDefinitions=(DefName="GameNetDriver",  DriverClassName="OnlineSubsystemSteam.SteamNetDriver",DriverClassNameFallback="OnlineSubsystemUtils.IpNetDriver")








The settings


come from this stackoverflow page

I have not tried the other suggestion, but honestly, its not even clear to me if steam subsystem in unreal is using steam sockets, isnā€™t that a different plugin entirely? It seems this issue was corrected in 5.4. Upgrading is an option to see if it fixes this problem.

Other things I have looked over, include this page from reddit:

This details much the same issue, however this problem seemed to only be with dedicated servers. I am not using dedicated servers.

In this post they mention ā€œSetting up steam subsystemā€, including downloading the steam SDK - I donā€™t feel this is relevant anymore, I believe the advanced session plugin handle this, at least from what I have seen on tutorials I have followed. Can anyone confirm?

Additionally, trying to debug this on my own, using logs to track the flow through the FOnlineSessionSteam class, it considers the session valid, and adds it to its AsyncQueue system
FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamJoinLobby* NewTask = new FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamJoinLobby(SteamSubsystem, Session->SessionName, *SteamSessionInfo->SessionId);

I have tried more things, but I did not start documenting things until I realized just how stuck I was getting.

To summarize,
Steam works inside both games on both PCs for hosting and browsing sessions, including sending and receiving of the extra settings structure array, which is viewable on the client.
After creating a session, the game transitions to a new level with the listen option.
Join session returns successful, but doesnā€™t actually do anything.

I have pretty much exhausted my google fu on this matter. I really hope someone can help me.
Thanks in advance <3

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Fairly certain Iā€™ve got the same problem, sorry this isnā€™t an answer but hopefully this bump helps, Iā€™m curious what you find, if i figure anything tangible out ill lyk

Thanks. It seems to be a fairly common issue without much known about it.

I remembered one other thing i tried: using 2 separate external ip addresses. Didnā€™t help unfortunately.

There was one piece of information i found in the log files that i also forgot to mention.
Im not at my pc at the moment to get the precise wording but something along the lines of:
Lognet: sent 10 packets in the last 10.001 seconds with no reply.

The interesting part about this is that in PIE mode i can see packets (using wireshark) sent over the defined port 27015, but not when using steam. However, im admittedly pretty naive when it comes to how steam operates. Its quite likely it uses a different port to transfer data between your game and the steam app locally, before it uses its existing outside world connections to pass it along. This is just speculating.
I really hope someone knowledgeable in this topic can help us out.

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No one has any ideas?

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I spent some more time today looking into this problem. Here is a verbose log snippet.

[2024.05.28-05.11.34:799][317]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyEnter LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B] Result: '1' k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess (Success)
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:799][317]LogOnline: lobby enter - FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyEnter LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B] Result: '1' k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess (Success)
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:799][317]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyUpdate LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B]
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:799][317]LogOnline: Verbose: OSS: Async task 'FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamJoinLobby bWasSuccessful: 1 Session: GameSession LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B] Result: '1' k_EChatRoomEnterResponseSuccess (Success)' succeeded in 0.145639 seconds
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:807][318]LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Using P2P Data for Connection Serialization
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:807][318]LogOnlineSession: OSS: Join session: traveling to steam.--HOSTID--:7777
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:807][318]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [W_JoinLobby] Joining!
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:819][318]LogGameMode: Display: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:819][318]LogGameState: Match State Changed from InProgress to LeavingMap
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:819][318]LogNet: Browse: steam.--HOSTID--/Game/Levels/L_MainMenuLevel
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:820][318]LogNet: Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 7777
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:820][318]LogNet: SteamNetConnection_0 setting maximum channels to: 32767
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:820][318]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:834][318]LogHandshake: Stateless Handshake: NetDriverDefinition 'GameNetDriver' CachedClientID: 4
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:834][318]LogOnline: STEAM: Adding user --HOSTID--:7777 from RegisterConnection
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:834][318]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 100000
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:834][318]LogNetVersion: GAMENAME, NetCL: 27405482, EngineNetworkVersion: 32, GameNetworkVersion: 0 (Checksum: 4027163596)
[2024.05.28-05.11.34:986][328]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamRichPresenceUpdate got new information about user --HOSTID--
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:758][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:759][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: - Id: HOSTNAME, Number of Channels: 1, IdleTime: 0.924
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:759][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:759][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:759][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
[2024.05.28-05.11.35:759][375]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 53, QueuedPackets: 1
[2024.05.28-05.11.39:519][600]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyUpdate LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B]
[2024.05.28-05.11.44:477][898]LogOnline: Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamLobbyUpdate LobbyId: Lobby[0x186000046A0B42B]
[2024.05.28-05.11.44:823][918]LogNet: Initial Connect Diagnostics: Sent '10' packets in last '10.003356' seconds, no packets received yet.

To me, it seems at a glance that everything works correctly, up until it starts saying ā€œno packets received yet.ā€
However, there is one more thing in here that is very strange.

The log line

[2024.05.28-05.11.34:819][318]LogNet: Browse: steam.--HOSTID--/Game/Levels/L_MainMenuLevel

Is wrong. This should be L_LobbyLevel.
Could this be the primary source of the issue?
What could cause the client to travel to the wrong map? (or perhaps its not traveling at all? Since main menu level is the level it is already on?)

I also tried with a blank project today, and additionally, a blank project using UE5.4. Neither worked.

I really hope someone can chime in with some ideas, something like this should be trivial in 2024. This is very frustrating :confused:

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are setting use lan= True when you try the local connection?
if your joining it through steam to the best of my knowledge its always gonna be a public connection
basically it goes to steam on port 27015 ( Query port ), shouldnā€™t really need a port forward but something you could try itā€™s basically like 8080 for web pages in most regards

Iā€™ve heard that unless your using a server service provider you may also have to check your both on the same steam server if your game isnā€™t released

Goto downloads and set the region to the same thing instead of auto to ensure this ( downloads is the menu im in i just happened to leave the mouse over top of the Family button )

probably not the answer but at least some more advice so you/we donā€™t feel alone in this issue, if i ever figure this out i plan to make a full video on itā€¦ and answer 10s potentially 100s of problems

Some additional questions you can check yourself on
Does it work when you play in ā€œstandaloneā€ Net mode ā€œListen Serverā€ #players at least 2

If it fails this step it tells you somewhere in the logic thereā€™s a problemā€¦ i donā€™t suspect this is the cause but iā€™ve never tried setting any URL options in the config like you did so thought iā€™d include in just in case, everything looks right to me

the above is what you have to do to test on local machine what would happen when you do get the connection right, but will not let you test your server connection flow a.k.a the BPs weā€™ve made for connecting,

For that you need at least two separate machines, using steam youā€™d also need two different steam accounts
You can try and force it to connect with console command
ā€œopen Your.Server.Local.IPā€
of course replacing ^ with 192.168.0.x or whatever your local ip structure looks like,

You can find out your local ip by simply opening command prompt typing ā€œipconfigā€
The line that says ipv4 address will be your machines IP
And Gateway would be the routers IP

you probably know this based on that you were using wireshark but worth mentioning in case someone else finds this post thats even more lost

Which would narrow it down to the way itā€™s connecting
iā€™m having the same if not a similar problemā€¦ iā€™ll post my setup if your interested in seeing another broken setup to compare too but its practically the same

Which leads me to where i suspect the problem is
This may help shed some light on the problem goto about 10min in

my current belief is that im gonna have to dig through all the steam documentation and see what the heck is going onā€¦ i think when you use the steamOnlineSubsystem ( you get the steam overlay ) Unreal engine then decides it dosenā€™t need to fall back on the IpNetDriver

So i havenā€™t tried this yet but removing the steam part i would expect it would then connect fine if you used the mentioned earlier open IP on two different computers

My findings seem to suggest that you canā€™t connect one machine running two clients unless you go in and modify the hosts file Really donā€™t recommend doing that but here it is in case you wanna look at what im referencing

My 2nd machine is in need of repair currently so i donā€™t know when ill be able to test this idea/concept of removing the steam parts

idk :man_shrugging: hopefully a network/Unreal expert or an Unreal staff member can at least point us in the right direction

Apart from learning the entire field that is networking im close to out of ideas at this point

I 200% agree i can understand leaving more complex stuff to these simpler nodes and c++ stuff
but it should certainly be possible to have a box pop up and ask whatā€™s the intended behavior and have it setup the config for you as defined by your OnlineSubsytem of choice

Use steam AND IP functionality
Iā€™ve defined my own in configs
Steam only
Epic Only
Ip only
Other online subsystem

just sayin it could be as east as check boxes and drop downs, for the people that donā€™t understand networking and configs just add an extra layer of confusion especially if your a Bp guy and c++ is non existent or minimal for you

Have no fear if i ever figure it out ill come back and mention how the f i did it :slight_smile:

At this point out of the nearly About 2,670,000 results that i can turn up with google iā€™ve gone through quite literally almost 10,000 of those results, the equivalent of like page 50 or something if google still did pages

Just found this as well in my diggingā€¦ im about to start digging into the documentation for steam and Advanced sessions in case thats whats causing our problems

Have you tried your game not using Adv sessions does it work?

My findings thus far
a lot of the example project they provide hasnā€™t been updated since 1996-2004 or 2010 in some cases

Welp I've now read every line of space wars

low and behold Iā€™ve determined the same thing that the documentation were not allowed to talk about says that SpaceWarServer is where the connection happens
SpaceWarServer.cpp/h ā€“ Server code for the example game.
And the Client.cpp/h naturally looks like it does what youā€™d expect it too as well

You should have to login to look at this page and be a steam dev sorry
Documentation - Steamworks partners only for Multiplayer
API documentation - Steamworks partners only

As someone who doesnā€™t fully understand c++ but is able to skim the likes of c++ or java and understand what is generally happening Most of this seems c++ specific nonsense, interestingly though it says some stuff about Authenticating after joining
which is also mentioned on line 270 of SpaceWarServer.cpp

Bunch of pointers all over the place most of them game related, i think advanced sessions already handles the authentication part but im gonna try and read the documentation on that now and see where that gets me/us as thatā€™s the only idea the steamworks documentation game me

When using the adv session BP nodes ā€œcreate adv sessionā€ and ā€œJoin sessionā€ it does in fact say youā€™ve joined success if you attach a print string to the on success execution pin and will even do a little loading screen if your using the Async loading screen plugin but thatā€™s really all i got out of what i was able to read

Advanced sessions

Advanced sessions and documentation links herein
Prepare to get flash banged if your used to dark mode clicking any further links

figuring out how to use ServerTravel may be helpful to us but i think thatā€™s for changing maps after youā€™ve already connected to the first lobby/map

Then of course thereā€™s the nodes weā€™ve been trying to use Create Advanced Session and Join Session

Figuring out Update Session may be of some use as well

Reading through years worth of comments 3321 to be exact here is what i found of interest
some potential solutions as well that i plan to try

Donā€™t worry its like 30links at most

Summary of 2015

Make sure defaultengine.ini is in the right order
Looks like everyone does it about the same as You/I/We all have tried
I did this, im sure you did it aswell if you use the plugin with BPs
Adv sessions plugin author talks about join session and destroy session
Feature Notes/Changes
Setting up the Advanced Game Instance and Player Controller Interfaces

Worth trying ( try not using presence )

Cleanly closing a session
Run in standalone not editor

Summary of 2016

Confirmed my theory earlier that you need separate computers
Mentions creating joining sessions and a tutorial
Information about region lock
Do it from game instance
Useful but not related to what weā€™re trying to figure here
Iā€™ll have to do some testing on this one
Could be answer?

blah blah blah, thereā€™s logs made by adv sessions check those
Ping Issues

Summary of 2017

Something about plugins that ill have to also go testing
Testing which subsystem is being used
More stuff about destroying sessions
Yay weā€™re a third of the way through the 3000 comments
Steam part of adv sessions contains steam only nodes makes sense
More DefaultEngine.ini Stuff
More mentions to how doesnā€™t work with dedicated server
Advanced Friends
stuff regarding game instance

i think you all are aware of this but included non the less
also weā€™re half way there living on a prayer that we get answers lol

Largely the same thing or something i already linked happened in this gap of years

Summary of 2022

No you donā€™t need to port forward if your router supports nat punchthrough

Summary of 2023

Likely another solution/reason

Summary of 2024 up to 5/31/24

Subsystem activation
SteamSockets may have issues
Also likey the solution or part of it solution

Hooray we made it to the end... what did i learn
  • Most of the 3321 comments are people not using ctt+F to find their exact problem already answered with usually the same words they used
  • Most of the problems are not related to the Adv sessions plugin it just exposes things to BP
  • In 9 years it never occurred to epic that this may be worth adding to engine or plugin store and hasnā€™t had more than a small patch since 2017 or 4.17 maybe 4.22 i forgot honestly one of the links above says it
  • The automatically generated documentation is practically useless if you already know how to use the unreal editor to find nodes and understand that if you hover itā€™ll tell you the same things as the documentation
  • Everything that i just spent a few hours going through is pretty much summed up same as here in the First comment/post
  • Theres more systems involved in using AdvSessions or Sessions in general, likely our issue
  • mordentral the author of AdvSessions is really helpful
  • DefaultEngine.ini requires a specific order
  • You need seperate computers or have to apply some workaround
  • Iā€™ve certainly wasted my time going through some 10,000 videos and posts and the 3,000 comments but certainly learned some stuff along the way so only half regert
  • Only spacewars appid 420 should in theroy be region locked but worth setting to same download server for piece of mind when testing
  • Advanced session makes logs somewhere that iā€™ll also have to dig through our answer is definitly there if we can find and read it and understand it
  • No you donā€™t need to port forward if your router supports nat punchthrough
  • If your ping is 9999 itā€™s this:
So what now?
  • iā€™m gonna tear through the example project with all this in mind and compare my DefaultEngine.ini with the example project
  • Iā€™m gonna get my other computer running again and use it through a different external router
  • and also try passing in an IP address instead
  • gonna do a deep dive on steamsockets,steam onlinesubsystem
  • gonna stick to ctrl+f searching through big posts like this as as expected most of it was irrelevant

Posting this summary of a summary of basically another summery to basically say

  • Iā€™ve certainly tried and done a load of research to discover you need to know c++ and networking essentially to have this be an easy thing to use out of the gate
  • I have a few more things to try before putting multiplayer on pause and just worrying about singleplayer ( esentially temporarily giving up, going against my own advice of Never give up )
  • solid tutorials are hard to find and ā€œExplanationsā€ of how it all works are not very deep on this
    And i plan to make one once i understand whatā€™s going on well enough

Thanks for reading any of that as Iā€™m essentially an idiot summarizing and trying to understand networks Iā€™ll make another comment here when Iā€™ve done more of my proposed digging/reasearch/find the solution

Requested help from creator

@mordentral Pardon the summons, iā€™d add this to your pile of 3000 comments on your adv sessions but i donā€™t believe its an issue with your code as many times you pointed out youā€™ve just exposed more of the code provided by epic

But Iā€™ve been struggling with this for quite a while as more than port forwarding and dmz networking stuff i have literally no experience pretty much then weā€™re mixing that with programming and steam and game development

So my question is, is this obvious to you, essentially ops question my setup at least the parts here are identical

Notably at least in my case i have these installed plugins
Iā€™ve seen at several points in the past you say not to use sockets
Is installing the API this way still not advisable, should i be going through the effort of installing the API manually?
I plan to try it with one the other or both uninstalled

Admittedly i also havenā€™t gotten around to looking at the demo project just yet, iā€™ll have to solve this eventually i would like to have multiplayer and that said decent multiplayer made possible by your plugin so thank you

havenā€™t gotten my 2nd computer fixed yet to test it with a different router i have to get a HDD or go to the effort of clearing out one that i have stuff on in my main workstation

Thanks for any help or deep tutorials your able to send our way in advance

Hey thanks for the updates and keeping this thread alive.
This is quite the extensive writeup, i really appreciate it.
I know i have tried most of what you have posted here with no luck. I was planning to put it on hold until im further along in the project and have my own steam appid.
A couple of things to note though:

When testing on 2 separate machines, i am intentionally not using LAN. My understanding is that with LAN checked, it wont register your session with steam, and when searching for sessions it doesnt make requests through steam. I am hoping that if players want to play through LAN, they can just do it through steam, as if its not over LAN.

I have tried the suggestion of turning prescence off, for some reason this actually caused my connecting client to crash.

This was interesting - ā€œIf you have a server and a client behind the same router, the client cannot connect to the server through the server browser. In fact the server may not be visible in the server browser of the client.
The client must connect to the server using the serverā€™s internal IP addressā€
I would love to find this document. Surely this cant be right? How would one support playing with friends in the same house over steam and simultaneously with friends elsewhere? Like thousands of games manage to do? Regardless, i tried connecting via an external IP (using my phone as a tether) with no luck.

Regarding the steam sockets suggestion;
I tried upgrading to 5.4 since this was fixed, but i found the 5.4 editor to be wildly unstable compared to 5.3.2, so I went ahead and built the 5.3.2 engine from source and implemented the change made in 5.4 to fix this myself, but since im not using the steam sockets plugin it didnt help (as expected).

Ive been through the example project, but admittedly i just compared the code and settings to mine, i never tried the example to see if it works in my test environs. That would be a good thing to try.

Again, thanks for keeping this alive. Its extremely frustrating to me that join session returns through the success excecution pin before actually connecting to see it can.

Good luck finding a fix, i hope to hear from you if you do :slight_smile:

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Letcha know if i figure it out for sure and ill make a tutorial on it as well
Im kind of hoping @mordentral sees this but they likely get 100s or more mentions so yea

I think it likely comes down to how you install the API as well like the steam one, its suggested that the one in plugins is almost useless and your better off doing it manually because epic and valve donā€™t communicate its our problem basically because of legalities and whatever

Thanks for the reply i was afraid this post was just dead

Advanced sessions doesnā€™t have anything to do with how the actual backend is ran and the join session node is from the engine itself. Once you have created / found a session the plugin isnā€™t even involved anymore, and for that matter, in the creation / finding it is just setting up parameters, it doesnā€™t do that logic either.

What does your log say when attempting to connect to the server and failing to join it? Steam should be ā€œgenerallyā€ useable in all current releases.

The main issues in 5.4 are that they ported to a new session interface in engine code on the back end that is unfinished and buggy, so some things about presence arenā€™t going to work in 5.4 only. In 5.3 on the other hand they broke how the steam subsystem and steamcore modules link in engine a bit. 5.4 fixes that but also moves steam code to the new buggy interface.

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Hey thanks for the reply!
I am currently using 5.3.2, but ive tried in 5.4 as well.

In both situations i can create and find sessions, but join always fails. The only thing in the logs is client side ā€œno packets after x seconds.ā€ No logs of the join on the server side, so i assume the connections failing.

Is there any resources you could point me to to learn more about the problems in 5.3 or 5.4? Thanks!

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Hopefully relevent stuff from client log

[2024.06.13-03.18.13:063][ 90]LogBlueprintUserMessages: [SessionResults_C_0] Joined Session
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:063][ 90]LogViewport: Display: Viewport MouseLockMode Changed, DoNotLock ā†’ LockOnCapture
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:063][ 90]LogViewport: Display: Viewport MouseCaptureMode Changed, NoCapture ā†’ CapturePermanently
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:064][ 90]LogNet: Browse:
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:071][ 90]LogSockets: Warning: Unable to load SocketSubsystem module STEAM
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:102][ 90]LogSockets: Warning: SteamSockets: Cannot get information on an invalid socket handle, returning null
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:109][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Could not create socket for bind address 76561198045845001, got error SteamSockets: setsockopt SO_BROADCAST failed (0)
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:109][ 90]LogSockets: Warning: SteamSockets: Cannot get information on an invalid socket handle, returning null
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:110][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Could not create socket for bind address ::, got error SteamSockets: setsockopt SO_BROADCAST failed (0)
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:110][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Encountered an error while creating sockets for the bind addresses.
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:110][ 90]LogNet: Error: InitBindSockets failed:
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:110][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Failed to init net driver ConnectURL:
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:110][ 90]LogNet: Warning: error initializing the network stack
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:120][ 90]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 [PendingNetDriver]
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:158][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: Error initializing network layer.
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:164][ 90]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: ā€˜Error initializing network layer.ā€™
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:171][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [ClientTravelFailure]:
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:171][ 90]LogNet: TravelFailure: ClientTravelFailure, Reason for Failure: ā€˜ā€™
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:174][ 91]LogNet: Browse: /Game/MyStuff/MultiplayerANDMaps/MainMenu?closed
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:174][ 91]LogNet: Connection failed; returning to Entry
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:174][ 91]LogTemp: Warning: PreSetupLoadingScreen
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:177][ 91]LogLoad: LoadMap: /Game/MyStuff/MultiplayerANDMaps/MainMenu?closed

Seems like i have some kind of sockets problem

[2024.06.13-03.18.13:158][ 90]LogNet: Warning: Travel Failure: [PendingNetGameCreateFailure]: Error initializing network layer.
[2024.06.13-03.18.13:164][ 90]LogNet: TravelFailure: PendingNetGameCreateFailure, Reason for Failure: ā€˜Error initializing network layer.ā€™

I think this is related to me not having a 2nd computer or router to test with at the moment you said at some point it was required to test with 2nd computer and on a different network back on 4.something dunno if thatā€™s still relevant but im by no means a network expert so idk

Should be noted this was a lan game i tried to setup with Standalone Game, Net mode Standalone game

I have everything shown above the same as OP of this post

The plugins i have related to steam

Online Subsytem Utils
Online Subsystem
Online Base
Online Services

No other multiplayer related plugins

Iā€™ll send or attach whatever you need to see to help solve this but on the surface it appears i have the same issue as OP and this isnā€™t my post so Iā€™d mainly worry about Ops question which is likely my issue as well

Is the log in ā€œprojects/PROJECTNAME/Saved/Logsā€
the appropriate place to be looking?

I dont know what i would even need to learn to understand this stuff
More c++ and probably also the entirety of networking or at least basics enough to understand layers and sockets

But if you can say what i need to go learn that would be a fantastic help as well

I thought you said you didnā€™t enable steam sockets? It has been causing issues in all UE5 versions for a bit now. Its also not required to use steam lobbies. The client log has multiple lines of issues spooling up the steam sockets connection in it.

Iā€™ll try again without it, and attach another log if its still having issues, iā€™ve tried with and without it and i think i just left it enabled

Steam sockets disabled, join still doesnā€™t work

Yeah something in your steam config is incorrect, the steam subsystem isnā€™t even able to load to be used.

If you are packaging to shipping you need to include the steam_appid.txt with your appID, or it will just fail out automatically.

If you are packaging for development it should automatically create that file when you run.

This is likely because Iā€™m doing it on the same computer as stated earlier with the same steam act, my other computer is currently down

I have the appid in the folder for it to work in editor and its added to the packaged game as well after package, gonna have a friend test it with me now to see if it was just steam sockets and im dumb lol

But i think i have a deeper problem than that ill update here again after this test

Packaging for dev build doesnā€™t seem to make any logs at least that i can find, and also at least on same computer cannot join lan game

You cannot load two instances with the same steam account no, and development builds do output logs in the normal saved/logs directory

and I meant that it creates the steam_appid.txt file in development builds automatically.

Still doesnā€™t join with either friend hosting or me hosting

And Release build dosent make any logs in the local/Gamename
or the install location

I gave it the -log parameter for launch and it opens the unreal log window

Gonna upload a dev build to steam on a different branch and see if it makes logs somewhere