Advanced Sessions Plugin

Only the host should be calling destroy session, clients should simply be “open level” to the main menu to disconnect. Server searches will also fail if you are currently in/hosting a session. I would assume that if the server is trying to shutdown that it should send a notice to the clients first so that they can leave prior to it by going back to the menu.

Also if you are using the test steam app id of 480 when you are searching you will see a lot of junk lobbies in the log. It is because other devs are hosting lobbies, these results won’t show on your session results array as the servers “build” is different but it will still pass “OnSuccess”, I’m not sure if this is the correct behavior since people share 480 but for someone with their own steam ID it won’t matter anyway.

The winsock error is not because of my plugin btw I can’t help with it.

I am double checking the server info functions but last test they were fine.

Edit yeah tested across two computers on steam and they were able to host and get session properties fine. However you are right the update session node is killing the session on steam right now, i’ll look into it.

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