VR Expansion Plugin

Amazing, that simple. Thank you!!! Looks like I have a few things to move around as I am handling the item pulling logic within the same function as the point and highlight. Lots to learn!

is likely something where you want to gate a lot of logic outside of the global tick, using a timer with a set htz rate would not only be a bit more performant here as you are only checking say 30 times a second for highlight, but also would let you only set it on the owner.

Depends though, if you want it frame perfect then a timer isn’t going to help much.

I did that but could not get it to work. I’ll play more around with it

I’m also trying to disable the controllers from showing at run time. Unchecked display device model and they still show after hitting play.
And how can I enable collision with world so that the hands meshes won’t go through objects.

Thank you very for your time! And sorry for needing to ask you.

Looking forward to try that upper body ik from the video.

hello,how to setup the plugin for work with an oculus quest pawn ?

Remove the controller loading timer in the big red box in the event graph of the character. That is there because it can be used in multiplayer while the built in controller visualization cannot.

As for enable collision with the world with hand meshes, you’ll have to simulate the bone chain since you are using full body IK and use the physical animation component, that or sweep your effectors or simulate them and have the actual effectors be blocked by geometry.

unsure what you mean? The characters should work as is for quest, you just need to make sure that you are setting the tracking mode to floor in engine.

Hey, it works now! Thank you so much!

well yes that work but the grab thing doenst seem to be working with the quest touch controllers


I’m having a strange glitch with ue 4.22 oculus branch and vrxp :
When I’m displaying a VRwidget, it’s all glitchy when a move the head. Didn’t have problem with 4.22 from epic’s launcher. Maybe something to do with late-latching ?
(on oculus quest, with vulkan)

doesn’t work how? Motion controllers are platform agnostic, the only thing that would get in the way would be if the button mappings weren’t firing off. You can check the projectsettings/input tab and look at the left/right grip actions to see what buttons are bound to default grip.

I had to go and aproximate replacements for all of the bindings in 4.24 since input was entirely changed for VR in engine, some things are not currently working correctly (notably the steam input plugin isn’t correctly binding everything without manual adjustment), I haven’t done too much explicit testing on oculus since the overhaul.

Wouldn’t know, you’d have to turn it off and see, I can’t exactly change the world position based on updates that happen that far in the render thread so you would have to either use a tracker locked stereo layer then or a world widget if that is the case.

Tried it and same problem. It’s not related to late latching, but glitch appears only on last 4.24.1 oculus branch and not on epic launcher’s 4.24.1.
But it doesn’t appear with unreal widget.

edit : ok, I just saw that I was mistaking in my first message, it’s on 4.24, not 4.22

Unreals widget doesn’t use the stereo layer as a display format, so no it wouldn’t change. There would have to be some difference in the oculus branch, but I don’t tailor my code to that branch as it has platform exclusive changes and may / may not have bugs that aren’t in the primary engine.

You can see if you can reproduce with a standard stereo layer component, and if so, report it to oculus as a bug specific to their branch.

You can also try turning on EpicsWorldSpace option on my stereo layer widget and see if that does anything, it uses a different method of locking the world space (off by default because it has been buggy).

First of all, great plugin!

I am currently prototyping a wheelchair, and was wondering what approach you would recommend.
I was thinking of something along the lines of: adding invisible VRLever components to the mesh.
Then, updating the wheel’s bone rotation based on the lever movement. Any suggestions?

Also, would you consider opening up your discord to the community and having private channels for supporters instead?

You could do it that way if you wanted too, but it would also be possible to actually physically simulate it and grip and base movement on that if you wanted too as well.

As for the discord, I been back and forth over that recently, the original intention was to distance myself a bit as I wasn’t getting things done using all of my spare time answering questions. I haven’t decided yet.

Thank you so much for the plugin, its helping me a lot, but im trying to get 2 computers in the same room to join in mulitplayer and i cant seem to do that. I have the project open on both computers, and i host the server from one of them and i try to search and join on the other ( it can find the server) but then when i join , both pawns cant see each other. Im sure im missing something but ive been searching through the forum but i cant get it to work.

It should be working fine like that unless you have some kind of inner network issue. There isn’t much to say though, not enough information to try and debug.

i have the 4.22 version on my laptop and the 4.23 version on my desktop. Ive packaged both as development and kept the online subsystem as Steam. They are both on the same wifi wifi network and when i launch both and have one host via LAN and the other search via LAN also , it finds it but then when it joins neither session can see the other (im not using headsets yet im iust trying to get the system going correctly first) so it defaults to the vive fps. So if you could just help me understand what im doing wrong id id sooo grateful. Thanks again so much

Edit : Also without checking LAN the same happens. Ive also tried NULL as a subsystem in the ini file. But they still cant see each other.

Oh…then they are denying because of incompatible engine versions. Why would you try to connect two entirely different builds?

My laptop has the older version thats all. I didnt know that would make a difference. Even if they are packaged builds?