Why is the bottom of the mesh dark only when using VR preview?


I’m currently using UE5.1.1.
I’m attempting to see architecture in VR. But, I’m encountering an issue.

Specifically, the bottom of the mesh is dark when using VR preview.
I attach below an image showing the problem.

There is no problem when previewing in Outliner. Only during VR preview does this problem occur.

For reference, this problem did not occur when playing <New Editor Window (PIE)>. At this time, <BP_FirstPersonCharacter> is placed on the level.

The actors I have placed in my level are shown in the following image.

I also checked the forums beforehand and found similar questions. However, this method did not solve the problem.

Here’s the link:

Any help will be appreciated.

I found some helpful links. However, the problem is still not resolved. It seems like other people haven’t been able to resolve the issue either. I have currently unchecked forward shading.

Forward shading giving black under mesh

Dark reflections in vr preview after update to 4.19

Built VR in is way darker than preview version. Making it unplayable

UE5 VR Template Lighting issue occulus quest 2 (Android)

SOS - The VR Game is too dark while Editor is bright and normal

Lighting settings for VR, messed up on Light Build

If you have any information, I would appreciate it if you could share it. Thank you.

It is hard to say anything from those two images. I would watch this as a start:

Then let us know if the lighting is static or dynamic. What platform you are developing for and if you are baking lighting or if you use ray tracing or if you use Lumen. What engine version is that?

Thank you for your comment. I read your comment and have conducted various research. I’ll illustrate them.

First, I’ll show the outline of the model.

1 . I created the model using the “Virtual Reality template”. Then, I created new level using the “Basic”. The “Basic” level includes the following actors and they are set “movable” by default.

  • DirectionalLight
  • ExponentialHeightFog
  • SkyAtomosphere
  • SkyLight
  • SM_SkySphere
  • VolumetricCloud

As an additional point, the “dynamic global illumination method” I use is Lumen, and I do not utilize “Hardware Ray Tracing”. These are the default settings. And, I’m using UE5.3.2.

2 . However, the “Basic” level’s sky looks dark and this problem has been pointed out in the following link:

So, I changed some rendering settings.

  • Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Support Sky Atmosphere Affecting Height Fog [Check]
  • Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Forward Renderer >Forward Shading [Uncheck]

3 . After restarting the application, I created something like a building.

4 . After that, I previewed it, but the bottom of mesh looks dark. This problem only occurs during VR preview.

Second, I am wondering if it’s possible to use the “Forward Shading” feature during VR preview. Because I tried unchecking ‘Forward Shading’ and previewed it, I was able to see the same image on both screen of “outliner” and “VR preview”.Please refer to the attached image.

I wish I could use “Forward Shading” during VR preview. If anyone has additional information, please feel free to share.


This is just a template. You need to add meshes and lights to it. You’ll need a post process volume to enable certain features.

I highly recommend that you follow some beginners tutorials.

I’m so sorry…

The reason for this problem is that I used the Varjo XR-3 headset without selecting the ‘stereo view’ rendering mode.

This information is described at the following URL:

I missed the description of ‘Setting up Stereo view’ and ‘Setting up Quad view’.
It is recommended to select the ‘stereo view’ rendering mode in order to use ‘Lumen’.

Thank you for your help.

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