Site Refuses to accept UE5-0 as version tag

I’m going to try and be more explicit how I solved this for myself and hopefully help others since they continue to run into this. The sequence I have to use to avoid the version tag problem seems to be fairly rigid.

  1. Click the post topic, select Question
  2. Fill out your subject
  3. Fill out the question including uploading stuff (screen shots, documents etc)
  4. Click the Right Hand plus box. By default, this box will say Question
  5. Select the topic for your question, such as MetaSounds
  6. Click the Right Hand plus box again. Locate the UE version in the resulting popup.
  7. Post your question

I will get the error about adding the version tag and be unable to select it until after I have done steps 4 and 5, but on doing those steps, the next time the Right Hand plus is pressed, all the versions will popup to be able to select.

If I deviate from this order, I will eventually start getting the permission error people have mentioned in this thread. If I deviate from this order, I won’t be able to select a version tag. The forum software seems to want to have a topic tag selected prior to showing the version tags.

I do nothing with Left Hand box. I assume it’s what the forum software needs to place the question in the correct major category and is not pertinent if the topic was started in the right category.

The above is all assumption but works for me. That is to say, there may be other more correct ways, but I can get questions in this way.

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For some of us it’s worse. The site refuses to accept ANY version tag:

I tried to message @VictorLerp about it too but I don’t think he reads his Twitter messages.

EDIT: Oh, boy…

EDIT 2: Oof…

I tried to break this down in another thread, complete with screenshots: Can't post a topic - #12 by dellis23

Is there a developer this can be escalated to? This is very obviously broken UX.

We’ve updated the tag prompt for Questions while we continue to look into bettering the overall design of how these prompts are displayed.



That is nice but no matter what i try there are never any version tags to select from…:confused:

Hey Fsk,

They are working as intended. As the prompt explains, a category relationship tag is required before the required Engine version tag. Providing that you follow that direction, the Engine versions do come up.

We’ve impersonated you to attempt to reproduce; it shows to be working.

Can you send a video of the problem you are facing? That way we can see what is wrong :slight_smile:

Here is the video of me trying to post a question.
I guess i’m doing something wrong, but i don’t know what it is.

Trying to post a question

Before I had to delete the Question tag in order for the version tags to appear…

(Hey, look at that, no reply graphic even though I specifically clicked reply on the above user’s message! This new forum is all kinds of broken…) :roll_eyes:

Hey! Thank you for the video @Fsk and your patience. We’ve been able to track down the problem with that category, and it should now function as it should :slight_smile:

This is still happening. I too cannot ask a question because the question system fails to give any tag for Unreal Engine 5. Impossible to ask with Unreal Engine 5.0.1… Where do I enter that tag? ue5-01???

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First fill in your entire question to the point where you are ready to post it. Click on the + to the right (the box with the + will say “Question” in it). A list box will display (doesn’t have versions in it at that time). Click on whatever best represents your topic in that list (if nothing does, pick anything). Then wait, don’t do anything else at that point. The forum code is repopulating that same list box with Version tags and if you click or type, you will interrupt the load/display of the version tags. Eventually, a list of versions should appear in the popup magically and you can select one, then press the button to send your question. Only after the thing pops back up automatically, can you find and click on the UE 5 tag.

If the version list doesn’t pop up magically as I mentioned, something went wrong and you won’t be able to post your question because the versions never loaded. A network error could cause this, but more likely any clicking or typing caused a javascript event to abort the load so you never get the version list.

Hopefully Epic Staff is making note of that still happening.

My opinion (and I have a day job that has to deal with browser heavy piles of front end code) is that since they are making that list box do dual duty, they must have a background load of its contents since it changes its contents on the fly (probably AJAX). First thing I’d do is try a different (and current) browser from the one you are using. It takes almost nothing to trigger an event that will mess up the list box load, just an errant click.

They should have two list boxes, one for the category and another for the version tag. Looks like they hacked the normal forum code’s single list box to provide the ability to require the version tag. Sure seems like they need to have their contractor look at it after all the people who’ve had this issue. It does work for me now though once I understood it.

I think some people just gave up and post their questions as regular topics. Not ideal, but it works.

I ended up resolving my issue by trying a bunch of different variations, I think the issue was that I had answerboard in the left field that I guess is supposed to be a specific forum.

It’s a very confusing way of posting something

That would do it. It’s the right hand box that you select the category then the version. I think the left hand box needs to stay constant since you’re already in the right forum when you start out.

I still can’t post a question. The system don’t give me access to UE tags at all.

Which category are you attempting to post into, specifically?

Any chance you could help me out with this one in return :slight_smile:

I have to say that I think the UX around this new posting is still absolute crap. Seriously, it’s the worst I’ve even seen, even worse than the Siemens NX forums, and they are BAD! What is it with large corporations making community interactions complete garbage? Is it because they don’t really want to hear from users?

At least I can click on the forums in the left column, and then click to the relevant “tags” to see my area of interest, but when I click new post, none of those tags are transferred to my new post, and I’m completely lost as to what to select, and I get crap error messages like the one above no matter what I click.

I seriously can’t create a new post anymore! I’ll just post to UDN I guess, because at least you haven’t destroyed the usability of that (yet).

The error in the screenshot is usually caused by attempting to post in the parent categories General, Development, and Community–these are visual and organizational categories to house the sub-categories to them.

You should be good to post in the sub-categories across the forums. Due to the recent bugs, we have lifted category restrictions for the time being while a fix is being worked on.
