Looking to add collision to object moving with Level Sequence

I have a custom object that is moving and looping via a Level Sequence / Cinematic Device. The object moves fine but when it comes in contact with the player the player just phases through the object.

How do I change it so the object that is moving pushes the player instead of phasing through them. Not sure if I want it to cause damage but that would be good to know as well.

Thanks for any help!

#collision #level sequence #UEFN

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I was trying to look for any type of collision setting. Iā€™ve been testing different options in the object properties that I have moving but nothing has been working so far.

Iā€™ve tried most combinations of these settings:

And a handful of theseā€¦ there a so many, though. I looked for descriptions of these in the UE docs but couldnā€™t find any. If you hover over them you do get a brief description.

Hi Norrin!

Is your object a static mesh actor or skeletal?

Hey Jamie,

The mesh is a static mesh. Itā€™s fairly simple and I have set up the collisions which consists of a few box collision objects on it which work fine when itā€™s not moving, etc.

Thanks Norrin, and can I check if the SM is inside a building prop/blueprint?

Jamie, the mesh is not in a building prop or blueprint.

Thanks! Can you please try the following settings in the object properties

  • SimulationGeneratesHitEvents - True
  • Generate Overlap Events - True
  • Collision Preset - FortbuildingMeshPhysics

Ok just tested with those setting and the mesh still phases through the player if the player is standing still while the object is moving during testing. When the object is not moving the player collides with the object as expected.

These are the settings currently:

Also, if the player runs into the moving object it collides with it. Itā€™s only when the player is not moving that the phasing occurs.

And the player can stand on the moving object and move with the mesh fine as well.

I ran into a similar issue.

When I added vehicle spawners to an actor moved by sequencer, (helicopter spawner on ship for example), when the sequence is played in-game, spawned helicopter doesnā€™t move with the ship, just floats in the air.

If player activates helicopter and lands on ship while ship is moved by sequencer, the helicopter will be moved along with the ship briefly, until it ā€œsleepsā€, then the spawned heli will resume floating in the air, while ship continues to be moved by sequence.

Is there a workaround for this currently? If not, can we get that issue fixed, as itā€™s something I think a lot of people will eventually run into.

@Norrin-Radd Could you try adding the SM to a Building Prop blueprint and then in the class settings ensure its set to ā€˜Building Propā€™

Hey @TrintonSailor ill take a look into this and see if its a known issue.

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Jamie, Iā€™ll test that out and report back!

Hi Jamie, Itā€™s very possible Iā€™m not fully understanding what you asked but I did create a new blueprint Building Prop, and loaded in that SM. But I am unable to use that new prop inside of the sequencer where I animated the original SM. I get a ā€˜Spawnable object is not allowed for Sequenceā€™ warning. I have a feeling Iā€™m misunderstanding something or just doing something wrong.

@Jamie let me know if there is anything else you think I should test out. Thank you!!

Hey @Norrin-Radd I got exactly the same issue as you, I pass all the day I test many things but I donā€™t find, did you find how to fix the collision? thank you!

Hi @KisaTV , I have not figured it out yet. I canā€™t seem to fix the collision not working on that moving object. When it stops moving the collision works fine, though.

If I do figure it out I will post it here.

Thanks for your answer, Same for me, if I found the solution Iā€™ll post it here

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Same problem here, any solution yet? By the way, if the player is standing on the animated object, collision works fine, it even slides down if the rotation is too steep. But there is no effect on player, if the collision is coming from the front or side on a non-moving player.

I didnā€™t find a solution yet. I ended up changing what I had planned but Iā€™m still interested in finding a solution for next time it comes up.