(Solved) NavMesh don't show on AI Debugging

When I play the game (PIE mode) and I turn on [AI debugging][1], I ckick to show the NavMesh, the NavMesh dont show up, and because that I cant make any type of AI work, I tried to use “Pawn Sensing” and Behavior Tree + BlackBoard, none of them works.

I was think, maybe the reason the NavMeshBoundsVolume dont show up in the AI debugging its because the NavMeshBoundsVolume are inside LV_Intro map but the RecastNavMesh-Default are in the LevelsConstaines(Persistent) map, but the engine dont let me move the RecastNavMesh-Default to the LV_Intro map, where the NavMeshBoundsVolume is.

I also turned on “Force Rebuild on Load” and changed “Runtime Generation” to “Dynamic” in the RecastNavMesh-Default.

Below some screenshots to help illustrate the problem.


So, the problem was what I thought, you need to keep the NavMeshBoundsVolume in the same level as the RecastNavMesh-Default you need to both of them in your Persistent level, and on the RecastNavMesh-Default set “Force Rebuild on Load” and changed “Runtime Generation” to “Dynamic”. :slight_smile:

The problem is when you create a NavMeshBoundsVolume on level A and level A is not the Persistent level, the engine will put the RecastNavMesh-Default in the Persistent level and you can’t change the RecastNavMesh-Default to another level, causing the AI to not move.

It would be really nice if Epic add some note on the documentation about this.

Hope this will be useful to other people too :slight_smile: