A few minor Fab Roadmap updates

Hi everyone.

We’ve made some minor updates to the Fab Roadmap. As we’ve been working through the specs on some of the features that are in progress, we’ve had to adjust our initial solutions and/or change some designs. Thus, we’ve removed some items from the roadmap, changed some others, and updated statuses across the board.

Adjusted roadmap items

  • After working on “Improved Discovery Placement” and “Improved Search Ranking”, we renamed the cards “Search Ranking based on Quality” and “Search Ranking based on Relevance” as per the details in the latest dev update post.

Removed roadmap items

  • We removed “Prioritize Exact Match” because we’ve made a range of search improvements that include and go beyond just prioritizing exact match. The top two cards in column 1a, which cover overall search quality and relevancy, represent the improvements we are focused on making.
  • “Quick filter” was a smaller feature that we envisioned to help you to quickly filter down the left tree nav, but while testing the left nav tree we decided that Quick filtering is no longer necessary.
  • We removed “Additional Category Dependent Filter options” and replaced it with a “Filter by Technical Details” card. The change is indicative of how this feature is evolving. While the initial version of the technical details filter will not be category dependent, eventually this filter will be the location for additional filters that are category-dependent.

New roadmap items

  • Semantic Search
  • We’ve updated screenshots to match the latest designs (whether they’re in design or development stages)

Thank you for the improvements in the search!
However, in some cases the search by newest is important for buyers and still it doesn’t work at all (see screenshot)

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@Unreal_Josh and also if you can improve the search so that latest unreal version get higher on ranking. In addition to also help new plugin get higher rank otherwise only high rating stars will always be first. It also weird that lower rating are showed first (am not sure if that is correct or not)

The 2 first result don’t have latest unreal engine and first one is ue4.24

Thanks to you both for those callouts - I’ve shared them with the team that’s working on this.


Hi! Wondering if this is a glitch or necessary part of the update…
When adding assets to My Library I keep getting
“Fab End User License Agreement” pop up window.

The pop up makes me check the agreement box after each time I want to download a model, material. etc. It slows down the flow. Is there any way to resolve?

Thanks for raising this - it may be a bug. If you have a moment, would you mind filling out a bug report here? Just click the “new issue” button at the top right. Providing info there about your OS, browser, etc. will help us troubleshoot the issue if it is not the intended behavior.