Request for LTS versions of UE and marketplace assets.

Something that bothered me and plenty of others is that there is no LTS version of the engine. With an engine evolving so rapidly, we see a bunch of new features and twice the amount of new bugs with each release, with old bugs remaining unfixed and ignored. This is a major problem for anyone working on serious projects. UE4.27 died with the release of the “new” UE5 which again was just UE4 with new features, bugs, but also bug fixes. Bug fixes UE4.27 never received. Ok, fine, we all moved to UE5. But UE5 continues on the same path through all its sub versions, so nothing really changed.

I would rather stick with an LTS version of UE5, receiving bug fixes but no new features. I am sure others will share this opinion. Because every release of UE breaks something which makes a serious project unfit for release.

On the marketplace we also see problems because of a missing LTS version. Written in the terms and conditions for sellers is that sellers should support 3 latest major engine versions. “Major” seems to be a sub version as in 5.0, 5.1, 5.2. This is in my opinion a bad decision. For example, I have a plugin depending on NVIDIA DLSS. DLSS has still not been released for UE5.2 and by the time it does we might be at UE5.3 or 5.4 already.

If you are not yet convinced there is a great need for LTS versions, I welcome you to my list of bug reports (see my topics). I imagine that if you are not a solo dev, but a team of 50+ people you might run into 50 times the amount of bugs.

Here’s a list on UI in UE5 alone.

EPIC, please stop breaking Slate and UMG in new releases.

Notice that they are FULLY ignored by staff, even after tagging staff.

Meanwhile we are forced to go with the “latest 3 major versions” and dragged into experimental plugins which are already molten into UE5 as defaults now (yes you Enhanced Input, you too CommonUI) which is incredibly unprofessional.

[UE5.2] Axis and Action mappings are now deprecated... Please use Enhanced Input....

Please add an LTS branch. The “shiny new stuff” gets old after seeing it break twice a minute.



just a bump. :ghost:

In my opinion 5.2 is very stable :sweat_smile:

Never going to get LTS in the games industry with how rapidly things change and how WIP major features like Lumen and Nanite still are.

Very simple, make them experimental optional addons and keep them experimental optional addons for as long as required. Plenty of game industry related tools literally have LTS.

No one desires rapid change on the engine once a project is being developed, you don’t remove the bricks you built your roof on halfway the project. Once you start on a project that takes months or years to complete you pick your tools and stick with specific versions, from the OS, to VS, the engine all the way down to the tools. There is a reason LTS exists.


Other 3D Engines already had or are now adding LTS versions indeed, including Unity:


wait 2 more yrs

Was something officially announced?


I agree we need LTS version. Currently downloaded fresh UE5.3.2 and it has issues. Can’t see my c++ classes. it’s a new cpp project can’t see the classes, the content drawer minimizes even when it’s locked. yeah try clicking on show engine content and uncheck it, the content drawer will keep going down.

EPIC, what versions are VR developers supposed to use, when the new systems don’t work together?

Lumen for Forward Rendering? - #12 by Roy_Wierer.Seda145

Isn’t it the idea that smaller devs act as beta testers for the game-breaking new features so then bigger AAA studios can use more polished versions of the engine?