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Cars Of War, hobby (portfolio) project.
Wot inspired game with armored cars, more weapons, mines, smoke-grenades, more equipment options and dynamic weather system.
Multiplayer over steam 12 vs 12.
Slow paced tactical oriented game play.

Current version: pre-alpha, playable multiplayer over steam.
Gameplay video in the works!
(WIP, need to replace some place holder graphics etc)

One man show, all in blueprints.

Working on a map inspired by Overwatch’s art style, is just for practice.All assets are original and handpainted :smiley:

Nice to see that your modular system is working pretty well so far, I am still a bit nervous when I need to do for my characters.
Do you have a UI system set up to where you can control or is more for when you are spawning in characters that the clothing systems runs? Are you thinking at all of tackling in a materiel system for the clothing so you can change the colors of the different skeletal meshes for the character?

One why that I have found to be able to get the clothing to better match up with the character body is to take the character mesh (the naked guy or the main skeleton) and create a materiel ID channel for him just set up a opacity controller to hide different sections of the body if there is another clothing mesh that is to be place there such as if your bools that you have become true.

but overall is nice to see working and what are you plans with they system in the future?

Kyle D.

hey EO88… well, for the moment i’m just a sequencer kind of guy and i needed a way to get mixed NPC’s in so i could fill a town or something… i looked at the visibility way and i decided i didn’t want 1000 meshes loaded up on my model just to use one… just as a side note, in the character details in the game viewport, you can pick the sk mesh in the components section and change the mesh and materials there… i just wanted checkboxes… and i wanted it the way i wanted it!, not the way they wanted it :slight_smile:

my methodology is as thus… i am well aware that i’m not really very good at anything, but i always look down the road… it’s sequencer for now, butttttt, it’s also being built so that if and when i turn it over to a game, all the pieces will be there to just bing bang boom switch it over… so for now i don’t need a ui for setting clothes for players… but when the time comes system will somehow work because i will make it work, and everything you can reach in the details panel, you can put in a blueprint…

sweet dreams… NS

Dont really post much of project anywhere right now, I am hoping that soon I will be able to get a official forum post made once I have more content and mechanics in place as I will need to find people to help me test the multiplayer aspects as well.
but the past week as has been taking an old gun building system and totally revamping it so it more strait forward and can be used in a multiplayer game.

So for now the guns do randomizing and I only have the two different rifle classes in right now i get some more parts molded out for testing. The nest set will be needing to save and load the player weapon builds. Everything is still in temporary stage and will be replaced in the future.

I’m working on Swagger - top-down multiplayer shooter.

Very WIP clicker like game concept

Did a shield thingy



That’s cool. I assume that’s a post processing blendable? Or are those two different materials?

It’s just some extra Base Color math lerped in and activated with an on-hit event in blueprints.

That answers one of the two questions I was going to have when I saw , my other question was are you going to make materiel react to on hit locations and have the effect ripple from there?

Probably not, at least not right now. I made for a friend to have as a prototype shield material, only spent a half hour or so on it from start to finish.

I saw what you did there with your first upload :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice work, I felt the Overwatch style!

Good luck have fun in your projects everyone :slight_smile:

Can it be that the terrain has dynamic deformation under the tires :stuck_out_tongue:

Moved my 2d game from cocos2d-x to ue4 :slight_smile:

Trying my hand at UE4 to get my animated short looking good with low rendertime. Busy with assets and scene setup, still need to do texturing.




OMG! I am watching only now and I am completely amazed, always loved castles and seeing made my jaw drop! Nice work
Are you planning to model all the interiors and “paint” them? I am really curious to know how you are going to work with those.
May I ask out of curiosity how much time did you put into project? Well I assure you it’s worth it!
Last but not least, given the results, what do you mean with

? Did you baked AO in Blender perhaps or is it something else entirely?
Thank you for showing us project! looking forward to hearing more about it

Hey guys, wanted to showcase a small teaser of my project I’m working on with one more person.
It’s still in alpha stage but we are doing pretty well thanks to Unreal Engine.
It’s not much but we always wanted to showcase something on forum after seeing so much of your amazing work.


Hey everyone, is my first post in the forum. I thought about sharing something really simple but pleasant :slight_smile: