Lighting build skipped because of ForceNoPrecomputedLighting set to true when it is actually false

Hey guys, nobody seems to have this problem online, I’m trying to build the lighting in my scene, but whene ver I try I get this error:
“WorldSettings.bForceNoPrecomputedLighting is true, Skipping Lighting Build!”

The problem is (as you can see in the following picture, ForceNoPrecomputedLighting is set to false. What could be causing this issue?


Hello Shaipo,

Using version 4.18, I created a new project, added a few Static Meshes to the level (so that the lighting needed to be built), I then searched “Precompute” in the World Settings and checked it. I attempted to build the lighting after checking the box for “Force No Precomputed Lighting” and received the warnings. However, once I uncheck the box for “Force No Precomputed Lighting,” the lighting builds fine.

If there is something that I am missing or you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


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Alright, I looked around in my settings and compared them with new projects and it looks like I wasn’t allowing static lighting which skipped the light building.

In case anyone has the same problem in the future, reactivating Allow Static Lighting fixed the issue.

You can find that setting under:

Project Settings > Lighting > Allow Static Lighting

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Merci beaucoup :slight_smile: l’erreur était bien celle ci !!
Project Settings > Lighting > Allow Static Lighting YES :slight_smile:

I had the same problem in 4.25.2, and the solution for me was in the World Settings, you can in fact override bForceNoPrecomputedLighting for each map. You should go to Settings->World Settings->Lighting->Force No Precomputed Lighting

See screenshot

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Hi, I have same problem but both solution not working. I’m using UE5. What can be?

So I’m now stacked…

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Did you sort this? i’ve run into the same!

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I have same problem also when I create new project. This settings can’t be changed:


im having the same problem. tried playing with some settings. still nothing

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Same problem here, I’m on version 5.3

In Project Settings > “Allow Static Lighting” is already checked, and in World Settings “Force No Precomputed Lighting” is also checked and greyed out so I can’t uncheck it. Still giving me the error when I try to build lighting.

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Wah, I have the same problem

I had the problem, when starting with the Open World Blank. Just created a new “normal” Blank level and was able to uncheck it. Maybe the world streaming is interfering with it.

my solution is go projectsetting->targethardware, i change my platform from mobile to pc and restart ue5.4, than you can change the forcenoprecuputelight after you disable this you can change back to your target to mobile and i fixed it

The level using World Partition does not support static lighting, so this option is read only and is Ture. To disable this option, you need to use the Non World Partition Level.

Here’s a document that has the needed changes listed all in one place:

Sharing here, since this post seems to pop up in search results, is recommended on other threads, and has relatively recent active discussion. I hope it helps!