Luoshuang's GPULightmass

Hi Jimbohalo10, oh I see!
Thank you for your reply!
Where can I get the 5.3 version of UE? I tried to find it but with no luck ))

First you must register for access
Register for Unreal Engine on GitHub

/ at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-5.3-preview

Then check readme if you decide you want to build this, but you must have a NVRAM/SSD 512 GB hard disk or it wont build.

Git hub will not allow the BINARIES. Being an indie developer I am limited to 2GB max size repository.

Each repository is a link to another and they are source NOT BINARY.

Hi Jimbohalo10,
Many thanks to you! I have a very good PC )
I hope I could make this build using your instructions )))

Hi @Olegsbr ,
If you get a problem tell me as its probably a documentation error easily fixed. I recently found a problem with Swarm so that could cause confusion

Great! Thank you!!!

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Hi, @Jimbohalo10

Clear a doubt. Loushang gpu lightmass not suport for UE 5.2?

I searched here but found it for UE 5.3.

I’m sorry. Maybe I didn’t search properly.

If there is going to be support for 5.2 luoshuangs-gpulightmass it wont be from @Jimbohalo10 .

EPIC GPU Lightmass for is basically in 5.2 for Graphics card like RTX 2000 series upward

The 5.2 source code wont work with the binary and in about 6 months time 5.3 will be the released major version.
See previous post Why there won’t be Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.2

Hey @Jimbohalo10, could you help me with something please

I’m having this problem on 5.1.1. Weird shadow artifacts. I think they are related to the indirect light, but I don’t know how to fix it… The assets are already on a high lightmap resolution and i’m not using compression.

Hi @Faiscajoe,
I only make new versions of the code and test them on working samples and comparing them. I do not have any experience with making new content. Hopefully someone will be able to help

Try changing your Lighting Build quality to Medium/Production. That should fix some stuff. If it doesn’t try changing the amount of Indirect Static Lighting Bounces on Lightmass World Settings.

Hi Luo, can you please make GPU Lightmass for UE 5.2?

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@Jimbohalo10 Hi Dear can you point me the download link of LGPULM for 5.1. The one i had is not working anymore after i updated the UE 5.1. Please share the link of that will work in UE 5.1.


Repository is at

UnrealEngine-5/ at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-5.1.1-vs2022 · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (

Binary version
GPULightmass-patch-511/README.MD at GPULightmass-patch-511 · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-patch-511 (

For some unknown reason the links keep being changed

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Hi. I have the same problem. I have an RTX 4090 graphics card. The load is on the CPU and the GPU is resting. Can you tell me the solution to this problem?

hi @EliM and @ATNeo ,
There is new documentation for 5.2 and in 5.1 documentation talks about configuring Nvidia drivers.
GPU Lightmass Global Illumination in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

@Jimbohalo10 - Hi Dear can you Please confirm if the Loushuang Lightmass binary version available above in the chat on github will work on UE 5.4 which I have compiled from git hub ue main branch. ,
The original Epic Lightmass for 5.4 will probably work,
The 5.4 version is available at

LGPU 5.4 BINARY announcement

UnrealEngine-5/ at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-5.4-preview · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (

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@Jimbohalo10 - The way you help the community and anyone in need is commendable my dear friend. Thank you so much for being so amazing, always stay the same.

Lots of Love to you from INDIA.

Going to try the above as you have mentioned and test my Luck.

Again thank you so much.

I can’t download luoshuangs plugin from original sourse - can you upload in other place?

I have a problem. I started doing a commercial project in version 5.1. Baked used Luoshuang. I started making changes to the project and bakeout stopped working. I could not solve the error. I created a new project and moved all the meshes. Baked works fine. After some time baking stopped working. I repeated the same action and baked the whole scene and everything was fine. For the last week, I’ve been setting up materials and setting up artificial light. It was time for the final bake. Error. The Luoshuang light stopped baking. The GPU Lightmass bake-in is working. Help me solve this problem.
