Missing Feature Request (common in all 3D applications): lock (disable) actor selection in viewport

Throwing this out here because it’s missing feature that I think UE really needs. I’m scratching my head wondering how the dev team themselves actually have not gone crazy working in their engine without this basic QOL feature.


Essentially all 3D editing platforms have this and it feels bizarre that UE is still missing it (even most 2D platforms let you lock objects in this way). Note that UE does have a ‘lock selected actor’ (hidden away in a right-click menu, not in outliner) but that feature unfortunately does not prevent those actors from still being selected in viewport

As far as I can tell the only way to do this atm is via a paid marketplace plugin, it is not a basic engine outliner feature.

This is mostly a UE-specific problem because pretty much all other 3D platforms have resolved this long ago. E.g. Blender (this is just one example, but Blender, Unity, 3DS Max, Maya, etc. all have this feature).

This has been a much requested feature over the years and still no attention to it. Look at the number of times this has been requested or asked about why it’s missing:

It’s so basic and useful that hurts :slight_smile:

Edit…how to vote? it says 0 vote

Uhhh I think you just click the vote button at the top…I think?

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Has it ever been addressed on why this basic feature is missing from UE?

Not as far as I know. Very annoying, though

A must have basic feature, definitively.

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Started learning Unreal a couple of days ago and this is perhaps one of the first things I googled… couldn’t believe that this is not possible in such an otherwise mature product ._.


Mhmm…still nothing in sight yet for this unfortunately.

+1, it consumes a lot of wasted time to reverse the operation with a accidentally selected object, breaks the work flow and causes frustration :pleading_face: must-have feature definitely.

I have made a free plugin that lock actors in the Editor Viewport. I will release this plugin in Marketplace, but right now you can check my GitHub repo and download latest release. I have built it only for UE 5.1, but older version will come soon. There is still plenty work to do and improve, but I hope it will help you.

UPD: Added UE5.0 support
UPD: Now the plugin is available on Marketplace for free


What a legend

Beats me how fortnite gets made without selection control.

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Heyo everyone, I have publish the plugin on Marketplace for free, enjoy!


Wow what are the chances. For the past 3 years this is the first time I needed such functionality and BAM there’s a new free plugin.

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You are legendary <3 cheers

I would still like to see this as official engine functionality one day, but in the meantime you have made a lot of peoples’ lives easier :heart:

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PLease support MacOS!!

Thanks. I have just installed your plug-in and it works. Thank you.

Thank you so much GradessGames, it works well with the 5.4 version :slight_smile:

UE5 is superb but how is that possible that the epic dev did not include this very basic function in it?