Luoshuang's GPULightmass


I have had requests for LGPU 5.4 preview with support for Substrate in LightingMesh with the new material ThinSurface.
There are NOT any binary files as this is 5.4 Preview .
This is a long distance from 5.3 and a AAA game developer wanted to test with RTX 4000 series graphics card with the add Nvidia CUDA core and says it works well for the future which they this will be using in about 8 months time
The download for 5.4 Preview and instructions are here

UnrealEngine-5/ at Luoshuangs-GPULightmass-5.4-preview · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 · GitHub

There wont be a 5.2 version due to problems over lighting shadows as previously mentioned

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