Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Hi @KaraevElmin1,
Rreading the source code the Code is a failure due to send to types of Static Mesh. That means Standard Static Mesh and Nanite Mesh. This seems to cause some sort of Ray Tracing Error.
The only obvious thing to done is to turn all Nanite Mesh and back to Static Mesh . Then Select all Static Messes and convert to Nanite again. This will recompile all the Shaders once more and more important allocate sufficeient space for Nanite structures.
It seems that you are trying to call a function called BuildRayTracingData in the Nanite namespace. This function takes two arguments: a reference to an object of type Nanite::FResources and a reference to an array of objects of type Nanite::FCluster.

This function is part of the Nanite virtualized geometry system which uses a new internal mesh format and rendering technology to render pixel scale detail and high object counts

Because of the micro detail that Nanite is able to achieve, it might be assumed that it means a large increase in geometry data resulting in larger game package sizes and downloads for players. However, the reality isn’t that dire. In fact, Nanite’s mesh format is significantly smaller than the standard Static Mesh format because of Nanite’s specialized mesh encoding.

Nanite Virtualized Geometry in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation

There is some incremental error.
EPIC GPU Lightmass cannot be compared to LGPU Lightmass as they function completley different ways LGPU is CUDA based EPIC is Generic card based


I have had requests for LGPU 5.4 preview with support for Substrate in LightingMesh with the new material ThinSurface.
There are NOT any binary files as this is 5.4 Preview .
This is a long distance from 5.3 and a AAA game developer wanted to test with RTX 4000 series graphics card with the add Nvidia CUDA core and says it works well for the future which they this will be using in about 8 months time
The download for 5.4 Preview and instructions are here

UnrealEngine-5/ at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-5.4-preview · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 · GitHub

There wont be a 5.2 version due to problems over lighting shadows as previously mentioned

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Hi, @Miguel1900 @maxbrown @Olegsbr etc all in this thread

Announcement of Luoshuang’s GPULightmass (LGPU) 5.4 as downloadable Preview BINARY.

Update the original was deleted by someone as “Anyone Can Edit” was left on the share setting and some un charitable person deleted so the link is now updated to the SAME archive, just the link is set to Anyone can view

Looking for Luoshuang’s GPU 5.3.2 binary patches Announcement

UPDATE: Recent feedback indicated that this will only work on Windows 10

Epic Games Launcher must have been downloaded and installed

NOT Windows 11 due path conflict errors in template files

Further Windows 11 contains Direct X Ultimate 12 Drivers which cause crashes in ALL versions of UE4 and up to UE5.3.

These problems ONLY fixed in Windows 11 22H2 or higher at least and Unreal 5.4.1 production binary dated (29th April 2024).

NOTE NEW LICENCING requirement for Production BINARY and Release software updated and described on 1st May 2024, for non-games users like the ArchViz community for 5.4 onward

This version is not affected by licensing as its based on 5.4
If you can afford a RTX 30XX or 40XX you can afford a Windows 10 licence, for Multi version boot. even works on Windows 10 Home.

This has, after some 260 hours or more of work, finally been achieved.

The whole package is just over 27 Gigabytes in WinRAR format.

Uses Microsoft One Drive for public uses, not GitHub which is limited to binary to 2GB.

Installation instructions
You must first have the
Download the Epic Games Launcher From the Epic Games Store
installed, without this you will get obscure confusing errors when to run the LGPU 5.4 BINARY.

Download from
OneDrive LGPU 5.4 binary LocalBuilds.rar

If you have problems downloading, then send me a private message and I will send a personal link.

This will download from a Microsoft site and your Windows 10 always works.

Windows 11 system will challenge you to continue downloading and WONT WORK.

When the download which is called “LocalBuilds.rar” has been completed

  • *Make a directory path C:\Users\Owner\source\repos*

The “Owner” is replaced with your username.

Go into the download Directory Right Click on “LocalBuilds.rar”. Select “Open with WinRAR”

When WinRAR opens there is a check on file integrity and in the Status-bar is the size of the archive.

If there is an error, you will need to reload the whole archive again.

Click on “Extract to” and in the picture click the + to open each directory to the

“Directory path C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\” Then Click “OK”

Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to


The “Owner” is replaced with your username.

Find the file “UnrealEditor.exe” and right-click and Select “Send to” then Select “Desktop (create Shortcut)”

On the Desktop right-click and Select “Rename” Replace with “LGPU 5.4 BIN UnrealEditor”

Double click on the icon just made “LGPU 5.4 BIN UnrealEditor”.

The LGPU 5.4 Binary will start the Shaders have already been compiled.

Download the test project

BUG-Lumen_shadows_dissapear 5.4.rar

Right-click and extract the example test

In LGPU 5.4 UE Editor click Recent then click Browse the extracted location. This should open without the need for shader compiling.

Follow the instructions for setting up Swarm for Local Processing in the post

Swarm Setup for local LGPU Processing

In the UE file menu Build → Build Lighting

If you are wondering where the Progress bar has gone it’s in a separate download


In Windows Explorer browse to extract to C:\Users\Owner\Source\Repos\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows

Use WinRAR to extract LGPUprogress.rar

The file should be found in


When setting up a new project remember to follow the documentation in

GPU Lightmass Global Illumination

The reason why this was made

Many months ago, some people asked for a BINARY version of Luoshuang’s GPULightmass referred to as the LGPU code.

The requirements were:-

Compiled with the latest version of the UE source code.

LGPU source code was added as the standard Lightmass builder.

LGPU could run in the background.

LGPU Progress reporter is optional because some build takes many hours and is distracting.

Therefore, the UE Editor Screen looks like a CPU Lightmass build.

The installation would be easy, and the download would be relatively small compared to the version built from the source code.

The WinRAR new compression is from 76GB to 27GB, with an amazing binary compressor.

Download times vary but mine averages about 70 minutes.

Many years ago, I bought a personal licence for WinRAR for use on 5 Windows 10 PC with lifetime updates from

You can use the free version with 22-language support.

WinZip delivers a 56GB package and took far slower longer to pack and compress.


Hi Abdulloh can you send the link of luoshuang gpu lightmass download please


You need to use 5.1.1 which is most stable

jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5: This is Luoshuangs-GPULightmass with 5.1.1 built with MS VS 2022 17.7

Hi ,

[LGPU 5.4 BINARY is discussed in post]
Luoshuang’s GPU 5.4 BINARY announcement

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Thank You Dear. Jimbohalo

Hi Jimbohalo10!
I hope you are well!
Does this GPULightmass version works with a new UE 5.3 preview ?
I tried to add the Engine (downloaded from Github) folder to the main UE 5.3 folder but with no luck it doesn’t goes forward…

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hi @Olegsbr
The better version is the LGPU 5.4 BINARY I have built described in
Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - Development / Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums (

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Thank you Jimbohalo10!

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Hi Jimbohalo10, I went through all your instructions and it is working, thank you!
Now I opened the project in 5.4 version, but if I will open it in 5.3 preview version will it works? Also maybe you know why panoramic capture in Render Quene doesn’t work?
Thank you

Does this works in Linux?

hi @sudo.juan. Sorry no it does not, its Windows 10/11 only. The underlying CUDA for Nvidia does not exist for Linux/*nix.Many people use the Linux source to build Unreal 5

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is there any Direct Link For Download GPULightmass For Unreal 5.3 ?

hi @Olegsbr ,
I have tried this video to make sure I did everything right in 5.4 binary and it worked 750 frames created and working as per video
The black screen only lasts until the shaders etc and pictures have been created. Watch the numbers on left for time mines was 45 minutes for 750.

Unreal Engine 5 360 Panoramic EASY! | No coding No Plugins - YouTube

Dont forget to add the plugins!!.

Hello @KaraevElmin1 , did you got a solution for your CPU usage only problem?
I have the same problem too and my RTX 4090 like yours is not used at all and my CPU is used the most.

hi @Unreal_ArchViz @KaraevElmin1 @ATNeo
ln the LGPU lightmass rect lights (Rectangular Area Light) unfinished:
only that kind of light is not baking any Global Illumination indirect lighting, only direct one.

This means you will use CPU for Rect Lights.

from documentation

The following lights settings are not yet supported with GPULM:
Indirect Lighting Intensity
Source Texture (with exception of Rect Lights)

Some of these settings can be used partially with Stationary lights. The baked GI will not honor the feature, but the dynamic direct lighting from the light source will.

There are many settings to tweak the results of lightmass for the CPU-based workflow. Most of these settings are not used with GPULM and do not have equivalent features or settings.

There is possible workaround. You have to make a surface with the same dimensions of the Rect Light, with an Emissive material attached

Using the Emissive Material Input | Unreal Engine Documentation

All lights are described in
Light Types and Their Mobility in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation.

Thanks @Jimbohalo10, this resolved my issue.

When would you upload LuoGPULightmass for Unreal 5.3 as it is released now?


What about 5.3?
Author skiped 5.2, because he supposedly already did for 5.3… so where is 5.3?