Fab Development Update February 5

Hi everyone. We unveiled the Fab roadmap toward the end of last year, and in this post, we’re giving an update on some of the search improvements we are rolling out today, and what we are working on for the next big update.

Let’s walk through it:

1. Search

We are overhauling and improving all portions of search. This will be an iterative process as we will need to put our changes live to see how they work out for a wide variety of search queries, and then make numerous tweaks based on internal testing and community feedback. After we evaluate the results, we’ll rinse and repeat until we get it right.

// Tweaked weights - :green_square: - Live with refinements ongoing

  • We’ve tweaked the weighting of listing elements to strike a better balance between tags, creator names, exact match, and so forth. We will need to continue to tweak and improve this in the weeks ahead.

// Quality Scoring - :green_square: - Live with refinements ongoing

  • Built a feature to handle quality scoring based on a series of inputs, and then blend the quality score with the relevancy score to get better overall results.

// Prioritizing more complete listings - :green_square: - Live

  • Entries with just a few words, or a single tag, were surfacing much higher than expected. We’ve modified things to balance this out and prioritize results that are properly filled out.

// Category names - :green_square: -Live

  • Category names are now also indexed for each product, increasing the likelihood of finding relevant content.
  • In addition, you can see in the UI updates that we are making category navigation a more prominent feature of the site - this change should improve discoverability.

// Plural/Singular - :green_square: -Live

  • When searching for singular words, it will now also consider the plural version of that word and vice versa. It will still give more weight to the word that is an exact match to your query, but the plural or singular version will now be taken into account too.

// Taking into account Sales/Download/Entitlement Data - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

  • We are working to incorporate some historical data from Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab into search rankings. Once the historical data has been brought in, the next step will be to do further work with current Fab data such as download numbers and sales.

// Synonyms - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

  • Working on implementing a solution for how to handle synonyms for search queries.
  • We are currently building our synonym list that will include some common synonyms as well as 3D and game development specific synonyms. This will be an iterative process that will involve multiple releases as we want to make sure we are keeping the specificity needed when looking for a particular asset, category, or genre.

// Better handling of common formats - :yellow_square: In progress and aiming to go live during February

  • Pick up on format terms such as “Unreal Engine”, “Unity”, “FBX” to return more focused results.

// Other

Search by Quixel/Sketchfab ID - :green_square: - Live

Search syntax support - :green_square: - Live

  • +(must), -(must not), “”(exact), *(wildcard)

Admin improvements - :green_square: - Live

  • In order to increase the pace of changes in our search algorithm, we’ve developed some internal tools that will allow us to help identify problem searches, and make and test changes quickly.

2. UX/UI

// Improved tag authoring - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

An accurate set of tags are key to help ensure that search can find the right content. As part of this, we are implementing a list of common tags during the publishing process.

Note: these tags are still in development and will change before they’re implemented.

// Left Nav - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

Categories are being moved to a new left nav tree to make it easier to navigate and discover content. For example, it will help to show how your search results are distributed across the categories to help narrow down the results.


Work in progress video from dev server.

We still need to improve the counters, complete some responsive design work, and go through testing and polish.

// Updated Filter Bar - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

The filter bar has been moved to the top and now uses a horizontal layout.

// Additional Filter Options - :yellow_square: - In progress and aiming to go live during February

Filter by style

Styles shown are still subject to change as we settle on the final list - input welcome below!

// Filter by technical details (v1)

V1 will not yet have all details as certain technical details, like polycount, involve complexities that we will need to work on after the initial release.
The options shown above are subject to change – feedback welcome here as well!

// Filter by publisher

// Search Suggestions - :yellow_square: - In testing and aiming to go live during February

An improved pop-up that suggests search terms, creator names, and tags, as well as a tweak to how Unity/Unreal Engine/UEFN content is suggested.

// Content Preferences - :yellow_square: - In testing and aiming to go live during February

The filter settings for mature content and products made with generative AI will be moved to a new Content preferences panel, and once you have made a choice, it will be persistent and last from one session to the next.

Fullscreen Media Carousel - :yellow_square: - In testing and aiming to go live during February

You can now view screenshots in fullscreen mode on product pages using the maximize button in the top right, and cycle through screenshots while they are maximized. Keyboard controls work too: F = fullscreen, Esc= close, arrows to cycle.

3. Wishlists

We have been working on the first version of the Wishlists feature and we have it largely implemented on our dev server. We are aiming to have this go live during February

In this first version you will be able to wishlist up to 150 products, browse everything that is in your wishlist, and move wishlist items to your cart.


In progress video from our dev server.

In a future update, we are planning to add notifications for when your Wishlist items are discounted.

Everyone will start off with a fresh wishlist. We won’t be migrating any of the old Unreal Engine Marketplace wishlists over at this point. If you would like to retrieve a PDF version of your old UE Marketplace wishlist, please contact our support team.

Highlighting that improving search is an iterative process that will take a number of passes. Our changes are a step forward, but there is certainly room for a lot more improvement too and we would love to hear of any search queries where you are noticing unexpected results!

Thanks for all of your product suggestions and sharing what matters most to you. Please continue to share your feedback – this helps make Fab better.


Please seriously address the massive influx of AI garbage which is destroying FAB.
The AI filter is broken because most AI sellers don’t mark their assets as AI generated.
We can’t efficiently use FAB because of this. The Recent Release page is a pain to scroll through.


It’s great that you’re acting on wishlists, this is a much-requested feature from Epic Marketplace and we all appreciate the work on this :slight_smile:

Regarding the post above linking my AI thread: Yes, it’s very disappointing to see no action on this. General comments on the state of FAB:

(1) The single most requested store feature (open-text reviews) was placed at the end of the roadmap and not even mentioned in the update. It’s pretty clear Epic does not want to do this. I get it. It requires work and maintenance and moderation. We still need it.

(2) Thousands of AI junk make scrolling FAB impossible. AI filters don’t work, people are just choosing not to flag their AI content and there are too many assets for users to feasibly report them. You can’t rely on the AI flag, it doesn’t work.

- Possible easy fix: A few people proposed limiting submissions to 1-2 items per week. Last month a guy posted over 500 hours of AI-generated (none flagged as AI) music all as separate assets. The entire sort-by-new page was just his work and nothing else. That’s totally unacceptable. Just limit submissions to once per week.

This is an easy way to solve this problem and you could literally implement today in a couple of hours.


The unreal marketplace was better, fab plugin seems to be broken on linux currently and doesn’t work at all for me.

But my biggest concern honestly is that i’ve seen sellers complaining about uploading things that aren’t up to standard, and on the unreal marketplace if that happens they got told how it isn’t up to standard so they could fix it.

But on fab they just get their upload deleted and a sanction with no way to know how to fix it, and no means to get rid of the sanction.

I think you should start by fixing things like that, you need the base product to work properly, and you should have ensured that it did so BEFORE replacing the unreal marketplace, not so long after. And you shouldn’t punish people for trying to enrich your own store…

In it’s current iteration, Fab is more broken than the unreal marketplace ever has been. I wish the marketplace hadn’t been replaced so completely, if we could still use the marketplace instead, we would just be using the marketplace because at least it worked.


Thank you for the update and for taking the time to inform us. For me (and many other publishers), it’s a lot of unknowns and stress when most of our revenue comes from FAB.



The only feature I really care about. It was incredibly helpful especially to fix any issues that users had with purchases. Unity Asset Store has/Unreal Marketplace had them and Fab can’t?


A bit better discoverability and a wishlist feature is great an all but you’re not addressing any real concerns which is highly disappointing.

Your focus seems solely on potential buyers by making FAB look pretty instead of implementing features that sellers need.

Sellers cant do our own sales so for sellers the wishlists are virtually pointless, considering that any type of analytics are non-existant on FAB im sure you wont even tell sellers how many people have wishlisted a product, we cant even see something as basic as view count on each listing… will the people who have wishlist a product even be notified when it does go on sale?

You released in October, roadmap on the 20th of November, nearly 3 months later and not a single feature to the benefit of sellers… rethink your roadmap priorities.


What are the plans for UEFN Fab? It’s been dormant for a while now and creators want to add their packs and they cant.


Ye wishlist with email notif for sale will be on another later update :neutral_face:

The seller analytic was even removed from the roadmap as if seller has no priority at all :confused:

Still more update is welcomed :+1:


Thanks for the update.

What about action against AI slop flooding the market, seller analytics and IP theft? Please, someone gives us a ETA or at least a statement that is not “ohh not good nono”.

Those were good, much needed updates for sure, but please handle the core problems with some sense of urgency. There isn’t even an acknowledgement of working throughout solving those issues, bruh


Solid improvements - good, functional search is the fundamental for FAB to provide buyers with stuff they’re needed (and thus sellers will have their clients), and it was smart to prioritize this.

AI content now dominates several areas, so handmade stuff creators are doomed to fade away in those particular areas, myself included. Maybe, as a last breath of old school content creation, option to filter out AI content will do, but AI creators can do tons of stuff with good enough quality - you can’t compete with that if you’re not AI-assisted creator yourself, I guess…

In the long run, though, it feels like AI-creators will have issue of another kind: Unreal develop something like Unity’s Muse (AI tool with guaranteed copyright free content) and thus there will be no need for many kinds of content (materials and textures, music, basic objects) on FAB because this can be easily and natively generated on the spot in editor, no middle man needed…


“Hide bought entries” checkbox would be nice (in FAB)

and in the Epic Games Lauchner it would be extremly nice to show only items that “has an update” (filter)!!!


After 2+ years of complete failure, just don’t put any more resources in Fab and give us back the old Unreal marketplace ! If Epic would have spent all those mandays not on Fab, then we would have results by now that we really need, like good documentation with use-cases, Content, Examples, best-practises, community support, engine development or progress on half-■■■ released systems like Mass, water, AI and so on.
Fab is a bottomless pit, as the basic approach if wrong and can’t be fixed: As the goal was to save on human checks and allow all crap to be published, the core mistake is right there. No one can solve this with UI or other surface work.


What about focusing in the most demanded things, like written reviews and products’ questions/FAQs?

Thank you


Add text reviews and clean store from AI garbage…


Any Update on when the launcher version will be available? I see that the screenshots show the launcher version but no date when that will be available?

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I appreciate the wishlist coming back, yay! However, I am also still missing the reviews section, or something like most asked questions. Sometimes one of the questions you might have before buying assets, have probably already been asked and answered, and looking trough this section saves up my time of asking these questions, but also the developers time of answering all over again. Will this be integrated at some point? This also really helps buying good assets instead of not knowing wether it is actually good or not, how would you know without reviews?


Hm, sales figures were better yesterday. Coincidence or is it working better now?

A suggestion for code plugins. Please place plugins that receive regular updates and always quickly support the latest UE version higher up in the search. “Dead” plugins should be at the bottom. This is good for customers and developers.


Honestly I think a better solution since not all plugins need to be live service products is to have a “visibility round” feature like steam where users who wishlist or own your product get a blade that says “recently updated” on their front page. I own many plugins that I use often that dont really need new features as they work as intended.

My friend said that having the latest engine version does help with ranking now though.

Let’s say you have 3 plugins and a new Unreal version is coming. 1 plugin gets an update for the new UE version a few days later. 1 plugin a few months later and the last one no update at all. All 3 need an update to work with the new UE version. Should the 3 developers be treated equally?