Advanced Sessions Plugin

Pushed a new commit to the repository - Building the files right now to upload new binaries

Don’t download 4.15 binaries until I edit this post saying that they are uploaded.
Edit Uploaded


Added "bRequireNameOnly" to the RequestSteamFriendInfo node, significantly reduces time to return
a result as the cost of not downloading the avatar for that user.

Made FindSessions AllServers option search twice, once for client servers, once for dedicated, and merge the results.
(This fixes a bug and also ensures that steam works correctly, if you want to avoid the longer search time before showing results you could
search one first, fill in results, and then search the second and add them in when it is complete instead).

**Added the following additional nodes**

GetSteamPersonaName - To retrieve the name of a non friend from steam (requires RequestSteamFreindInfo to have sucessfully completed for that ID already)

Make UniqueNetID from SteamID String - Makes a uniquenetid from a 64bit steam ID string (mostly for testing, can use IDs that are not your friends). 
Could also be used for storing the string representation of a UniqueNetID and later converting back to retrieve information about them.

**Advanced Steam Workshop**

Get Num Subscribed Workshop Items - Returns how many workshop items the user is subscribed to for this AppID

Get Subscribed Workshop Items - Returns how many items and an array of workshop item IDs for workshop item the user is subscribed to.

Get Workshop Item Details - Takes a workshop item ID, returns a structure with details about that workshop item.

New Workshop Nodes

Example of getting a remote (non friend) users Name and Avatar on steam (should have loop count limit).

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