Unreal Engine 5.4 Released

Hardware ray tracing is being dropped, so I wouldn’t hold your breath :slight_smile:

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I know, I didn’t mean as a standalone method for GI or reflections, but HWRT lumen and Pathtracer also needs HWRT to work. But neither work on apple silicon although I saw some work being done towards supporting it on github.

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I have a bug to report: Waiting for skinned asset to be ready in Groom binding never ends - Development / Asset Creation - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

Unreal freezes when modifying groom binding assets on 5.4.x - Development / Character & Animation - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

Some simple mesh collisions are sort of flawed, they do not result in a NavMesh volume creating the walkable space. Fix: Remove the simple collision from such mesh and re-create a simple collision.

Filed under Case # 12143724


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Perhaps you mean that HW Raytace Emulation has been dropped for Nvidia GTX 10xx cards officially
Ndisplay code has now taken over much of HW Raytracing and does not use Nvidia SLI anymore
Epic GPULightmass for RTX still uses HW Ray Tracing now in shaders in 5.4 and 5.5

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I meant this

Although it’s a bit unclear.

If someone could finally export the mesh to fbx after years, that would be great. Exports the fallback mesh with Nanite enabled. If it exports the source mesh, the uv mapping cells are just seams… Exporting multiple meshes that I need to edit (from the store, or if I don’t have the source) is problematic. especially with high poly. I suppose Nanite won’t be happy when all uv triangles are separate. For example, export the mesh, make some adjustments and import it into the engine. A person can easily miss it and find out that he needs to edit the uv. But welding uv with a million polygons is already a problem. Eg (green are seams):

Another of the many bugs of the tool that can generate errors in the game. Increasing the mesh in its settings does not increase the bounds. It works at first, but after a few tweaks it stops. The mesh must be set to the original scale, the editor must be restarted and done again. So if you have an asset and no source and you only want to make minor adjustments, it generates additional time.

This is quite not only frustrating, but it takes a lot of time to check where what happened. And a lot of people, for example graphic or designers, don’t have time to deal with it every time they edit something edit, most of them don’t even know it. Repro is simple (screen is from 5.3.2):

  1. Change scale mesh in Lod0 settings
  2. change material on mesh
  3. Look at render bounds.

(post deleted by author)

Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource. Make sure your video card has the minimum required memory, try lowering the resolution and/or closing other applications that are running. Exiting…
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 952]
Rendering thread exception:
Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\D3D12RHI\Private\D3D12Util.cpp] [Line: 926]
Out of video memory trying to allocate a rendering resource

Upgraded my game from 5.3.2 to 5.4.3 and the packaged game couldn’t start
The PIE in 5.4.3 runs without problem,
The packaged game in 5.3.2 was tested to be fine other than when exiting the game it halts the Windows system for a few seconds.
Going to fall back to UE5.3 again, UE5.4 is too unstable and can’t believe it’s said to be battle tested.


The 5.4.4 has just landed with some key updates - there’s also a change that has affected Android compatibility. See below:

To publish new apps or updates to the Google Play Store after August 31, 2024, you must update to 5.4.4 which includes updates for Android 14 compatibility with TargetSDK 34. Alternatively, you can pull the necessary updates from GitHub.

Apps built with previous versions of Unreal Engine will no longer submit successfully.

Issue Summary
UE-213979 [CrashReport] UnrealEditor-AssetRegistry!FPathTree::RemovePath(FName,TFunctionRef) [PathTree.cpp:96]
UE-220701 Fix crash when IK Retargeting old animation (prior to 5.0)
UE-220438 Ensure in FindOrCreatConstraint and missing collisions
UE-220079 Values not computing when connected to a branch node and to another block
UE-220111 Constraints: Spawnable MH and Constraints not working.
UE-220232 Sequencer: Control Rig: Control Rig’s require ULevelSequence instead of UMovieSceneSequence
UE-220463 Missing Steam Deck script files from Unreal Engine Release
UE-221294 Crash when attempting to switch visibility on a particle during the unloading process in Chaos Visual Debugger
UE-220391 The scripts we ship for PS plugin point at the old PSInfra repo
UE-220627 README files for Mover, GAS, and Network Prediction are missing from distributed UE builds
UE-220346 Crash in PlayReverse
UE-221212 Pixel Streaming crashes when no audio device is found
UE-218250 Vulkan - Lens_DepthOfField_Circle fails with critical error
UE-220454 Switchboard connection and performance issues
UE-220350 Sequencer Root motion breaks down when using SwapRootWithActor, translation track and transform origin actor
UE-218912 GitHub 12055 : Fix OpenXR Android standalone app might encoutner deadlock and stuck in InitHMDs while launching app.
UE-221324 Unable to Generate Project Files on MacOS Sequoia and Xcode 16: Platform Mac is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly and that you have the necessary platorm support files (DataDrivenPlatformInfo.ini, SDK.json, etc).
UE-219577 Updates for Android 14 compatibility with TargetSDK 34
- RegisterReceiver changes
- Receiver exports in manifest
- Update GooglePAD to latest PlayCore (note: this requires changes to logic for ShowConfirmationDialog!)
- Update billing library to 6.0.1
UE-221566 Linux builds are missing toolchain in 5.4.4

When is this to be released? I need it now ffs lol

hi Released four days ago in the Epic Game Launcher and if you keep your Epic Games Launcher up to date you will see it :roll_eyes: :rofl:
So just for those who forgot

  1. Open the Epic Games launcher

  2. Go to the maximum display 1920x780 in Windows settings, maximize Launcher

  3. Click Unreal Engine

  4. Click Library

  5. Click the red ! and 5.4.4 shows up

  6. Click the updates button and wait

  7. 'Wish you had Made space for the 8.8 GB update

  8. :walking_man: :rofl: :sleeping:

What a nightmare. updated my project to 5.4.4 that I’ve been working on for YEARS and everything is broken. I apparently have to do this because Play Console won’t even accept my .aab anymore. Why is everything related to mobile so incredibly difficult with UE? Every single one of my assets are broken, references are all messed up, I can’t validate anything, I’ve lost compatibility for OpenGL and can only rely on Vulkan, and the list of other insane problems is IMMENSE. How can i keep my current engine version that is stable and working and still use the latest APIs etc?

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  • “Start an in-app purchase” node is still not working
  • The GooglePad file is still broken and needs to be replaced by this one: GooglePAD_APL.xml
  • The billing library update is still not compatible with Google requirements, the use of a plugin like TDS is mandatory

Please, hear us, we are waiting for these fixes for a year now :>

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