Foliage has a Shadow noise/grain - How to fix it?

I just discovered that the scale of this “noise” scales with the screensize.

I have NO idea what that means :smiley:

Found an old thread abot the same problem I guess…

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Another discovery, if I set the scalability to “Epic”, the noise is almost gone.

Why cinematic mode has this jeezz, i just want to have a bautiful scene for an In-CameraVFX production!

I guess it must be possible to turn with a post process setting the Lumen params, then.

Tried every Lumen setting in PP with no success. The noise gets bigger if I lower the Global Illumination setting. In Cinematic mode they are very tiny but there a lot of them.

Well, will try to adjust the scalability settings and find the possible best =z

Found one more thing, maybe the noise is there only with Hardware RayTracing. Maybe is the contrast that is causing this, dunno. Sad that I lose a lot of the image quality.

I am just confused, if I turn down AA quality i can reduce the noise with hardware raytracing and maxed out the other settings, seems a good tradeoff.

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Haven’t red much of this.

Was changing when velocities are outputted something that was suggested, tried, and discared already? (with taa)

Yeah I tried that, with TSR and TAA. TAA has tons of ghosting and the image is blured, definitely not good .

In 5.1? Search the forums, they changed the option.

or in .25/27 with the correct setting?

yeah, 5.1! In project settings, AA mode. Am i missing something?

+1 to the thread, troubleshooting the same issue all day long and cant find any reasonable solution. im rendering everything and the noise is noticeable even with high quality setting and high sample count. The only thing that seems to help is turning off ray traced shadows and it helps to clear the noise from the shadow, however there is still noise in the foliage.

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First of. there’s been some apparent change in WPO.
Change your material to use a different pivot/origin, as using Object Position is no longer valid apparently.

Second. Yes you probably are missing something with the setting.
Let me see if I can find the thread.
Here, try this

Welcome aboard!

Will take a look on that, thanks!

Well, yes it is “Write during base pass” and the grass is not “Static”, the Foliage Instance Mobility is movable in the tool.

Specifically I think its soft shadow noise you’re seeing. Both Virtual Shadow Maps and Raytracing have noise in their soft shadows due to how they sample a limited number of rays per pixel - to test this set your sun’s source angle to 0. This will make all shadows hard (which we don’t really want - but just to test) and I’d be willing to bet all noise will be gone.

As @SoulReapX mentioned, Increasing the RT light sources samples per pixel will help. TAA/TSR also usually helps shadows look more stable by averaging noise out over multiple frames.
Cascading Shadow maps do not have this type of noise but virtual shadow maps soft shadowing “SMRT” feature do - even worse than RT - which can also be reduced by increasing the ray and/or sample count vars.
Even going from 1 ray to 2 rays will massively reduce noise in RT but returns are diminishing as you go up for RT or VSMRT. You’ll probably reach an unusable frame rate before removing all traces of noise, just one of the limitations of real time ray tracing as far as I’m aware.
If this is a critical problem, you could try to implement an alternative denoising solution such as Nvidia NRD. Its already in the UE4 RTX branch, presumably it could be ported to UE5 but that’s out of my wheelhouse.

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Thanks for your detailed awnser!

I am using UDS but created a directional light for the sun. The problem still persists.

In the video below, I changed the screen percentage so the problem can be more evident in the recording, changed the scalability to High too, so the shadow “areas” becomes bigger. Increasing the Samples of the light source only decreases the FPS.

By now, on the 30x series of Nvidia, you can probably ray trace shadows with 32+ rays while rendering everything else Not in ray-trace to get an Ok performance.

Disable WPO, see if it’s still fuzzy or not.

Oh and you can also check your velocity output to make sure something is rendering in there. For ue4.22 to .26 or something it was broken entirely.
In fact, knowing from other reports that render targets are not able to have opacity, I would not be surprised?

Nothing changes. =z