Why is my game so bright?

So i closed everything up with brushes, but it stayes bright, but i want it to be dark, so it gets a spooky atmosphere.

Quick info: I just started to learn UE4.

Check the intensity of your DirectionalLight and SkyLight actors.

Most likely answer is skylight turn up too high, anything above 1 should be regarded with suspicion :slight_smile:

So, i deleted every light source, but i hasn’t changed much, it is still very bright.

So, i deleted every light source, but i hasn’t changed much, it is still very bright.

Then you either have a postprocess volume, or you have to rebuild light :slight_smile:

If it’s not needed for the outside area, get rid of the Environment Color and lower Environment Intensity in the Lightmass settings (World Settings). Change the color to dark grey / black, and reduce the intensity.