Reminder and Repost: Using the Bug Submission Form

We now have a new way for you to report bugs for both the Fortnite Creative Toolset and Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN). With the new bug reporting form you can submit your bugs so we can better track down your issue.

To access the form in UEFN, click on the Help menu and choose “Report Issue.” Selecting this will automatically send your logs to Epic Games and you will be provided with a Reference ID. Copy this Reference ID to your clipboard. Clicking OK will take you to the form that will report your issue directly to Epic.

Bug Reporting Form

Complete the form and choose “Submit Bug Report.”

For issues with the Fortnite Creative Toolset, you can access the form via the web link. Choose Fortnite Creative, fill out the form, and be sure to attach your logs.

Please continue to post your issues in the Issues and Bug Reporting forum while we work out any problems the form may have.

What’s the point of the form? Forums seems much better as they are public and have upvotes.

Anyway, should we stop using forums for bug reports?


I am having some issues with it and wanted to post here for clarity:

  1. Doesnt support video/GIF/screenshots. Sometimes on a forum post I might post more than 7 screenshots to help illustrate the issue, alongside videos and GIFs
  2. Requires a map code. Sometimes you do not need a map code, the issue is dead simple to repro
  3. First/last name is weird when we only use our aliases in the community (and I ve heard those are shown public afterward, not sure if that’s ok to expose personal info like that tbh).
  4. Would love if the form info was all in a single page than the stretched format that it is now, makes it hard to visualize if you are missing something when reporting.
  5. Can’t see what you have already reported so you don’t report again
  6. No visibility if an issue is acknowledged, being tracked, or getting fixed in a next update.

Please increase limit for log upload. UEFN create log with a size bigger then the one permitted for file upload !!! This is blocking if you want people use the in app function.

Yea this sucks, also could not add a video

  1. A bit after I posted a bug report I found crucial information that explains why the bug happens, but I am not able to add this information to my report anymore because it was already submitted. In the forums you would be able to edit or reply with the extra info.

I sent in the report and then what? I really need some help fixing a problem, I haven’t heard anything back,so how’s this supposed to help solve it?

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Yep, we need issues tracker like Unreal’s

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I just submitted a small bug, but could not attach the logs because it was too large for the web form. Not sure if the file size limit needs to be increased for bug submissions?

The need for an Island Code gives the form limited utility:
I wanted to report an error with a default island, I haven’t even started the project yet.

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Bumping for new folks :slight_smile:

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Original post updated.

@Flak Hello, I frequently report breaking bugs on UE5 on this forum section, but there is 0 response from staff. Assuming they are read… Can we get tracking ID’s / status updates on them in response?

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I have the same problem as @Roy_Wierer.Seda145, but with filling out the BUG SUBMISSION FORM. Ever since this fill out system started, none of my bug reports got an actual issue entry in the Bug Tracker. Also very annoying that I can’t send an example project anymore, just images.

I have tagged multiple active staff members in major bugs I have reported such as on this collection which clearly shows all of the released UE5 versions have ridiculous bugs on basic functionality which make it unfit for professional use.

EPIC, please stop breaking Slate and UMG in new releases.

0 response to this day. Think we should all be back from vacation after a few months right? Disappointment. I hope 5.3 is not again breaking the basics further as amateur as the previous versions. I can’t stand it that there is such a lack of quality control and community cooperation in a company this big. It makes the engine, games made on the engine, the marketplace surrounding the engine look like a joke. How can you expect all marketplace creators to deal with broken basic c++ functionality just to comply with your terms and conditions which state a seller must support the latest 3 major versions? What is the point of skipping from UE5.2.1 to 5.3 when clearly we need steps of bug fixing in between and while there is clearly a need for an LTS program? Every developer is wasting time on nonsense bugs, bug hunting instead of developing. Why are we wasting time? This engine has to be improved on, not filled up with nonsense and bugs.

@Flak @SkyeEden