Advanced Sessions Plugin

Dev builds don’t use the appid.txt, shipping builds do, dev builds go off of the app id in the config file.

Thanks, I didn’t know that. I just checked my INI file and it looks good. I did some further research this AM and on my hosting machine I get:

[2016.11.03-13.57.29:086][340]LogLoad: Took 1.954417 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/01_Maps/LOBBY_GameSetup)
[2016.11.03-13.57.29:225][340]AdvancedSessionsLog:Warning: GetUniqueNetIdFromController received a bad PlayerController!
[2016.11.03-13.57.29:225][340]AdvancedFriendsLog:Warning: GetSteamFriendAvatar Had a bad UniqueNetId!

and on the searching machine I still get the above parse errors.

I’m trying to clear that hosting error right now as I think that might be the culprit.

EDIT: One had nothing to do with the other. Controller error was just because it was trying to get the steam info for a player that wasn’t there. I’m still getting the parse errors for steam when searching for sessions.

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