VR Expansion Plugin

Yes, very much so, there could be vast differences in the packets and net serialization, not to mention the gameplay assets and code itself. Sessions check for compatible build number by default.

Since then, I’ve tried the lever approach, with *SetDriveTorque *on the specific wheel being moved. But it doesn’t work well, so I looked into your suggestion, but I’m not sure what is meant by simulate grip and base movement. Like attach cylinders (with phys mat) using constraints to the base mesh and simulate physics? Currently I have the entire wheelchair as a skeletal mesh, which made me think the initial approach made more sense.

You can use PerBoneGripping and actually physically simulate the wheels, using a physical grip like manipulation or interactive_with_physics you could directly apply forces to the wheel then. Logically though, you don’t need a lever, you can just use any collision object that you want and a CustomGrip type and track how you want the wheel to mirror the hand movements.

Hello friends, I really need your help with multiplayer on plugin. Everything works great, me and my friend can connect to each other server, but how can I change level for both of us? Lets say we are in lobby together and want to start a level how can be done? BTW I am using 4.23.1 unreal version.

I’m really looking forward for your help :wink:

Wouldn’t simulating physics on a cylinder be way more inferior than the enhanced physics interaction of the VehicleWheel from the PhysxVehicles module? Or are you implying I use the same class for the wheels? Also, applying forces to the wheel Is currently done by the SimpleVehicle component’s SetTorque or w/e. Would I have to manually rotate them to accelerate or something? Appreciate your suggestions btw, you’re a lifesaver.

Server travel would be your best bet Travelling in Multiplayer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

Wasn’t aware that you were trying to do with an actual vehicle class to ride on, that does change things a bit as then you have to work with the approximated forces that it uses. You can likely get something working with setting torque with a physics wheel, however it would actually be perfectly possible to move an actual wheel and 1:1 map the radial distance of its rotation to linear movement, blending between the two sides for direction.

I was not able to find a loading timer. I found a SetTimerbyEvent returning a value set in the variable ControllerTimerHandle. Deleting those only removed the controller on one hand. Is that what should be removed?

Yes, connect the input to where the output goes

Same thing O.O It only removes the left controller

Then you have the ShowDisplayModel ticked on the right controller component itself.

Heya , trying to use the demo project with a mixed reality headset… can’t teleport, no widget, no movement, any suggestions?

Answered in discord but it looked like you were trying to use the thumbstick in a pre 4.24 version without the wmr plugin enabled. WMR thumbsticks weren’t supported in legacy input. Though in 4.24 mappings did entirely change and the auto mapping for steamvr isn’t currently working perfectly, so it takes some custom mapping sometimes in the overlay.

Ah… I’d forgotten that there was a WMR plugin that had to be enabled <cheesy grin>

Is it possible to opt for overlapping checks for gripping a lever by overriding VRLever Component and setting a flag or interface value / tag? Currently using a cylinder as a lever, but the player doesn’t grab when the hands are inside the mesh. Checked out the steering wheel, but it didn’t have any special configuration.

Are you using a custom setup? The example template does both an overlap and a trace check as the overlap handles when the check is fully inside of an object and the trace is capable of getting bones and more accurate hit detection.

How you define colliding to grip something is in the end up to you, I do not do any of that in the plugin itself as then it would limit you in situations where you want custom logic. If you want to use overlaps, just use them, either alongside traces or instead of them.

If you are based off of the example template and having that issue then you just don’t have your collision setup correctly and are not generating overlaps with the VRTracechannel.

Pushed a commit to both repositories:


Some may have seen the Upper Body IK and melee scripts in videos recently, those are still on experimental branches and not in commit.

Hello, I have successfully installed the plugin to my project (4.23.1), but I wanted to take a look at the example template to see how you set it up. I tried downloading it and installing per the directions here, but every time, when I get to building the solution in visual studio, it fails with all these errors:

I have tried building project with versions 4.20, 4.23.1, and 4.24.1, each one fails the same way. I have also tried downloading the pre-built binary package of the plugin and placing it into the plugins folder as per the directions, but it still fails to build successfully.

What is going wrong, and how can I get to work? Thank you in advance for your help.

Delete all of that extra auto generated folder name characters that the repository generates for downloads, its hitting the windows file name length limit.

First time with VRE and 4.24 and I’m dumbfounded. What am I missing? It’s something simple, I’m sure…

I followed the instructions of the SteamVR Input plugin: Regenerate Action Manifest, Regenerate Contoller Bindings, Reload Action Manifest.

Trying to reload the action manifest of SteamVR Input produces error:

LogSteamVRInputDevice: Display: Reloading Action Manifest in: D:/bitbucket/vrexppluginexample - Copy/Config/SteamVRBindings/steamvr_manifest.json
LogSteamVRInputDevice: Display: [STEAMVR INPUT] Registering Application Manifest D:/bitbucket/vrexppluginexample - Copy/Config/steamvr_ue_editor_app.json : VRApplicationError_None
LogSteamVRInputDevice: Display: [STEAMVR INPUT] Editor Application [10964][application.generated.ue.virtual-reality-bp-game-template-10757647.ue4editor.exe] identified to SteamVR: VRApplicationError_None
LogSteamVRInputDevice: Error: [STEAMVR INPUT] Setting Action Manifest Path: Mismatched Action Manifest

What am I missing?

VRExpPluginExample, checked out a few hours ago.

Yeah…the steam input module being core now has been causing a lot of edge cases issues for people, mostly when first launching a new project having to regenerate the manifest or tracking doesn’t work.

In your case it can’t seem to find the correct relative path to generate the action manifest, honestly I would try deleting the “- Copy” part of the projects file path and trying again. I know that the unity version of the plugin has issue from mishandling relative paths awhile ago and people were having to manually restart steamvr / their computer to get steamVR out of the last projects relative path when switching back and forth.

Also if you have the marketplace version of their input module installed, I don’t think the in engine version correctly closes down to allow it until 4.24.2.