Vertex clip?


I don’t believe there is a clip node for vertices. I am trying to us clip() in a custom expression, but Unreal complains about an unmapped expression and seems to believe I am trying to access a local variable.

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Failed to compile Material /Engine/Transient.JacketCustomMat for platform PCD3D_SM5, Default Material will be used in game.

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: Material.usf(1284,2-9): err0r X4532: cannot map expression to vs_5_0 instruction set

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: LocalVertexFactory.usf(637,3-70): warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable ((unknown))

LogShaderCompilers:Warning: GpuSkinVertexFactory.usf(561,2-67): warning X4000: use of potentially uninitialized variable ((unknown))

Does anyone know of a different way to clip a vertex in ue shaders? Thank you.

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ever find a solution?

My understanding is the HLSL intrinsic function clip() is pixel shader only. I don’t think it can operate in the vertex shader.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

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seems to not work on desktop renderer either, only works on my android preview tests