Why does my Metallic map make my mesh almost completely black?

Heck just do this:

BUT the engine is totally fine - yep - The rendering pipeline is Just perfect…
Another EPIC fail by Epic :stuck_out_tongue:

That said - try making all your light movable - skylight too - and give a quick glimpse to the ones I shared directly.

There’s another one in that pile somewhere with detailed info on each item you need to enable to get GOLD to look… well… gold… And silver to look silver, not Burnt Chimney™ (epic might as well trade mark this as their new PBR color)…

PS: The last screen-cap is just not metal enough. Not sure if you were testing without metal - but the Albedo looks about what I’d expect to get the initial sketchfab look. maybe It is a little on the dark side - but it shouldn’t really matter.
Enabling metal should make the item LIGHTER - as there’s a ■■■■ cloud white sky to reflect into it…

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