Hello everyone,
I encountered a weird bug with the Transform Tool today (searches on google and the UE forums didn’t yield any similar threads).
I painted Nanite enabled rocks and branches with the Foliage tool - they don’t have any leaves, transparent bits or similar, so I expected no issues. They displayed properly and painting worked as usual. Eventually, I wanted to Foliage Select a single instance of one of these Nanite enabled Meshes to fine tune their placement.
UE5 highlights the one that I selected, but the Transform Tool appears for a different instance, instead. All transformations apply to this other, not highlighted Foliage Instance (that could potentially be miles across the map). While moving this wrongly selected instance around, the highlight also jumps between instances of the same Foliage Type. Obviously, this makes it almost impossible to select the correct instance that I want to modify.
Not: this happens both with Static Meshes dropped as-is in the Foliage Tool, as well as after they were saved as Foliage Types.
As soon as I disable Nanite for the Static Mesh that the Foliage Type uses, the Transform Tool persistently selects the correct instance again.
Is this a known issue? Has anyone been able to fix this? I’d like to use Nanite for these kinds of Meshes, but I also don’t want to lose the convenience of painting them as Foliage.
(I guess a possible workaround would be to paint them as Nanite enabled Foliage and in the case I need to fine tune the placement of one of them I just place that one as a regular Static Mesh in the world instead of through the Foliage Tool… which will become a bit messy eventually, however).