Nintendo Switch PLayers / Mobile: Crash Game / Fortnite Closes when trying to playing on a public puclished map / Fortnite Creative / UEFN

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

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Roughly 4 Updates Prior to V29.30 Players were able to join my game on the Nintendo Swithch…
I have tested on three other nintendo switches and the same error occurs.
I was running the Editor Fortnite Client on my switch at the time. Now it has been 4 updates and still no Nintendo Switch PLayers can join the game because of their Nintendo Switches Crashing…

UEFN Editor and Fortnite Client
Tested with my mobile phone andthe Nintendo Switch. I am within budget for memory calculation and have everything optimized. The Nintendo Switch does not work and crashes when loading into the Edit Session. The Mobile Phone Works fine.

“THERE WAS AN ERROR : Network Connection Lost” on Nintendo Switch…
“Fortnite Game Closes and Players reported Continuous Crashes on Nintendo Switch”

Players are not able to load in the map at all, the crash is consistant on Nintendo Switch.

The crash is client side and I can’t reproduce the error.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Players in lobby try to join the game, and their whole fortnite game closed!
  2. Launch Session on Nintendo Switch and it crashes before loading, producing the error “Network Connection Lost” or the Nintendo Switch Fortnite Game closes completely.

Expected Result

Players on nintendo switch cannot join game from lobby

Observed Result

Players on nintendo switch cannot join game from lobby. Launch session on nintendo switch will not launch. I have tested on three other nintendo switches and the same error occurs.


Nintendo Switch

Island Code


The Nintendo Switch it gives me this screen.

From the editor, I can open Fortnite Client editor with MOBILE, PC, Windows, PS4, XBOX… But not nintendo switch

Success on PC, not on nintendo switch

This is still occuring. All complex materials and VXF disabled still same issue.

I am attaching my logs in case any devs would like to assist with this. (22.1 MB)

Having this issue as well. We cant figure out what it is, but as soon as we open live edit on switch, it hard crashes

This post might help @PledgedRanger @Wertandrew


Thanks @Hardcawcanary that is very kind of you to help. I did create a few models in Blender, but unfortunately, deleting the 3D models didn’t fix the issue and the crashes on the Switch persist. <3

yeah that post doesnt say why they crashed because of that model :confused:

hi @PledgedRanger , @Wertandrew ,
When in Nintendo Fortnite,

  1. open the Creative 2.0 island,
  2. Play,
  3. Use Console" at the rift
  4. Create new Island,
  5. Select Blank.
  6. Create new island called “Test”,
  7. Open “test”
  8. start game
  9. end test
  10. return to lobby
  11. Exit Creative 2.0
  12. leave Nintendo Fortnite open
  13. Open UEFN.
  14. Double Click on “Test” with the Creative 2.0 icon
  15. Click UEFN Create
  16. Launch Session on PC.
  17. check it looks ok.
  18. close session “test” on PC Fortnite
  19. click three dots on launcher
  20. select Live Link
  21. Select Auto start
  22. select connect console
  23. Launch session to connect to Nintendo Fortnite, Takes 5 minutes to connect
  24. look at blank test model, does game in progress icon appear, any errors
  25. End session on UEFN, does Edit Icon in top left corner appear?
  26. does Nintendo have a UEFN Icon on the Island opening screen
  27. Go back to lobby then back to Nintendo opening screen
  28. Close Nintendo Fortnite
  29. Open Nintendo Fortnite
  30. Go to UEFN and open your Published game and Launch to console
  31. What errors do you get in Nintendo Fortnite Log screen?

The status of FORT-766843 incident has been moved from ‘To Do’ to ‘In Progress’.

Want to clarify, the live link aspect for Nintendo Switch and opening other projects works correctly, we don’t have issues there.

In my case, there is a single actor in the world, in my project, that causes the crash to happen, similar to the OP. We have been debugging for 2 days now, and have pinpointed its a verse device that causes the issue. We ll continue looking for now.

If you know any cases where switch can crash like that, when opening live edit (and have to render something maybe?), we would appreciate that knowledge as it would help us narrow down the cause even more. Thanks

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hi @PledgedRanger , for reference @Wertandrew @Hardcawcanary ,
from your uploaded logs

Searching for up to six log lines before Live Edit entries
aboutline 79019
LogSceneOutliner: Outliner Column Type does not have a localizable name, please specify one to FSceneOutlinerColumnInfo

This occurs about 20 times.
Few lines further on
LogTEDSActorOutliner: TEDS-Outliner LevelEditorSceneOutliner close

Next significant logged event before Live Edit entry
LogFortBuilding: ABuildingSMActor::OnConstruction:

No static mesh on Device_Tracker_V2_C_UAID_6045BD195D69D2EF01_1747164504

The way to find the device is demonstrated in post on Asset Verification

If the log shows you gibberish for the asset name, such as Content/S3/UT/I083BZ4FFN2.uasset,
all you need to do is paste the I083BZ4FFN2 string into the Outliner’s search box
to see what actor is causing problems.

In our case above paste into the Outliner the significant bit is 1747164504

You can only do this in the Outline on the project found in the log
‘C:/Users/Owner/Documents/Fortnite Projects/Mynewtestforrest’ the name found in the log

This is not easy to understand for most people and searching logs
is a developing process which is like learning Verse
refernces this post
Asset Verification
Nintendo Switch Crash

Here is some more error but not sure how relevant they are

[2024.07.06-01.09.42:565][168]LogNet: Client accepting Editor channel
[2024.07.06-01.09.42:769][192]LogEOSSDK: LogEOSPresence: Received presence update. LocalUserId=[71d...663] PresenceUserId=[586...7c0] RichText=[]
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:028][223]LogValkyrie: Syncing project PlunderTheCaves with content service took  0.67 sec
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:028][223]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.SyncWithContentService, 0.667730
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:028][223]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.UpdateProjectMetadata
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:203][244]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile SyncProject.UpdateProjectMetadata, 0.175421
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:203][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:203][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/AncientAltar' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/AncientTreasures' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Animation' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Animation_Seq' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Asset_GoldMaterialPack' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/AUDIO_SFX' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/A_Project_Ui' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/A_VERSE' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/BensVFX_Materials' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Bens_UserInterface_UI' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Cliffs_and_Rocks_Pack' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Custom' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/DataAssets_T_M' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/DataLayers' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Decals' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/DECALS_Migrated' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Foliage_Ben' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/HISM_CaveMeshes' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Landscape' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Llama_Lego_UE' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Materials' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/MAterials_Landscape1' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Megascans' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Mesh' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Meshes' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Models' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/PN_GroundFoliage' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/PN_Pandanus' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/SmartAssets' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/StoneSkullIslandSpooky10_sharedassets' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/StoneSkullIslandSpooky16_FIXED_sharedassets' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/StoneSkullIslandSpooky7_CliffMaterials_sharedassets' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Textures' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/UIMaterialLab' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Verse_Assets' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/WhimsicalCavesKit' was aborted.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:205][244]LogValkyrieSyncProject: Display: Profile Begin SyncProject.InitSyncModules
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:746][244]LogSolarisRuntime: Releasing generated types for Verse package PlunderTheCaves/Assets.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:783][244]LogSolarisRuntime: Releasing generated types for Verse package PlunderTheCaves.
[2024.07.06-01.09.43:794][244]LogSolarisRuntime: Script linking completed successfully.
[2024.07.06-01.09.44:431][244]VerseBuild: Compilation complete.
[2024.07.06-01.09.44:431][244]VerseBuild: Linking complete.
[2024.07.06-01.09.44:431][244]VerseBuild: SUCCESS -- Build complete.

A few Verse stuff has got errors
So even though there are errors VerseBuild says success??

here is the puzzle

[2024.07.06-01.09.25:835][503]AssetCheck: /PlunderTheCaves/Cliffs_and_Rocks_Pack/Textures/misc/T_uniformclouds Validating asset

succeed validation but later on

[2024.07.06-01.09.43:204][244]LogDirectoryWatcher: A directory notification for 'C:/Users/bhart/Documents/Fortnite Projects/PlunderTheCaves1/Plugins/PlunderTheCaves/Content/Cliffs_and_Rocks_Pack' was aborted.

so was never compiled into VerseBuild

No idea what to do!


Here are the logs from our switch crashing when connected to live edit:

UnrealEditorFortnite.log (4.5 MB)

Maybe there is a connection between the two

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hi @Wertandrew ,
Will look at these logs which may take a while two days

Just ordered the newly released on coming 27th September on Amazon Prime Day 20% off

Nintendo Switch Lite: Hyrule Edition + 12 Months NSO : PC & Video Games



We actually found what it caused the crash. Verse devices on construction time (start of game) duplicate all the systems that they call from editables, causing our game to have around 53k verse devices (from 107 devices that we have normally), which caused lag, memory spikes and switch crashing.


hi @Wertandrew ,
That is excellent news there was a device in the log which was unique, which kept coming up all the time.
The work you have done will be useful for others


It is undesirable behavior for sure, that is all I can sum it up to be! :slight_smile:
The issues have been reported a few times.
The issue persists after a Fortnite Update.
As of now I got the switch to stop crashing, but like last time, this nintendo crash resolving only lasts until a Fortnite Update redistributes the repeated issues.
I ended up scouring the outliner for assets with a higher draw count (PPV’s, textures, materials, Fortnite factory partical and VFX devices, verse, props, 3d models, etc) launching the nintendo switch repeatedly after each change. After two weeks at 16 hours a day, I was able to finally fix the crashing nintendo switch.
I nightmarishly deleted and re-setup all those assets one by one, a complete overhaul of my game. I have done this before 3 times immediately after Fortnite updates. The worst began on v28.3 when this happened, until current.
The more I tested on the switch crashing each time trying to load after a change, I had to close fortnite completely as push changes and launch memory calculation was bugged and still to this day does not work without multiple attempts of closing the fortnite client, making it extremely inconvenient, hence the 16 hour days (with no pay xD lol).
Overall, the nintendo switch was able to launch after finally lowering as much draw count possible. Overhauling the entire game has been a punishing task to say the least, but at least the public version is able to join Nintedo switch players!

I am concerned about the Cliffs_and_rocks assets failing however, and the verse code failing. It must have been due to a crash and unable to successfully push changes bug. That is my best guess. The game is operating smoothly at this point (Other than spawn pads enabled but players spawning in the sky on join in progress set to spawn (another fortnite bug since last summer). Some creators are luckily not experiencing these bugs in their maps.

All the issues I have listed above were occuring on succesfully published public maps only. New projects do not experience the undesireable behaviors.

Thanks @Jimbohalo10 Jimbo and @Wertandrew Wert you guys are my favortite! (and Micro Monitor hes legit)


Hey so how did you find it was the verse device?

Is the solution to permanently remove the verse devices? Thanks @Wertandrew You are amazing

hi @PledgedRanger ,
The problem is every @editables that allows a Verse device to be visible in UEFN on the Nintendo version generates at least seven blocks of data, when only one should be allocated, so you run out of memory. So if you have lots of “@editables” then all the memory is used up as 18.GB images and 8GB run time and Nintendo OS 2GB leave only 18 +8 +2 28GB levels 4GB to run the Fornite project and remember need to load the cooked image which means you have 2GB dynamic memory so 1000 “@editables” from Verse Devices on Nintendo becomes 1K * 1000 * 7 buffers and this is being generous and the size of device could by up to 10k then 700 Mb just gone.

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This is spot on, it was something like that for us too