[UE5.1] Widget render opacity broken when using border with rounded corners.


As you can see the button remains visible with a render opacity value of 0. This is unexpected. When checking the encircled checkbox “use brush transparency” the render opacity works as expected.

Have you made a bug report?

This is my bug report. Anything I posted on EPICs bug submission form ended up in their sewer, got 0 response.

I found a temporary solution. Wrap one with a retainer box. An dissolve it instead. (remember it’s not showing up in the preview window, only in play)


Incident has been created. Status is ‘Awaiting Validation’.


It is 2024, still present, annoying…

Simple functions like SetRenderOpacity not working.

[Request] re open "bug report" category to non fortnite users.

Request for LTS versions of UE and marketplace assets.

The @Bug-Reporter account was confirmed to handle fornite issues only. Same for this forum’s “bug report” section. Communication from forums is cut off so consider any of these reports dead and gone. no feedback from anyone.

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I ran into this exact issue today but instead I created the rounded border myself using two rounded box nodes. Which does work exactly how you would think this would work in UMG. So there are options to getting around this and also this proves that it could actually work in UMG natively.