Foliage has a Shadow noise/grain - How to fix it?

Not there, in all the materials.
Aimply unplug the pin and recompile them.

Nothing changed too.

Indeed - this was shown on a 3080 - especially with upscalers since its a per pixel cost. But my point is the noise loss per ms cost is a lot less favorable after just a few rays in most scenes. You get good bang for your buck by going up even a few rays but the difference from 8 to 32 will be substantially less noticeable than 1 to 4, for example. I even tried 500 rays per pixel - didnā€™t look much different that 32 hah. I got single digit FPS but it didnā€™t crash the editor so I guess you could go wild for offline rendering. Kind of interesting that 8 RT rays looks better than 32 SMRT rays. I didnā€™t look at the frame time difference though.

Because RT is a per pixel operation, it is expected that lower source resolutions will be noiser and higher ones cleaner. If your rays per pixel are set to 1, but your resolution scale is 50% then you are only tracing 1 ray in every 4 final output pixels. The techniques employed by TSR and DLSS help deal with this but itā€™s not as good as native. 200% will trace 4 rays per final pixel when rays per pixel are set to 1.
Iā€™m still seeing what looks like a lot of soft shading in that scene but maybe its just a brightly indirect light scene in full shadow.

Ultimately noise is currently pretty inevitable in real time RT right now. Look at basically any AAA RT title and youā€™ll see it to some extent. It is an area of great interest for nvidia and others so we should expect to see rapid improvements as time goes on.

Iā€™m starting to think the issue is related to a post process or eye adaptation settings.

The fact your shot looks like its accumulating frames for rendering is also a bit odd though.
Could be something specific to the sceneā€¦

I definitely think thereā€™s a scene specific or plugin related factor in that vein too. I think weā€™ve all struggled with noise to some extent but this is far worse than normal to my eyes.

I dont think its specific to a scene, tested the same issue with ue5 ,ue5.1, different scenes, different projects, 3 different pcā€™s (rtx 2080/3070/3090) and im getting the same issue everywhere.

The shadows are sharp, its just the angle mixed with the exposure and a lot of meshes i guess.

Ty for your awnser. In your opinion, what is the best for an In-Camera-VFX project? I dont want this ā€œnoiseā€ in a LED wall making my backgrounds feel stupid. =z

Maybe use 4.27? Maybe disable RT completely from the project and adjust the settings?


Btw, im doing it for the same purpose as you are, Virtual production but in hybrid approach where everything was made in real time on green screen but duo to low fps during the shooting now im rerendering everything from scratch and this noise issue is a project killer =/

Nice! I have done some hybrid VP too and to avoid this issue I rendered with Movie Render Queue with at least 32x32 samples, maybe 64x64 is better on a grass situation.

This problem is a project killer for Real-Time VP, with Chroma or LED, its just sad.

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My solution to the above issue seems to be to set r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.Temporal.DistanceThreshold = 1 or higher if needed.

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