Advanced Sessions Plugin

After hosting a game other players can see the available lobby but cant join it. The lobby ping appears as “9999”.

How can I fix it ?

Look on answerhub for the ping issue, 9999 is an engine “bug”, the lobby not being joinable is something that you are doing wrong.

Hey mord,

I’ve just made a new project for 4.14 and have the old Sessionflags problem again. I thought I ‘fixed’ it by using just a small boolean as extra setting when creating the session, but even without any additional settings, the error now occurs. This is the servers log:

You are on a dedicated build right? The lobby builds use the full larger alternative string for hosting and get away with more, the dedicated ones are locked into the short string. There actually isn't much I can help you with about it through a plugin. I can't change the subsystem macros without remaking the subsystem itself. If you need to save space then I would suggest turning map names and other longer values you are trying to pass into enums and sending the enum value instead as it will take faaaaar less space in the total string that Steam stores.

Same for game modes and the like, if you know what they are then sending the full qualified name is overkill and you can just send an ID for it instead. Instead of key "GAMEMODE" "THIS IS THE MODE NAME" you can do "GM" "0", "GM" "1", and then translate it to the enum value on the client side.

There was a while when dedicated servers ALWAYS caused the bufffer overflow because the engine passes in the clients system name as the hostname and that can get really long. It might be doing it again.....

I just spent the last two days trying to encode my own player count in the session settings (both your plugin and with C++ source) and haven't had any luck. Whenever I update my session (when a player joins or leaves) it causes the dedicated server to no longer be returned in a session search. Can you think of a work-around for player count? It seems pretty critical to have... if one server fills up you have to be able to know to pick another one.

Are you updating it with dedicated unticked or presence ticked or some other conflicting setting?
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