Answerhub Login issue - An Internal Server Error has occurred

[=“Vyznawca, post:60, topic:1896”]

Hey, i cant log in there too. Any help?

There was an account on the Answerhub, and I have resolved it. Please try again. You may need to log out and in, and/or clear browser cache and cookies.

Hi, similar has been occurring to me as well. I can login without problem, but once I try to post a question I always get exact error message. Both on Answerhub and UDN. I’ve tried clearing caches and cookies, tried connecting from a page other than index.html, tried different browsers, i’ve waited few days and tried again, but none of these worked. I’d really appreciate it if someone could help me out. Thanks.

[=“, post:61, topic:1896”]

There was an account on the Answerhub, and I have resolved it. Please try again. You may need to log out and in, and/or clear browser cache and cookies.

Hi, I still have the exact same problem:
I’m logged in to any other place in the site, but when i go to the answerhub it tries to re-login me and fails with the message: There was an error contacting the remote service Of course i tried to do login in incoginito mode, after restarting the computer, after changing the password. nothing helped.

(btw, i tried to reach out to the support in the subject but got only an automated reply, but that’s another…)

I really want to post my question on the answerhub. thanks.

[=“mango_fiesta, post:62, topic:1896”]

Hi, similar has been occurring to me as well. I can login without problem, but once I try to post a question I always get exact error message. Both on Answerhub and UDN. I’ve tried clearing caches and cookies, tried connecting from a page other than index.html, tried different browsers, i’ve waited few days and tried again, but none of these worked. I’d really appreciate it if someone could help me out. Thanks.

Mango Fiesta - you are not experiencing the same as the other users here. I have reviewed your accounts on both the Answerhub and UDN and am not able to identify the. You have also already tried the recommendations I could think to offer. Please contact and provide the information you have provided here. We will continue to work with you, and may need to escalate your case to the site vendor.

[=“anonymous_user_6de32450, post:63, topic:1896”]

Hi, I still have the exact same problem:
I’m logged in to any other place in the site, but when i go to the answerhub it tries to re-login me and fails with the message: There was an error contacting the remote service Of course i tried to do login in incoginito mode, after restarting the computer, after changing the password. nothing helped.

(btw, i tried to reach out to the support in the subject but got only an automated reply, but that’s another…)

I really want to post my question on the answerhub. thanks.

ERANNNN - I have fixed your account. Please update your ticket with Epic Support to let them know that you no longer need assistance.

[=“, post:64, topic:1896”]

ERANNNN - I have fixed your account. Please update your ticket with Epic Support to let them know that you no longer need assistance.


Awesome! Thanks a lot!

Same here. We got our Enterprise license over 2 weeks ago now and no user other than our CTO/admin has been able to access the UDN. I’ve tried logging on from 3 different machines at work plus another one at home. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, incognito mode, reset cache and cookies etc… At point, I just don’t see how the can be on our end.

[=“anonymous_user_f06c9de1, post:66, topic:1896”]

Same here. We got our Enterprise license over 2 weeks ago now and no user other than our CTO/admin has been able to access the UDN. I’ve tried logging on from 3 different machines at work plus another one at home. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, incognito mode, reset cache and cookies etc… At point, I just don’t see how the can be on our end.

I’ll reach out to you by email.

I wan’t to change my e-mail I used to sign in because it’s not my e-mail and can’t use 2FA or unlink any accounts

[=“Olivier428, post:68, topic:1896”]

I wan’t to change my e-mail I used to sign in because it’s not my e-mail and can’t use 2FA or unlink any accounts

I don’t believe that what you’re posting about has any relation to the UE4 Answerhub or any relevance to forum thread.

Please see article related to changing your email address: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games
Although since it is “not your email”, you will likely need to contact our support team by clicking the “Contact Us” button in the upper right of the linked article.

Still having here in 2020…I have tried clearing cookies and switching browsers, but still get error once logging in.

issue is still happening in 2021

@ Hello , I seem to be having the same. When I sign in into my account it will show me error first:

if I click on any of the buttons (my username, edit profile, settings, Post A Question, trying to change to any section) I always land on error:

I’ve used the support webpage to reach out, but they said that it’s an with Answerhub website and that they can’t help me with my problem. Funnily enough, they directed me to the same support page where I created the support case from originally. It’s been probably a week I’ve been having problem. I even tried to login from a different computer at a different location and ISP. I also tried clearing cookies and cache but that didn’t seem to help. Hopefully you’re still around! :smiley: I’m not sure where else to go for help.

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Hello. I know it is a year old topic, but I am having absolutely same.
You are not authenticate, please authenticate.
popup show an ID # that is not mine.
Anyhelp is very welcome

Any update?

I’ve reviewed all 4 of your Answerhub accounts and I do not see a common that has affected other past users which we’ve been able to easily resolve.

I do not have a solution for the issues you are experiencing. issue would likely require involvement from the site vendor, but they have been unable to resolve related issues, and Epic is working towards a change to the website which will address these and other matters.

Apologies for the difficulties.

Update: I can now provide some additional context: Epic looking for your feedback on the direction to take with Answerhub

Hello , it seems that I have the same as other fellows above. The same “an internal error has occurred and we are sorry for the inconvenience”. If it is possible, could you please help me to login into my Answerhub?

I’m having a similar, originally reported over here:

@Assasssin115 & @robcowsill
I’ve reviewed your accounts and I’m sorry to say I don’t have a solution. You are not experiencing the common that I’m normally able to fix. My previous response to the others applies to you as well.


I don’t know what’s changed, but my answerhub account works now! :tada:

Hi there, I’m also struggling to get access I keep getting error when I login I’ve tried various web browser and even a different PC, still same.