Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 patch

@Miguel1900 , @Ozykz @cvmabreu @Boahene_Michael @cretzsf @Olegsbr @AmrSrour @Unreal_ArchViz @Austin_Amkay @Vint26 @michaelmonte and all

Announcement of 5.4.3 LGPU543 binary

Announcement for 5.4.3 Binary patch

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.5 beta preview, called (LGPU55) is now working baking on simple projects.

The problem is Nanite Tessellation cannot be reverted to static mesh and crashes the swarm bake.
The LGPU55 still works an assertion message appears in the Swarm log and the Editor Message log. Unfortunately the error handling is faulty and does not display the name of the Nanite asset causing the problem

This is similar to Nanite Landscape problems.

Suspended until after September 2024 as there is a lot work integrating with the new code into Epic 5.5 binary production release .

UEFN Fortnight 30.0 has Launched with UE 5.5 so I expect the Epic 5.5 October 2024.

The time waiting until 5.5 binary is released will be used to find a solution to this new feature of 5.5 and test on past test projects.

UPDATE 5.4.3 is out 19th July 2024.
Rather unfortunate that having paused/shelved development on 5.5.x.
Then working on 5.4.2 for the end of July 2024, now 5.4.3 has come out and a lot of work is needed to upgrade to 5.4.3 s, but this is now complete

LGPU 5.4 announce free 27GB

as there is a lot work integrating with the new code .
Problem List 11th May 2023

  1. Namely Nanite Tessellation has caused many problems when developers use Nanite Tessellation. Then they can turn off Nanite and the remaining Static Mesh gives an Assertion error.

This problem is related posted before. The same error occurs. The workaround is to use 4.27 Tessellation and re-import the Static Mesh into to 5.4.
Landscape Nanite is NOT supported in 5.3 onwards

  1. Problems with BasicLighmass.ini having had a large number of parameters change and no real idea what they do am there impact on 5.4.1 release binary

If you overwrite the BaseLigtmass.ini with a non LGPU version you will now get an error and LGPU55 will not crash as in previous version

In UE 5.5 the Blank Project now enables DX12, SM6,World Partition, Force Precompiled shaders causing the LGPU55 Build Lighting to issue a warning skipping bake due to bPrecompiled set.
The quickest way around the problem is to create a new Blank level from inside the Editor and work on that.

In term of licensing you can use source is you earn under USD $1million, when the binary version and earn more that $1million, the you need a licence per PC.

This offers many new features, remember that if you are using 5.4 Binary in my July 2023 release on its FREE of license

  1. In UE 5.* the following appears to be missing on BaseLightmass.ini

This fixes the a Sky Light problem

  1. Using the plugin Ultra Dynamic Sky will cause the LGPU Swarm process looping for 67 minutes and its never been supported as it causes problem in Epic GPULightmass as well.

Ultra Dynamic Sky in Blueprints - UE Marketplace (

I dont see many improvements apart from Path Tracing and there GTX support group is having trouble,

Archviz you will probably need one of the new licences and this licencing applies to all 5.4 BINARY production versions and 5.5 onwards source from 22nd April.

There seems there is little interest in 5.4.1 licensing and ArchViz opinion seems to say 5.3.2 is good enough for them than buy new licences for the moment.

Being indie dev means personal licencing terms

Just remember that my Version of 23rd July 2023 was my preview build for LGPU 5.4 based on UE5main at the time. This is still more stable than the 5.4.1 Release,

Announce Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.4 preview in Win Rar format/5.3 ue5main

This does not need a licence as its NOT official and I just changed the version number in Build.version from 5.3 to 5.4. Later in September GDC on ue5main 5.5 it was called 5.4 preview and Substrate was added.

If you look at ue5main you will find the same has happened with 5.4 is 5.5

snippet from ue5main Build.version

	"MajorVersion": 5,
	"MinorVersion": 5,
	"PatchVersion": 0,
	"Changelist": 0,