What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos


The Dark Veil: West Haven is getting some combat love. Remember the days when you had to decide if using your ammo and healing items on basic enemies was necessary so you could finish the game and not have to restart from the beginning?

Those days are coming back in a new, fresh updated form: The Dark Veil: West Haven. xD

Some recent pictures of my fun-learning-UE4 project “Rogue Velocity 3D” (two puns intended there, if you know what I mean)

Made a Dungeon Keeper like “digging” system with auto adjusting wall tiles:


Great works around !
I’ve been working on more gameplay elements, but also a bit of the level design - is some of that

[TABLE=“align: center, border: 0”]

Solo Game Devs
**Must Wear **
Many Hats…

Game Mechanics

Player FTPS Camera System
=qCaeILUCTs4Combat AI

Character Customization

=RI8fx6_wzcQParts Attachment
=EUr3X8lH0m8MorphTarget Support
=u2SAlDHRA98Connector Attachment

Creature Design

=Ld9nlGiPedgKaiju Construction
=04odNJ9EhC4Kaiju Weapon
=A_AtD1xkAt4Proc Creature Concept

Level Design

=MX053UzTfmkCollab Level Editing
=YDJznIALQ_sConvert Meshes to Parts

Hi everyone!

I have started making my own music for the game…

Let me know what you think? And be honest, it’s the only way for me to get better



#UnrealEngine4](www.facebook/hashtag/unrealengine4?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG) #UE4](www.facebook/hashtag/ue4?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG) #Animation](www.facebook/hashtag/animation?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG) #Music](www.facebook/hashtag/music?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG) #Synthwave](www.facebook/hashtag/synthwave?source=feed_text&epa=HASHTAG)

is going to be a small cyberpunk fps project. With bullet time mechanics and custom designed weapons and environments. I just finished the core mechanics, needs a lot of tweaking to be . But I’m happy for the time, given that I had no prior coding knowledge. All with the blueprint system.

More ; .unrealengine/community/work-in-progress/1614375-cyberpunk-fps-project


A Swans music video WIP


Put together a dialogue concept for my little robot homie.




Pretty good! The Synthwave sound gives more of SF-vibes than Viking/Barbarian, but thats probably not important?
Anyway, while I get what you are going for, I think the tempo is a tad too slow. Listening at 1.25x speed feels more natural to me.

Working on a stylized shoreline shader


Basically doing Arma in UE4


Reworking modelisation of the character, as i am a bit noob at , trying to have bones for facial animations ( mostly for story cutscenes ) as i was looking around, i do a better job at doing facial expression with blendshapes / morphers, but it looks like it’s lighter to use bones.

Flying an airplane underground? yep :slight_smile:

More shoreline junk
