I’ve been reading about Volumetric Lightmaps, and stumbled upon an issue.
I found couple threads where people suggesting to use Volumetric Lightmap Density Volume to increase samples amount in specific areas. So that movable objects would be lit correctly. They also provided screenshots of how it works:
However, for me it has an opposite effect! Whenever I place this volume on my scene, it seems to be pushing away all the samples within its area. Here are examples:
As you can see, instead of concentrating samples withing the volume, it scattered them all over the place instead.
How do those volumes work exactly? And how can I achieve the same effect as on the first screenshot, where this volume gathers samples within and around itself?
Yeah I really need help with this too. It doesnt seem like there is a solution at all.
The only thing I got to work was setting my light to stationary o light up my volumetric fog instead of using the volumetric lightmap. But I can’t do that to all my 150 or so lights in the scene, it would kill performance D: Therefore not a true solution to this
Did you set the Allowed Mip Level Range property of the volume? If you want highest density VLM samples in the defined volume, they should be set to Min: 0 and Max: 0. If you set 1 and 3, the volume removes the highest density samples.
I was very confused about this at first, too. The VLM volumes are actually doing the opposite of what the lightmass importance volumes do, which is to say that lightmap probes are actually being removed (mipped) by the VLM volumes. I thought they were supposed to be placed where you want more probes, but it’s exactly the reverse of that.