Unreal Engine 5.5 Released

Hi @Miguel1900 , I have no issues packaging in UE 5.5.1. Also tried packaging your sample project above (the dropbox one from 17d ago). There packaging fails by default, adding GameFeatureData to the AssetManager under Project Settings → Asset Manager → Primary Asset Types to Scan fixes the packaging error (or you could disable the GameFeatures plugin, seems like enabling it requires to add GameFeatureData to the asset manager). Opening the packaged project (packaged in shipping configuration) works fine, also opening it twice :slight_smile:

Did you try to package a new template project (just with the default configuration, without adding plugins or assets)? Cause in the dropbox project packaging fails by default due to the asset manager missing something, and there are several experimental/beta plugins (GameFeature, Python) enabled.

EDIT: After trying to open the packaged version with the GameFeatures plugin disabled it crashes with a low level fatal error D3D12RayTracing, and now also the previously packaged version with the GameFeatures plugin enabled that opened fine crashes with the same error… :sweat_smile: But opening a default packaged game still works fine. So it seems to me that the problem comes from the project configuration/assets that the dropbox project used (the default packaged game also has support hardware ray tracing enabled and still opens fine).

Haha, thank you for trying @chrudimer !

As you can see, it’s difficult to find a “rule”. I have tried literally everything. In fact there is a workaround for this specific issue, but only for this error. Other errors will still happen: Shipping build crashes with DX12 and Raytracing enabled - #31 by Miguel1900

Anyway, you probably tested packaging without Project Launcher, right? It gives even more direct/evident errors.

Yeah, I packaged without Project Launcher (didn’t even know that existed). I get the exact same error as in the thread you mention above. Its especially annoying to pin down if it only crashes ‘sometimes’, but for now I’m still at 5.4 and hope I won’t encounter that bug :sweat_smile:

5.5 and 5.5.1 have a critical bug where components on child bps that are placed in a level lose any customized property values in packaged builds. I posted my reply with 100% repro in this thread https://forums.unrealengine.com/t/some-inherited-blueprint-variables-breaks-after-upgrade-to-ue-5-5/2137164/9

Unfortunately this makes 5.5 absolutely unusable for anyone needing to package or ship a game. I’ll try to get a bug report in today but epic needs to fix this ASAP. No legitimate studio can use this version until it’s fixed.


Other weird 5.5.1 bugs involving HISMs:

Hello, I have been trying to install Epic Games for the first time and the installation ends prematurely because of an error. Tech support sent me articles that did not address my problem, my post to different forums have not been published. Any ideas? Windows 11 , 2 terabytes in my C:drive and 4 Terabytes on my D:DRIVE


Taking screenshots at runtime (in packaged games) is also broken?

Hahaha, how the hell is 5.5 so broken? Great QA team!!

Has there been any updates on this? It affects Minimap generation, Nav Building & HLOD Generation.

I wrote a bug report weeks ago but nothing…

This is the last time i try a new version of the Unreal Engine… Im waiting a minimum of .2 hotfixes + before we try anything new. This is my fault for trusting these builds were properly QAed since these are issues present even in their sample projects they ship built into the engine…

It’s still broken, we have to wait until the holidays are over. Epic’s offices are closed now…

UE 5.5.1

Bug: (EDIT: not a bug, nanite does not support morphs at the moment)
if nanite is enabled on a skeletal mesh that uses morph targets, the morph targets stop working on game.

I have a character that blinks and opens mouth when jumping. If i enable nanite with “preserve area” on the skeletal mesh of the character, the character does no longer blink or open mouth when jumping. I tested with other skeletal meshes aswell and nanite broke the morph targets on all tested skeletal meshes.

so, if you use morph targets on a skeletal mesh, you can not use nanite or the morph targets stop working.

This is intended and in their docs its one or the other…

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thanks for the info, nanite on skeletalmeshes is new so I did not know morph targets are not supported.

Could you post a link to the mentioned doc so I can read about it?

I found this one, but it does not mention morph targets:

I found it, it is on the same document I linked:

Well, I hope this is supported in the future :slight_smile:

3 weeks without changes in 5.5.2 Github. Will you launch this version soon, but still broken? How long are your holidays?

@Amanda.Schade Please, fix the Fullscreen and/or r.SetRes bugs.

Thank you.

2 days now.

We have to keep complaining and reporting bugs, it’s the only thing to do.

Maybe just create a website… named as ‘unrealbugs.com’ lol… there list of the top 20 bugs and links describing the symtom. Make the website as viral as possible. Maybe the bugs will get fixed faster this way… :wink:

You can already report bugs and track them.
Bug status and fixes https://issues.unrealengine.com/

If you want to report bugs check this

Yep, but I was ignoring ultra-mini changes. In the last 3 weeks there have been a couple of them, which make it looks like if it were received changes more recently.


Unfortunately it’s quite useless, as they usually ignore the reports. 90% of my reports never received a reply, and I usually report actual confirmed bugs. Even with repro projects, to make it faster and easier for them. Almost always ignored (thank you, Epic). I got exhausted and I don’t report bugs thorught that annoying form anymore, unless it’s ultra flagrant, like the Fullscreen bug.


What fullscreen bug?

Can someone help me? Unable to install Epic Games, I had done everything they have asked me to do, I run Windows download trouble shooter but it did not find any errors. It says installation ended prematurely because of an error, I even disable antivirus temporally. Nothing works, brand new computer, Windows 11.