Unreal Engine 5.4 Released

Can we expect the DQS shading model to be included in the official 5.4 or 5.5?
The design of the over complicated UE5 manny is to mitigate the engine limitation that it can’t support DQS, with the twist bones and extra bones and mesh curves that require teams to work on, when the better solution is to add DQS support and simplify the content pipelines
It’s frustrating to watch the distorted areas when the characters perform some actions e.g the pelvic area distorted when crouching

I need AI tools that help find me find bugs in blueprint faster. “Unreal GPT, My character is falling through the floor, scan my code and settings, then give me a list of possibilities as to why this is happening”. <-----A capability like this is more important than EVERYTHING. In my humble opinion of course.

hi @Allenheathx
Try this post Just goes someway
gpTIM : your VERSE CoPilot ! - Development / Programming & Scripting - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

Bug reported Case # 11696936 with Electra Player when playing some MP4 files - at least through *.MDN files.

Crash on video play with electra player plugin

Without being into the Engine code, you usually get more problems with increased complexity. And for a human complexity can start just by introducing something new. One approach to counter this would be to make Unreal Engine more modular.

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Lag issue with Unreal Engine and AMD GPUs.


The 5.4.3 Hotfix is now available with some fixes for Unreal Engine!

Issue Summary
UE-214640 XR - ISR - Moveable objects shadows such as the cube and gun appear in incorrect locations in VRPie and Windows Packages
UE-214649 [CrashReport][Assert] UnrealEditor-RenderCore!FShaderDiagnosticRemapper::GetRemapData(int) [Engine/Source/Runtime/RenderCore/Private/ShaderPreprocessTypes.cpp:133]
UE-214486 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-Engine!FWorldPartitionReferenceImpl::DecRefCount(FWorldPartitionActorDescInstance *) [Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/WorldPartition/WorldPartitionHandle.cpp:290]
UE-213979 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry!FPathTree::RemovePath(FName,TFunctionRef) [PathTree.cpp:96]
UE-213989 [Mac] Assorted GPU crashes
UE-212778 Wires to PCG nodes with translated properties are cut
UE-211803 Uncontrolled CL : default uncontrolled cl does not appear
UE-214509 MPCook: Log messages from cookworkers are not sent to stdout and are not recorded in the list of errors and warnings at the end of the cook
UE-214541 Migrating Open World level to another project results in World Partition crash.
UE-214822 [PCG] PCG Volume not working when brush set to no collision
UE-214396 [PCG] Can’t derive from UPCGLevelToAssetExporter in BP
UE-212448 Windows are all under a log section in asset editors
UE-216735 LoadingScreen by MoviePlayer doesn’t support Material in UE5.4
UE-216306 Android Vulkan debug markers broken in development builds
UE-216233 Switch and Multi-Select nodes with Enums are breaking connections when language changes
UE-216274 [PCG] PCGActorHelper delete actor issues
UE-216234 [PCG] Incorrect warning on ‘Get Spline Data’ node when creating PCGLandscapeSplineData
UE-215119 Incorrect landscape bounds computation can lead to severe performance issues / flicker
UE-215048 Crash when locate_bound_objects is called
UE-215113 Fatal Error Encountered when Packaging Mac for Distribution
UE-215591 RayTracingGeometry.UpdateRHI(); crashes at checkf BuildParams.IsEmpty()
UE-215479 Failure to compile Material /Composure/Materials/Output/M_SrgbToLinear.M_SrgbToLinear in UE 5.4.x
UE-215210 Crash when opening a sequence in Take Recorder
UE-215014 Cached camera component on LevelSequencePlayer is null
UE-213640 Datasmith exporter 5.4 can crash Archicad 26 and 27
UE-214236 [PCG] Fix issues with caching in partitions with the spline and volume sampler (5.4)
UE-199677 Datasmith Export error Archicad 27
UE-215085 RigVM: ignore block from block combination hash
UE-214907 Crash when lowering the number of LODs
UE-215411 Delete Graph crashes the Engine
UE-216749 Crash when using vertex painting
UE-215525 GitHub 11914 : [MultiPlayerTesting][VRPreview]: All windows should have border
UE-218037 Crash with Open In Take Recorder 5.4.3
UE-215359 The limits on rotators are being applied correctly
UE-214884 Assertion failed: InDecoder != nullptr [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\AudioMixer\Private\AudioMixerSourceBuffer.cpp]
UE-217483 5.4.3: Bump the version number for DS exporters and UE standalone installer
UE-215556 XR -ARKit - Tracked Planes are not attached to the real world objects when moving the camera around
UE-217572 Crash on SActorPaletteViewportToolbar::GenerateShowMenu
UE-212373 Dynamic Possession doesn’t seem to work in UE 5.4 in UMG
UE-215198 Fixes crash in intel arc GPU with vulkan
UE-215865 Disable Metal Heaps
UE-214612 Groom not rendering with binding asset error
UE-211801 [Crash Report] UnrealEditor-Renderer!TShaderRefBase<FHWRasterizeMS,FShaderMapPointerTable>::GetMeshShader() [Shader.h:1091]
UE-214827 PackedLevelActors are not updated when changing some properties
UE-215092 MemoryWriter.h File causes build errors
UE-218296 Fixing dedicated server crash on startup related to setting - gc.UseDisregardForGCOnDedicatedServers
UE-216063 Visual Studio .uproject support does not quote build commands when generated by UBT
UE-215131 UE freezes indefinitely when trying to flatten a Landscape on a Silicon Mac
UE-216285 High Perf Cost for Sky/Cloud/Fog with Alpha Enabled but Holdout Disabled
UE-216043 Add new 2024 iPad devices to the BaseDeviceProfiles ini
UE-215554 With AFS plugin enabled the application does not start during the Quick Launch process on Android 8 device
UE-218196 [PCG] Runtime generation on game server can crash
UE-216557 RigVM: Reentry evaluation causes compiler failure
UE-218265 PCG Runtime Cleanup in Standalone Game
UE-216692 Editor crash when r.Shaders.Optimize=0
UE-210825 Content Examples - Crash when opening Niagara_Fluids level
UE-215114 Rendering artifacts on skeletal meshes while r.SkinCache.RecomputeTangentsParallelDispatch is enabled
UE-214928 DMX - Crash when adding certain MVR files a 2nd time to the project
UE-215833 DMX - GDTFs imported via MVR don’t show in the content browser
UE-215283 Get ExtractRootTransformFromAnimationAsset() into 5.4.x release
UE-214740 Can’t change the Wildcard Value of a Set Animation Attribute node to a Float from dropdown menu
UE-214990 [Gauntlet] TargetDeviceAndroid.IsActivityRunning() is searching for ‘mResumedActivity’ when determining if the app is running in the foreground
UE-216620 The user experienced a crash opening a project using Nanite
UE-209584 Quick Launch of BluePrint projects fails on Mac
UE-218069 Textures With Missing Mips Not Rebuilding Correctly In Editor

5.4.3 broke video media player materials?

Fixed by setting sampler type to External.


Wasn’t this always the case? I thought media textures always needed to be set to external.


The latest patch has introduced an issue for me.
I am loading a custom sound wav from http. It was working perfectly. Now it starts and stops instantly. I assume because of the change in AudioMixerSourceBuffer.cpp

I just have no idea how to change my code now to make this work.
I’d really appreciate some help as I’m on a deadline and this has really thrown a spanner.

Thank you

void UMySoundWave::LoadWavData(TArray FileBytes)

FWaveModInfo WaveInfo;
WaveInfo.ReadWaveInfo(FileBytes.GetData(), FileBytes.Num());

UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Audio length: %d"),FileBytes.Num() );
if (!WaveInfo.pSamplesPerSec) return;

const int32 BytesDataPerSecond = *WaveInfo.pChannels * (*WaveInfo.pBitsPerSample / 8.f) * *WaveInfo.pSamplesPerSec;
Duration = WaveInfo.SampleDataSize / BytesDataPerSecond;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Duration: %f"), Duration);
RawPCMData = static_cast<uint8*>(FMemory::Malloc(WaveInfo.SampleDataSize));
FMemory::Memcpy(RawPCMData, WaveInfo.SampleDataStart, WaveInfo.SampleDataSize);

NumChannels = 1;
RawPCMDataSize = WaveInfo.SampleDataSize;

SoundGroup = SOUNDGROUP_Default;
bLooping = false;

bProcedural = false; 
bDynamicResource = false;


Interesting idea, after getting used to using AI in other fields I work in, game development feels soooo ■■■■■■■ primitively slow and fragile. All of the fancy rendering tools don’t matter when half your time is spent stuck in a thicket of snags you don’t want to have to think about. I’d like to see work-flow efficiency as a larger focus. For example:

Blueprint Find tool could be paired with AI that suggested auto-fixes and possible locations that could be causing unintended behavior. Super valuable.

Most Packaging should just WORK. Force the f-ing thing through. AI clean up/check up during or pre-package. Super valuable.

AI generated Auto Settings. Imagine typing in “Unreal GPT, x projectile class isn’t interacting with the character anymore for some reason. Please scan.”. -A list of possible solutions pops up with one button press collision setting update.

It’s not clear Unreal is going to be widely used for linear media when it competes with AI tools like Runway that produce quality content hundreds of times faster than any Unreal/Maya Pipeline can. I know writing the Christmas list is a lot easier than satisfying the Christmas list but it’s imo clearly what this engine needs right now. We are entering the era of rapid updates and volume, while Unreal is built more for tinkering and awe.

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There was an error that was never resolved. As soon as hardware ray tracing was turned on, the project would not open.

You could find which material it is in the log. But there is no doubt that it should not crash (max not work)

I have a similar problem. Importing audio from a file at runtime results in the sound stuttering heavily. Was working fine in 5.3.

Yes, they changed something with the audio playback in 5.4. Now it has become a little more difficult, especially if you change track playback positions.

I updated to 5.4.3. Is this issue still on?

Compiling Microsoft platforms with the Visual Studio 2022 “MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.39-17.9)” toolchain with /arch:AVX architectures generates incorrect bytecode and will cause unexpected runtime crashes

In the Visual Studio 2022 installer, install the “MSVC v143 - VS 2022 C++ x64/x86 build tools (v14.38-17.8)” individual component before compiling.

I will put this in here, maybe someone can try to replicate?
Can anyone who’s using r.Velocity.EnableVertexDeformation=1 and 5.4 do me a favor and check if it gets automatically set back to r.Velocity.EnableVertexDeformation=0 on editor window focus loss?
Project setting, DefaultEngine.ini doesn’t matter in my case, it always falls back to disabled when tabbing in/out.

Works fine on 5.3.

/e, fixed:
The problem was a weird workaround the author of UDS did for 5.4, where he disabled it via cvar/BP.
Found the culprit at least.

Targeting Android 14 (SDK 34) causes guaranteed crashes on android devices running Android 14. Android 15 seems to work fine. The issues seems to be from using .aab files which are required if the game’s APK is larger than 200Mbs. Google requires a target of 34+ (Android 14) in the next month or they will not allow release updates / new games to be submitted. .

It’s hilarious how they keep talking about performance improvements on every patch.
They must think you guys are idiots.

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Assuming 5.5 is around corner. Anyone knows if it will support HWRT on apple m3 silicon finally?

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