Prop MoveTo() not replicating after a certain distance from camera

So I’m trying to do a topdown camera game where the camera gets further to the player the more they gain in scale.

The problem is that it looks like starting from a certain distance, the actor will still show but the movement won’t replicate anymore over the client even though the server seem to still know about it, because the mechanics still work.

I’ve tried playing with the “Net Culling Distance Squared” parameter but setting it to 2500000000 (500m I think) won’t change anything…

I’m really confused about what I can do here since I’m really not pro at UE5 and I don’t even know if I got access to the parameters I need.

@im_a_lama Thank you for your report! Can you please re-post using the “New Issue” option on the Issues and Bug Reporting forums ? Posts with this feature are connected directly into our development team so we can quickly get to them!For more information, such as how to get the reference ID, please check out the article here:

Were you ever able to fix this issue Lama? I am having the same issue too now.

Nope, I just made everything smaller and limited the distance of the camera :+1:

Ah okay, that sucks. What I ended up doing today was instead of using Prop.MoveTo() was to instead use a Sequencer. The reason this solution worked was because these props were things flying around in the sky (think like dragons or something) that the players couldn’t directly interact with.

Sequencers have a checkbox to make them always relevant, regardless of player proximity. Obviously though, it’s a stupid way to implement it and it was easily done using some spatial math + verse and a helluva lot less hassle than to make sequencers by hand.

This is something that is so basic and is completely outside of our control it seems.


Very good call on the Cinematic Sequence Devices having the option to make them always relevant. If I understand you correctly, you did the whole movement within a sequence now.
If so, what could work more easily - and it is actually what I did now - is, that you parent your prop to the cinematic sequence device, and you reference that in verse and use its MoveTo() method. You don’t need to play any sequence on that device, it just acts as a parent dummy. This worked flawlessly for me.


Holy moly that is a brilliant idea! Nice work on figuring that one out. I’ll be using that in the future for sure :sunglasses:

Well I’m not sure it would work if it’s really an actor based replication issue, but nice call, I’d definitely try it out if it happens to me again

Bump, this is still an issue, I discovered today that the setting works in an UEFN session but not in a private version…

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I have not been able to come up with a solution for this either. World streaming on / off makes no difference. Tried loading with data layers and made no difference. This is still a very serious issue, and I believe it comes from the animation controller driving MoveTo()

Edit: Actually doing the parenting trick with the sequencer does the trick. You just have to move the sequencer vs the prop instead.

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Why its still a thing >_<
Epic, fix this!!!

A lot of things are actually not being applied when something gets too far away (150m) from the camera, examples are “disposing a prop”, “changing its material”, “hiding/showing the prop”, same goes with audio if you’re not using an audio device or spawned VFXs which can stay forever on your screen if you dispose them at a wrong time.

Replication issues need a whole separate thread tbh, I didn’t realise when I made this topic but it’s a lot more important than what I thought


This is still a pretty nasty bug that pops ups today. It seems like I get used to a certain constraint (Don’t go X distance from origin or replication problems will arise.) (Don’t expect something to be where you move or teleport it if no actors are nearby, Trees don’t make noise when they fall if no one is around basically) and then eventually I do something I knew didn’t work before and it works and vice versa.

I wish there was an option for blue-print props at least, to mark them as always replicated. Parenting props to cinematic devices and moving them is not practical anymore. Should be able to reference a prop directly to be able to dynamically set mesh or material without referencing both the sequencer and the prop.

I’m starting to see OPs struggle with top down, as I’m starting to hit some new replications bugs working in this game mode for the first time.

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There’s a net replication distance setting in building props blueprint, but last time I checked it only worked on UEFN sessions (no private/public ones)

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I didn’t know that thanks! I’m going to start using that in the hopes that it will fix it self with time haha.