Course: Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked

Hi @Crudeproductions
In the 5.2 documentation its says

Optimized streaming for tiled EXR image sequences with the built-in Sphere and Plane meshes. Requires DX12 or higher

The Media Plate Actor in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

The settings are for Electric Dreams in mine are DX11 as I dont have an RTX card. Though it may be a bug thats not listed.

In later version 5.4-developer-binary Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.4

The whole project is converted into Visual Studio 2022 code and I cannot see any errors in the project, which suggest that DX12 in 5.2 is problem, after all 5.2.1 binary can even correctly display Shadows in Lumen Lighting :rofl::joy::yawning_face:

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