While this model is extremely easy for buyers (buy once, never look at the licenses again) it is not that simple for the seller. The terms and conditions for the seller state that you need to support the 3 latest major versions of unreal engine. This means that the seller needs to perform constant maintenance on the product. Buyers also expect to get free support through the Epic marketplace. The costs of both maintenance and support can not be covered by a one time payment of the product. This is why some great plugins simply quit many versions of UE ago, with the developer realizing that they need to sell their own kidney to pay for their own product. Increasing the price of such product there is not an option if plenty of other sellers sell their hobby / school projects (of questionable quality) for few dollars. Having the option to provide different sales models or licenses can greatly help serious sellers. I’d like my products to scale with the big businesses, which a one time payment of 50 dollars to a 200 person company doesn’t cover.
@Unreal_Josh Would you like to share your view on this?
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