This is quite concerning because at the rate things are added and deprecated, what engine version are VR developers supposed to be using?
I set up a small, very simple project with Groom plugin hair, lumen, forward rendering, MSAA. From the project settings there is 0 ways to see what options conflict. I can’t tell what works and what does not until I run into issues. I figured out the hairs of Groom glitch horribly when using MSAA. So basically nothing what I had in mind can be combined in one project and VR seems out of the question.
Well… Downgrading seems out of the question as well since EPIC has no LTS plans. I’m getting sick of this. This goes straight into the garbage bin. What other modern games are doing (RE, Horizon, etc) seems just 100% broken and nonexisting combined in unreal.
What I heard from people in VR communities (SkyrimVR is a big one) is that low FPS makes the game entirely unplayable for them because they end up with reprojection.
So did it get to the point where the engine is simply unusable for anyone?