Advanced Sessions Plugin

08/27/2015 - Updated the 4.8 and 4.9 Plugins

Sessions Interface Changes:

  • Find Sessions Node: Changed to initially filter on Subsystem side, please let me know if it is working for your implementation, can be further filtered with the filter sessions node.
  • Update Session Node: Added a bool for dedicated servers (Can not find anything wrong with my implementation that would be causing sessions to drop, may be an engine issue for 4.8)
  • End Session Node: Added, needs further testing, should be CLIENT side version of Destroy Session.
  • Cancel Find Session Node: Added, cancels searching for sessions
  • Modify or Add Setting Node: Added, pass in new/modified settings and a settings array and will either replace or add the settings and output a new modified array of settings

Voice Interface - Added:

Added Many Voice Interface blueprint nodes, due to hardware limitations for the past few days I have not fully tested everything in this, it follows the interfaces exactly though and should work, please let me know if any issues are found.

The Advanced Friends Game Instance now also has a Delegate called when a player in the session’s talking state is changed. There are two new booleans for the Game Instance to control whether it registers and fires off the new delegate.

The Advanced Friends Interface now also includes a callback delegate that can be called from the Advanced Friends Game Instance when a players talking state is changed.

Setup Info

  1. Extract the file inside the zip to ProjectFolder/Plugins/AdvancedSessions (create /Plugins/AdvancedSessions if you have to).

  2. Copy the example blueprint file into your content folder if you want to look at the examples.

  3. To get the ability to join a session when it has been accepted through the online subsystem you will need to derive your GameInstance from AdvancedFriendsGameInstance so that it will bind the Delegate, you can also use the added event in the graph. This game instance also enables accessing the “PlayerTalkingStateChanged Delegate”.

  4. If you want the AcceptedSessionInvite event to be called in the owning player controller you also need to add the AdvancedFriendsInterface to the blueprint for your player controller.

  5. To use Push To Talk, bind a key to “Stop Networked voice / Start networked voice” for a local player.

  6. To enable voice in your build copy the following settings (From Epic Answerhub).




In DefaultGame.ini


New Voice Interface Related Blueprint Functions - They all have info text on hover in editor to explain them briefly

Note The engine by default registers players for talking on game join currently, I have included the functions in case someone needs to do more advanced features.

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