Prop Server / Client replication and distance (Major)


Props that are moved or teleported do not replicate to game clients if the prop is over a certain distance away! This bug is massive and has never been addressed properly. Some times it can be worked around by using a cinematic sequencer device as a parent to the prop in question, but other times it can not! I understand the issue is a result of the optimizations that have been done to UE to make Fortnite BR with 100 players possible. However after Fortnite started adding props that can move I imagine you simply check the actor as always relevant we do not have that ability in UEFN. I would like to point out these two threads that cover the topic in details.

Please select what you are reporting on:


What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

MoveTo or TeleportTo on a prop that is far from the player.

Expected Result

Props should always be relevant if never distance cull is checked.

Observed Result

Props do not replicate to the clients unless you are within a certain distance from the origin of the prop.



Pretty sure it’s not an issue they have in BR, it’s just an UEFN constraint

I don’t think I was very clear with my wording in regards to that, It is not an issue in BR because they can just force the props they wish to also replicate to do so. There is an option in UE5 for props to always replicate that we lack in UEFN. Edit: I believe in UE5 under replication section the option is “Always Relevant”.

Massive issue for me still