Join Session does not work (Steam, Advanced sessions plugin)

Dev build isn’t making a log that i can find either

Not sure how to proceed from here

Hello Nightwold483,

You can find the log on the packaged version of your game following:


Example: D:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RogueLike\RogueLike\Saved\Logs\RogueLike.log

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For those having a steam connection problem try the fix in this video…

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Thanks for the tip i don’t think this is the problem ill have to try again with friends, but i don’t believe i have the same problem he did, it seems he was unable to get to the level in general as the host, where’s the way im typically testing it says connection timeout ( using the nodes in GameInstance Enums )

I’m about to get into figuring this out for real on my own and dig through even more stuff and tutorials to see if im missing something

Thanks man, appreciate the help, im gonna do a bit more testing and figuring stuff out and then make my own post so im not continuing to hijack OPs post

Hey I was having the same issue but enabling the Steam Sockets plugin and copying what this user did in their reddit comment worked for me on 5.4.2

this comment here

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Do not forget to open your Level with the option ?listen (on the Host).
Otherwise the client won’t be able to join and it will fail with a timeout while trying to join the session.