UE 5.1 VR Sky Atmosphere is black

I’m trying to build my own VR level for a PC-based app in the new UE5.1 version, but the sky atmosphere is not working properly by default. This is what it looks like after adding all the components that were working for me in nonVR projects. The sky atmosphere is pitch black, as well as the lower hemisphere of the sky.

I made sure that the directional light is set as atmospheric sunlight and the real-time capture of the skylight is enabled.

I remember in the earlier 5.0.1 version the upper hemisphere of the sky seemed to be working properly, but the lower hemisphere was also black. I was never able to fix that as well. I wonder if there are certain settings out there that I need to tweak to make the sky in VR the same as it looks in nonVR projects.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


Same problem here!

Additionally, when I open any other template project (like first person or just simply a blank project) and I place the exact same components as you have, the SkyAtmosphere works properly. I’m not sure what’s going on here but it feels like there are some different project settings for the VR Template that are causing the SkyAtmosphere to be janky and black.

That being said I haven’t actually gone through and reviewed all the project settings to find the culprit…

Sky Atmosphere, Volumetric clouds nothing works. But I tried to replicate the same in 5.0. It works.

I’m having the same issue. Anyone found a solution yet?

I had the same when i used the VR temple provided by Epic.

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Same problem here. I was yesterday wasting hours trying to fix it and doing testing. Nothing works.

I have the same issue.
Using a skysphere with a sky material as described in this video allows to work around the issue, and makes the atmosphere appear. However, when trying to launch the game in VR, the engine crashes for me.

+1. Thought I was going crazy, or that maybe my 1080Ti was no longer supported.

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In the VR template of UE5.1 whenever I remove something and add it back it doesn’t work anymore.

For my VR project I started with the VR template, removed the sky atmosphere, added it back just to get a feel of the process. Now the sky is completely black and I can’t get it to work. I’m hoping it’s because I’m a noob and it’s not a bug but couldn’t find a solution yet.


Same thing here. Been trying for days to get started with Unreal Engine and the amount of bugs is unbelievable. I’ve been following many tutorials to the T, and sometimes simple things just don’t work, and there’s no one that actually knows what’s happening.

Hi, it seems that the problem comes from the 5.1 version, what you can try is to download the development version on GITHUB, to compare the results.

Asset Fix

Or Use AtmoScape

Try adding BP_Sky_Sphere to the scene.

That fixed it for me.

You may also need to check ‘engine content’ in the content browser settings in order to find it (by searching)


Still a problem with 5.1, i have this exact problem too.

I face same issue here in vr too idk why i did everything possible i even updated the drive but nothing seems to work this issue out

I think BP_Sky_Sphere is the legacy sky system. It looks a lot less realistic than the new one and it doesn’t support volumetric cloud.

Have you fellas tried this:

Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Support Sky Atmosphere Affecting Height Fog

Also try disabling Forward Shading. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was it.

And then make sure you have an Exponential Height Fog in your scene.


I think the problem is in setting up Forward Shading. When I turned it off sky is worked.


Thanks a lot! That worked!!

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Thanks! I thought it was the mobile shading section initially. I changed it to deferred shading but it didn’t work. Turns out it was the forward render section!

Mentioning how a fix to the problem could be to disable forward shading is being ignorant to the problem posted by the OP and their (and any readers’) particular project needs. A VR project usually can’t just disable forward shading when it is in-fact relying on it.