Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 patch

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass Unreal Engine 5 Opening page as of 17th June 2024

This is for Unreal Engine 5
The original thread was over > 2500 post long mainly on Unreal Engine 4 and made any updates very difficult for new users

The original LGPU UE4 thread where the LGPU 5.5 was was split away is

The original LGPU UE4 thread starts Here

The Epic GPU Lightmass not working on Landscape patch

There never was an LGPU version for 5.2 full of problems with shadows

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Original Unreal Engine 4 opening post updated for UE 4.19 to 4.27 which will be updated to UE 5 later


  • Written in CUDA so NVIDIA only.
  • Supports all 4 standard lights (point, spot, directional and sky)
    • However stationary skylight is not supported so if you have one in your scene it will still be baked since it is treated as a static one
    • Advanced lighting features such as soft shadows (SourceLength and SourceRadius) and IES are not respected when calculating indirect lighting. However you may still see some effect of them since their direct lighting is calculated on CPU
      • According to some tests the direct lighting is low quality sometimes because Lightmass quality level is set to “Preview”. While this problem is actually irrelevant to GPULightmass, you’ll probably want to set the quality level to “Production” to avoid such kind of mysterious problems.
  • Supports baking of standard surface lightmaps, volumetric lightmaps (also with faster voxelization), and sparse volume lighting samples
  • Lightmass parameters and quality settings specified in the editor are ignored except for Num Indirect Lighting Bounces
    • Current the number of samples (quality settings) is hardcoded in the program and you cannot change it since I haven’t found an reliable way to expose them to the user
    • AO Mask generation is not supported
  • GPULightmass should work with Swarm distributed rendering naturally as long as you’ve correctly set up the environments on all machines. (esp. a sufficiently new NVIDIA driver)

Useful Tips:

Lighting build skipped because of ForceNoPrecomputedLighting set to true when it is actually false

  • GPULightmass uses Brute Force as its Primary GI Engine and some form of radiosity caching as its Secondary GI Engine, which is very similar to vray.
    • Brute force is much more accurate than Irradiance Caching (Lightmass’s primary GI engine) but it is also slower. It is also more sensitive to lightmap resolution since it actually calculates each lightmap texel, while irradiance caching is more or less resolution independent. You may want to tune down your lightmap resolutions firstly then slowly tune them up when working with GPULightmass.

    • Comparison of Brute Force vs Irradiance Caching:

    • Since adaptively placing more samples around corners (known as Retrace in vray) hasn’t been implemented you may see sploches.

  • You can use command line to launch the editor and bake lighting to save GPU resources for GPULightmass, especially video memory.
    • Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-Cmd.exe “path o\your\project\yourproject.uproject” -run=resavepackages -buildlighting -allowcommandletrendering -map=/Game/Maps/MyMap.umap
    • Remember to replace Content with Game in the umap path
  • It is recommended to change Windows TDR settings to prevent the GPU from being timed out (unspecified launch failure and other Error crashes) under heavy workload
  • Some stats:
    • A scene having 30M triangles and 150 1K lightmaps requires 7GB video memory and ~3hrs to bake on a GTX1080

Change Log:

[04/16/2018] Fixed attenuation calculation of spotlights
[04/14/2018] Further improved the adaptive hemisphere sampler to suppress visible artifacts
[04/14/2018] Fixed issues with sparse volume lighting samples and masked materials
[04/14/2018] Fixed a bug inside the adaptive hemisphere sampler. The number of samples is also raised. Now GPULightmass runs at Ultra High settings by default, which is a little bit overkill for most scenes.
[04/13/2018] Added support for sparse volume lighting samples
[04/13/2018] Fixed a bug which prevents GPULightmass from running on cards that are older than GTX10XX

Known Issues:

  • Ray hit rejection by LOD/HLOD hasn’t been implemented and you may see black splotches where lower LOD meshes poke out.

How to Get the Best out of GPULightmass:

  • Currently GPULightmass uses all emissive materials in baking regardless of ‘Use Emissive in Static Lighting’ option. If you see sparkles they are probably from some small bright emissive sources (especially, small LED panels in kitchen). You’ll want to use the LightmassReplace material node or set the EmissiveBoost to zero to remove them for GPULightmass. Starting from 4.20 GPULightmass respects ‘Use Emissive in Static Lighting’ option. However, t****he idea is to not use any small & bright emissive light sources in GPULightmass. If you want to get rid of sparkles, you can also try tuning down ‘FireflyClampingThreshold’.

  • GPULightmass uses ‘Two Sided Emulation’ on all two-sided materials which could be the reason why people are seeing darken environments and light leaks. Currently the workaround is to turn off two-sided on the problematic materials.

Hi All,
UPDATE 21st February 2023
I have made a git hub repository the README in the link below

Unreal 5.1.1
GPULightmass-patch-511/README.MD at GPULightmass-patch-511 · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-patch-511 (

This is Luoshuangs-GPULightmass 5.1 binary patch

To simply build this follow the instructions in About at the top of the

About from repository

This is GPULightmass with 5.0.3-release with the patches built with MS VS 2022. GPULightmass allows the use of Nvidia GTX 970, GTX 1050 and GTX 1080 series upward and works with RTX 20XX and 30XX graphics cards, by simply clicking “Build Lighting”. The ue5-main ONLY supports RTX 2060 onwards

You will need to apply for access at this page or you will get the Web page 404 and in the post below
Unreal Engine on - Unreal Engine Registration

Update 21st February 2023
When registered use the link below for version 5.1.1 README
Unreal 5.1.1
UnrealEngine-5/ at GPULightmass-5.1.1-vs2022 · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (

The older 5.0.3 version is at
UnrealEngine-5/Build.version at GPULightmass-50x-vs2022 · jimshalo10/UnrealEngine-5 (

Announcing the LGPU 5.3 binary patches for Epic Unreal 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 Binary

GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch/README.MD at GPULightmass-5-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-3-1-BIN-patch (

Many thanks go to the GitHub Support Team for giving me the way and the command to patch my GitHub 5.3-preview repository with the Epic final 5.3.1 release repository where my LGPU Modifications are preserved.

In past the GitHub Support Team have shown me how to take the initial commit for LGPU for 5.0.0 into a branch and into a repository.

I have extensively tested my source built LGPU 5.3.1. I am currently testing with @Miguel1900 updated version available above on the Epic Binary 5.3.1

Thanks again Many thanks go to the GitHub Support Team
Here is my first picture in Lighting Quality HIGH, BaseLightmass.ini set to High. You need to download picture to see the shadows at the back
This run was on a Nvidia GTX1050 with ray tracing off

Announcement of Luoshuang’s GPULightmass (LGPU) 5.4 as downloadable Preview BINARY.

Update the original was deleted by someone as “Anyone Can Edit” was left on the share setting and some un charitable person deleted so the link is now updated to the SAME archive, just the link is set to Anyone can view

Looking for Luoshuang’s GPU 5.3.2 binary patches Announcement

UPDATE: Recent feedback indicated that this will only work on Windows 10

Epic Games Launcher must have been downloaded and installed

NOT Windows 11 due path conflict errors in template files

Further Windows 11 contains Direct X Ultimate 12 Drivers which cause crashes in ALL versions of UE4 and up to UE5.3.

These problems ONLY fixed in Windows 11 22H2 or higher at least and Unreal 5.4.1 production binary dated (29th April 2024).

NOTE NEW LICENCING requirement for Production BINARY and Release software updated and described on 1st May 2024, for non-games users like the ArchViz community for 5.4 onward

This version is not affected by licensing as its based on 5.4
If you can afford a RTX 30XX or 40XX you can afford a Windows 10 licence, for Multi version boot. even works on Windows 10 Home.

This has, after some 260 hours or more of work, finally been achieved.

The whole package is just over 27 Gigabytes in WinRAR format.

Uses Microsoft One Drive for public uses, not GitHub which is limited to binary to 2GB.

Installation instructions
You must first have the
Download the Epic Games Launcher From the Epic Games Store
installed, without this you will get obscure confusing errors when to run the LGPU 5.4 BINARY.

Download from
OneDrive LGPU 5.4 binary LocalBuilds.rar

If you have problems downloading, then send me a private message and I will send a personal link.

This will download from a Microsoft site and your Windows 10 always works.

Windows 11 system will challenge you to continue downloading and WONT WORK.

When the download which is called “LocalBuilds.rar” has been completed

  • *Make a directory path C:\Users\Owner\source\repos*

The “Owner” is replaced with your username.

Go into the download Directory Right Click on “LocalBuilds.rar”. Select “Open with WinRAR”

When WinRAR opens there is a check on file integrity and in the Status-bar is the size of the archive.

If there is an error, you will need to reload the whole archive again.

Click on “Extract to” and in the picture click the + to open each directory to the

“Directory path C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\” Then Click “OK”

Open Windows File Explorer and navigate to


The “Owner” is replaced with your username.

Find the file “UnrealEditor.exe” and right-click and Select “Send to” then Select “Desktop (create Shortcut)”

On the Desktop right-click and Select “Rename” Replace with “LGPU 5.4 BIN UnrealEditor”

Double click on the icon just made “LGPU 5.4 BIN UnrealEditor”.

The LGPU 5.4 Binary will start the Shaders have already been compiled.

Download the test project

BUG-Lumen_shadows_dissapear 5.4.rar

Right-click and extract the example test

In LGPU 5.4 UE Editor click Recent then click Browse the extracted location. This should open without the need for shader compiling.

Follow the instructions for setting up Swarm for Local Processing in the post

Swarm Setup for local LGPU Processing

In the UE file menu Build → Build Lighting

If you are wondering where the Progress bar has gone it’s in a separate download


In Windows Explorer browse to extract to C:\Users\Owner\Source\Repos\LocalBuilds\Engine\Windows

Use WinRAR to extract LGPUprogress.rar

The file should be found in


When setting up a new project remember to follow the documentation in

GPU Lightmass Global Illumination

The reason why this was made

Many months ago, some people asked for a BINARY version of Luoshuang’s GPULightmass referred to as the LGPU code.

The requirements were:-

Compiled with the latest version of the UE source code.

LGPU source code was added as the standard Lightmass builder.

LGPU could run in the background.

LGPU Progress reporter is optional because some build takes many hours and is distracting.

Therefore, the UE Editor Screen looks like a CPU Lightmass build.

The installation would be easy, and the download would be relatively small compared to the version built from the source code.

The WinRAR new compression is from 76GB to 27GB, with an amazing binary compressor.

Download times vary but mine averages about 70 minutes.

Many years ago, I bought a personal licence for WinRAR for use on 5 Windows 10 PC with lifetime updates from

You can use the free version with 22-language support.

WinZip delivers a 56GB package and took far slower longer to pack and compress.

@Miguel1900 , @Ozykz @cvmabreu @Boahene_Michael @cretzsf @Olegsbr @AmrSrour @Unreal_ArchViz @Austin_Amkay @Vint26 @michaelmonte and all

Announcement of 5.4.3 LGPU543 binary

Announcement for 5.4.3 Binary patch

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.5 beta preview, called (LGPU55) is now working baking on simple projects.

The problem is Nanite Tessellation cannot be reverted to static mesh and crashes the swarm bake.
The LGPU55 still works an assertion message appears in the Swarm log and the Editor Message log. Unfortunately the error handling is faulty and does not display the name of the Nanite asset causing the problem

This is similar to Nanite Landscape problems.

Suspended until after September 2024 as there is a lot work integrating with the new code into Epic 5.5 binary production release .

UEFN Fortnight 30.0 has Launched with UE 5.5 so I expect the Epic 5.5 October 2024.

The time waiting until 5.5 binary is released will be used to find a solution to this new feature of 5.5 and test on past test projects.

UPDATE 5.4.3 is out 19th July 2024.
Rather unfortunate that having paused/shelved development on 5.5.x.
Then working on 5.4.2 for the end of July 2024, now 5.4.3 has come out and a lot of work is needed to upgrade to 5.4.3 s, but this is now complete

LGPU 5.4 announce free 27GB

as there is a lot work integrating with the new code .
Problem List 11th May 2023

  1. Namely Nanite Tessellation has caused many problems when developers use Nanite Tessellation. Then they can turn off Nanite and the remaining Static Mesh gives an Assertion error.

This problem is related posted before. The same error occurs. The workaround is to use 4.27 Tessellation and re-import the Static Mesh into to 5.4.
Landscape Nanite is NOT supported in 5.3 onwards

  1. Problems with BasicLighmass.ini having had a large number of parameters change and no real idea what they do am there impact on 5.4.1 release binary

If you overwrite the BaseLigtmass.ini with a non LGPU version you will now get an error and LGPU55 will not crash as in previous version

In UE 5.5 the Blank Project now enables DX12, SM6,World Partition, Force Precompiled shaders causing the LGPU55 Build Lighting to issue a warning skipping bake due to bPrecompiled set.
The quickest way around the problem is to create a new Blank level from inside the Editor and work on that.

In term of licensing you can use source is you earn under USD $1million, when the binary version and earn more that $1million, the you need a licence per PC.

This offers many new features, remember that if you are using 5.4 Binary in my July 2023 release on its FREE of license

  1. In UE 5.* the following appears to be missing on BaseLightmass.ini

This fixes the a Sky Light problem

  1. Using the plugin Ultra Dynamic Sky will cause the LGPU Swarm process looping for 67 minutes and its never been supported as it causes problem in Epic GPULightmass as well.

Ultra Dynamic Sky in Blueprints - UE Marketplace (

I dont see many improvements apart from Path Tracing and there GTX support group is having trouble,

Archviz you will probably need one of the new licences and this licencing applies to all 5.4 BINARY production versions and 5.5 onwards source from 22nd April.

There seems there is little interest in 5.4.1 licensing and ArchViz opinion seems to say 5.3.2 is good enough for them than buy new licences for the moment.

Being indie dev means personal licencing terms

Just remember that my Version of 23rd July 2023 was my preview build for LGPU 5.4 based on UE5main at the time. This is still more stable than the 5.4.1 Release,

Announce Luoshuang’s GPULightmass 5.4 preview in Win Rar format/5.3 ue5main

This does not need a licence as its NOT official and I just changed the version number in Build.version from 5.3 to 5.4. Later in September GDC on ue5main 5.5 it was called 5.4 preview and Substrate was added.

If you look at ue5main you will find the same has happened with 5.4 is 5.5

snippet from ue5main Build.version

	"MajorVersion": 5,
	"MinorVersion": 5,
	"PatchVersion": 0,
	"Changelist": 0,

Hi all,
There is new documentation book on lighting to download
Download the ‘Lighting in Unreal Engine 5 for Educators and Students’ guide

Swarm settings needed to bake with any version of LGPU

I think you might not have got Swarm set up to work with Lightmass as in the picture below

This should be seen in the Windows icon bottom right

UnrealLightmass will start Swarm when you click Build Lighting

any patch for Ue 5.4
engine Folder that copy and Past in Unreal Directory ?

hi @AmrSrour ,
The FREE version of 5.4 (July 2023 is the only legitimate version that can be used FREE by everyone.

The licencing of 5.4 overlaps the code between 5.4.0 and 5.4.2 users could be unknowingly be using licensed versions parts of code.

Anyway the 5.5 code is near to completion with just the Nanite Landscape to integrate into the LGPU code. Many developers are waiting until 5.5 as this will solve problems with integration of the newly released products for Unreal Engine.

We still have to wait as Unreal Engine Fortnite (UEFN) are still updating their version of 5.5.
The current version LGPU 5.5 is based on 21 June 24 (UEFN 30.20)
With luck LGPU 5.5 binary patch will be available at the end of October 2024

Hi Jimbohalo10,

I would like to thank you immensely for your dedication to keeping this “renderer” alive, as no other unreal rendering method (CPU Lightmass, Epic GPU Lightmass, Lumen, Ray Tracing and in many cases Path Tracing) can deliver such realistic results for us from the Archviz community and the classic @Luoshuang GPU Lightmass, especially when it comes to real-time interactions. In addition to the quality achieved, LGPU Lightmass delivers very fast rendering and best of all without the need for Ray Tracing! Many people still use modest video cards and still manage to do beautiful work.

For a long time @pax_invictus has been updating the binary files for replacement in the UE root folder and now I see that you are doing a great job too. What you have done is of great importance to us, thank you very much!

In the last versions I waited a long time for the last replacement binary to be released from the root folder of version 5.3 since the update was interrupted in 5.2 and returned in the next version. I also downloaded that unofficial version 5.4 from July 2023. It turns out that besides being annoying having to download a huge unofficial file, this unofficial version 5.4 is not updated with the new features of the official version 5.4. I would like to know if it is possible to update the replacement binary from the 5.3 root folder (approx. 30 mb) to the current version 5.4… I’m eagerly waiting for this, I go to the forum every day to check if there has been an update… .

I’m watching you comment from a 5.5 version. Official Unreal is still a long way from updating to 5.5 as 5.4 was recently updated. Would this be another unofficial version to make a huge download like 5.4 (July 2023)? Wouldn’t it be possible to update the replacement binary from the 5.3 root folder (approx. 30 mb) to the current version 5.4? In the same way as @pax_invictus had been doing in all versions. It is much better to replace a few files (approx. 30 mb) than a giant unofficial version since we are a common audience and not all of us are developers.

Thank you again, your work is very important, you have no idea!

1 Like

hi all,
Here is how to add a big page file

The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

The message is same over and over. Add a 32GB page file.
Open Control Panel from Search bar → Advanced setting and add 32000 MB page file

Then restart the PC to install to use it. Then retry
The 20 minutes is reasonable after all you only have 8GB ram Memory and slow processor.
The recommended is 32GB RAM and 32GB paging file

This is a list of important post in past
Rect lights
How to replace Rect Lights as they are CPU Bound

Lightmass Test file
Lightmass test file post

Announcing the LGPU 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 binary patches for Epic Unreal 5.4.3 Binary

@AnaRitaMoreira ,
@Miguel1900 , @Ozykz @cvmabreu @Boahene_Michael @cretzsf @Olegsbr @AmrSrour @Unreal_ArchViz @Austin_Amkay @Vint26 @michaelmonte and all

GPULightmass-5-4-3/5.4.4-BIN-patch/ at GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch (

I have extensively tested my source built LGPU 5.4.3 and works with 5.4.4. I am currently testing with @Miguel1900 updated version available above on the Epic Binary 5.4.3 and Epic Binary 5.4.4

The 5.4.4 now once again uses the ProgressReporter.exe to Build → Build Lighting Only
The tests were on a Nvidia GTX 1050 as before and the quality of 5.3 has remained the same
The default settings have been tested

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Oh yeah!

Thank you @Jimbohalo10 ! I can’t wait to test it in september (I can’t do it sooner, unfortunately)

1 Like

Hi All,
This is test run of @Miguel1900 original test LightMap “Lighting_Lab_426 5.4” running on 5.4.4

All the links and test have been updated to show 5.4.3/5.4.4.
Same code same link

Receives requests for other European languages via Google Translate

In German

Ankündigung der LGPU 5.4.3 und 5.4.4 Binär-Patches für Epic Unreal 5.4.3 Binary

[GPULightmass-5-4-3/5.4.4-BIN-patch/ bei GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch (] (GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch/ at GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · GitHub)

Ich habe meine LGPU 5.4.3 ausgiebig getestet und funktioniert mit 5.4.4. Ich teste derzeit mit @Miguel1900 aktualisierten Version, die oben auf dem Epic Binary 5.4.3 und Epic Binary 5.4.4 verfügbar ist.

Die Version 5.4.4 verwendet nun wieder die ProgressReporter.exe zum Erstellen von → nur für die Erstellung von Beleuchtung
Getestet wurde wie zuvor auf einer Nvidia GTX 1050 und die Qualität von 5,3 ist gleich geblieben
Die Standardeinstellungen wurden getestet

In Spanish

Anunciamos los parches binarios LGPU 5.4.3 y 5.4.4 para Epic Unreal 5.4.3 Binary

[GPULightmass-5-4-3/5.4.4-BIN-patch/ en GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch (] (GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch/ at GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · GitHub)

He probado exhaustivamente mi LGPU 5.4.3 y funciona con 5.4.4. Actualmente estoy probando con @Miguel1900 versión actualizada disponible arriba en Epic Binary 5.4.3 y Epic Binary 5.4.4

La versión 5.4.4 ahora usa una vez más el ProgressReporter.exe para construir → construir solo iluminación
Las pruebas se realizaron en una Nvidia GTX 1050 como antes y la calidad de 5.3 se ha mantenido igual
Se han probado los ajustes predeterminados

In French

Annonce des correctifs binaires LGPU 5.4.3 et 5.4.4 pour Epic Unreal 5.4.3 Binary

[GPULightmass-5-4-3/5.4.4-BIN-patch/ à GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch (] (GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch/ at GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · jimshalo10/GPULightmass-5-4-3-BIN-patch · GitHub)

J’ai testé de manière approfondie mon LGPU 5.4.3 et fonctionne avec 5.4.4. Je teste actuellement avec @Miguel1900 version mise à jour disponible ci-dessus sur l’Epic Binary 5.4.3 et l’Epic Binary 5.4.4

La version 5.4.4 utilise à nouveau le ProgressReporter.exe pour construire > construire uniquement l’éclairage
Les tests ont été effectués sur une Nvidia GTX 1050 comme auparavant et la qualité de la 5.3 est restée la même
Les paramètres par défaut ont été testés