VR Expansion Plugin

Okay I got it working (I think) without crashing the client (the transition game mode needs to be an empy one for the same reason you destroy the character before traveling, supposedly), but I’m gonna test with multiple players week.

However, if for some reason the clients crash (empty battery or something :p) the client crashes upon joining the server.
The player is spawned, but it crashes right after it (screen freezes).

Do you have any idea what it could be?

Thanks in advance,


That could be a million things, you’d have to check their crash log.

Feels like a silly question - anyone know how to “click” the “host server” button in the example level using Vive controllers? None of the interactions that I can find seem to allow me to do anything in the HUD.

Turn on the laser beam to interact with it, I assume you are on 4.24 where all of the mappings are different, you can check the input settings in the project and the LaserBeam_Left / Right actions toggle it. The vive controller is bound to the system button by default.

Ya been playing with that for a while just now. The left system button no longer brings up the laser pointer. Apparently Steam decided to “improve” SteamVR with some new settings, and that coupled with 4.24 screwing all the mappings makes it so the default config no longer has any laser pointer at all.

So I figured out that you can change the trigger to activate the laser pointer, however, you have to remove the trigger from “use object” mapping in case. Neither system nor menu will work when mapped to the laser for some reason, which I suspect is an interaction with new Steam VR client and the profiles it has built-in.

I’m able to start a host and, on a second computer, I can “find servers” and see the host started on the first computer, however, I cannot select the server. The “click” event on the ServerInfo widget never fires and thus cannot select the panel.

never happens…

Has anyone else gotten 4.24 with HTC Vive to work in multiplayer generally?

The session management documentation is so scant in UE4. The only reason I’m trying to use it is so that I can have replicated physics. Example - two players passing a ball back and forth in VR.

Actually that one is my bad, during the conversion I made that the system button, looking back at the mappings it should have been the menu buttons instead as they don’t allow mapping to the system button. I fixed the default template and it is updated with the correction.

Ok cool will try again afternoon.

The end goal here is to create a simple game that allows two people to pass a ball back and forth. I hit the ball and it rolls along the floor towards the other player, who then hits it back, etc. Simple soccer if you will…is that something that is generally achievable in UE4 with a dedicated server? It’s still not clear to me how the client/server setup knows which authority to trust regarding the position of the ball, calculating bouncing off walls, or the impulse applied by clients. Most of the games I have seen involve shooting where all of the projectiles clearly belong to one player (e.g. another player cannot “catch” the projectile). Server-side physics seems to be a topic of much interest and debate and somewhat implementation specific.

So the selection still doesnt work with the laser and I had to change the mapping to trigger again as the system button would not do anything, although may be related to my local steam config. new version 1.9.16 introduced some kind of profile screen that I have not seen before. Anyway still doesnt seem to be working as intended with HTC vive.

You likely need to regenerate your bindings now that it has been changed yes. There is a big steam button on the taskbar now that lets you regenerate your action manifest.

A Soccer ball being passed back and forth is “possible” but you are going to have to do some prediction work to make it clean, or accept latency.

Hello, thankyou very much for plugin. It is an amazing resource and your support and dedication is truly admirable.
What does the future hold for plugin in regards to the chaos physics? I remember you talking about using that system but is it even in 4.24 yet?

Not in any usable form as far as gripping goes. They only have the fracturing part done so far really.

They have the framework for everything else in place (empty functions) but I doubt it will be any time soon that we see a really stable simulation scene constraints and all.

Hi there! So for the life of me I can’t seem to figure out. I’ve followed both your text and Raven’s video tutorial on gripping, and I’ve tried searching to see if there was a solution in thread but I can’t seem to get the grip to work at all on anything “grippable” (g.static mesh, g.actor, etc.). The VR Slider on the cube from Raven’s video works fine, but the grippable static mesh sphere doesn’t. It’ll register the hit, but then drop immediately as if I let go. I have a print set up after the GripObjectByInterface, and it gets through to that just fine. Tried doing a fresh project for the plugin as well as trying 4.24; I’m currently using engine ver 4.23.1.

Thanks for your time!

Hello, thank you for creating plugin, and for your ongoing support.

I’m trying to install plugin according to the directions here. I’m using UE4 4.23.1, VS 2017, and a blank template blueprint project. Everything was going fine until step 12, building the solution in VS. My build failed with 49 errors, shown below:

Most of the errors seem to be repetitions of the same two errors, something about the == operator. The final error, as you can see, has something to do with permissions?

Any idea what is causing these issues and how to resolve them? Thanks

Hi , I support you on Patreon now and the answer to question is more than likely that I need to learn replication, but I thought I’d ask nonetheless.

On my VR character, I’m using line trace every tick to highlight any items I’m pointing at with my hand. I’m highlighting the items by showing/hiding a special mesh at the appropriate time, and I have that working very nicely. For some reason, though, it is replicating to all players even though I disabled the Component Replicates option on the mesh I’m hiding/showing. Am I misunderstanding something here? It almost looks as if the VR character is forcing replication of a mesh that isn’t configured to replicate. I only want the player to see their own targeted items highlighted and not those of other players’. I tried moving my “make item highlighted” function over to my item instead of doing it from the character but that yields the same result.

What makes all even stranger for me is that my force grab movement ISN’T being replicated despite being handled within the same function. I want to understand how replication is behaving really well at stage.

Hey ,

I’m working within the 4.23 example template and I’ve been trying to make a full body character.

I tried making the skeletal mesh a child to the ParentRelativeAttachment and drive the head rotation through the animation blueprint using a transform modify bone with a variable that gets the VRReplicatedCamera’s rotation and I moved the skeletal mesh so that the VRReplicatedCamera gets right between the eyes. However, since the camera pivot point and the head bone pivot point are in different locations the VRReplicatedCamera’s position gets offset and doesn’t maintain its intented position (between the eyes).

So I tried cutting the head of the character and make it a child of the VRReplicatedCamera and the body a child of the ParentRelativeAttachment. I’ve been trying to keep the position of the neck in the same place but no good results. It bends at some unnatural angles because the head inherits the camera’s pivot(between the eyes).

I know i could tweak the skeletal mesh position so that I won’t see any clipping issues due to character’s head getting the offset but that would not be physically correct. Unless my character is a snail :slight_smile:

What do you suggest?

If that sphere is heavily downscaled than you may be hitting the auto drop distance on it (its in relative space currently). Set the distance to 0 (never drops) or a much higher value and try again.

Edit deleted original as I found the problem.

Whoops, merged a full 4.24 commit into 4.23 instead of just one part of it. Reverting to fix it, by the time you read it should be corrected.

Sounds more like you aren’t gating the highlight logic behind IsLocallyControlled on the character, so all of the characters are running the same logic on all connections.

You either need to make a static offset value that you project from the camera transform that you have your head mesh follow, or take the easier route (that is pretty standard with IK) of adding a scene component attached to the camera as an “effector” and follow that instead.

I’ll also note that I have recently been porting an upper body ik white paper to ue4 that I find very interesting.