Unreal Engine 5.5 Released

No idea they broke something horribly in 5.5.X

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Yeah cool this is still completely broken in 5.5.1. Skeletal mesh components still don’t update properly in the editor when set via blueprint.

Anyone having memory leaks ? It’s ~3 MB / Sec

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It’s really incomprehensible, they release a 5.5.1 fix, and it brings more problems than solutions. After 3 years of use, I still have trouble believing that Unreal 5 is made for video games. With each new version of new bugs, I have to find a trick each time to get around the problems, not to mention the many crashes, and the lack of optimization… It’s very frustrating not to be able to run my game at 60fps, when I can run a Call Of Duty (or any other games) at 120 fps in 4K on my computer.


They should release a LTS version ASAP, like 5.3, which was working quite stable, but still with some “minor” bugs (like landscape not visible when project packed). I can’t understand why they don’t do it, as shouldn’t be so difficult to find the fix in the newer versions they develop and integrate it in the pertinent file in the previous LTS version. Instead, Unreal is becomeing famous because of being always broken; Bugreal.

As you said, every time/update you must face new issues. You may find a way to workaround some of them after a lot of work and lost time, while you still wait for a fix for the main issues you can’t workaround. After that, you update to a new Unreal version hoping they’re fixed, and maybe they fixed some of the main issues, but new things which were function fine are broken now, so the infinite circle starts again; you lose your time to workaround only some of them and you start waiting again for the next Bugreal update.

Sad, but true.


That happened in 5.3 and it’s back.

I think they are focusing on virtual production now and the gaming part is not important. I think about Unity and back.

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After 5.3, the cascade particle effects have been unstable. And in nvidia control panel, unlimited shader setting need to be enabled. Else been good. Still to test if async navigation mesh and garbage collecting chucks are working again that were broken in U5.5.

Recast Navmesh with Async gathering enabled is still crashing in UE5.5.1 when built or played. The more those (having 3), the moreguaranteed crash.

[2024.12.13-03.31.38:800][837]LogThreadingWindows: Error: Runnable thread Background Worker #42 crashed.
[2024.12.13-03.31.38:802][837]LogWindows: Error: Assertion failed: IsInGameThread() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\AI\Navigation\NavigationElement.h] [Line: 374] 
[2024.12.13-03.31.38:802][837]LogWindows: Error: Currenlty not allowing this to be called from non-game thread.
[2024.12.13-03.31.38:802][837]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff800475b0b UnrealEditor-NavigationSystem.dll!UnknownFunction []
[2024.12.13-03.31.38:802][837]LogWindows: Error: [Callstack] 0x00007ff800393e54 UnrealEditor-NavigationSystem.dll!UnknownFunction []

Anyone else having either of these two issues in a packaged game in 5.5.1?

  1. ‘stat’ console commands do nothing when executed, was working in 5.4.4.
  2. opening the console and closing it causes to not be able to click on any actor afterwards.

Nodal Point+distortion calibration is not working?

Has anyone gotten nodal point to work in the lens calibrator for 5.5.1? In particular the one-pass distortion + nodal workflow the Epic has documented?

I have setup a tracked checkerboard and tracked camera. Following Epics workflow everything seems to be working just fine, I do a solve and get an error of less than 1. All the camera intrinsic values populate but the nodal offset remains NA (not a wrong value, it just does not populate).

And yes, I have checked that the tracker is working, “calculate nodal”, “tracked camera” and “tracked checkerboard” are all enabled.

Also, when I am capturing checkerboards, there seems to be a problem with detecting the checkerboard when it is in the lower left corner of the frame. I get a “can’t detect checkerboard” error even when the checkerboard is fully visible to the camera. Everywhere else, it works fine.

Has anyone got the nodal offset to populate in 5.5.1??

Getting crashes in 5.5.1 after seamless travel due to WorldSettings not being valid on level tick. Anyone seeing the same?

Update: I found it is because I am preloading levels before they are travelled to using AsyncLoadPackage in order to make the level transition faster. This worked in 5.4 but not it seems that the UWorld::PersistentLevel member gets nulled between when the level is preloaded and when it is travelled to. Still trying to track down how and why.

Are events freezing functions in UE5.5.1? That TickFF-event (BP) is tiggered inside FinalShootFunc-Function (BP). Seems like it freezes to wait it to complete even it shouldnt. There is delay between that Break(rotator) and getControlRotation.

In 5.4.4 you could use EnhancedInputAction for keyboard controls in widgets for MainMenu etc menus created using widgets, now on 5.5.1 EnhancedInputAction is not firing anymore if used on widget blueprints.

Was this intented or a bug?

If this was intented change:
as a refactor: I can controll the widgets with EnhancedInputAction from the actorblueprint that creates the widget by a reference to the desired widget and a call to a custom event on the widget (“event_move_cursor_up, event_move_cursor_down” and so on…), this works so I am fine with the change, BUT I just want to make sure this is not a bug before I refactor the code on my widget menus.

does anyone know what this new stat called “input” is in “stat unit”?


Off the top of my head: Input latency. And just to make sure, I’ll spend 10 seconds searching for it in the github repo as I type this reply. Sure enough, within Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Public/UnrealClient.h, line 287:float InputLatencyTime; seems to back my theory.

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Hi @IronicParadox !

A little offtopic question, but as you seem to search those things so easily, please, would you be able to search for something related to why is not possible to force Fullscreen when the set resolution is higher than the screen’s native in 5.5? (For example using the r.setres cvar, won’t adapt it to the screen size).

Would be helpful too if you could explain me a little how you search those. I just want to find what they broke this time, regarding Fullscreen.

Thank you very much and Merry Christmas!

Lighting can’t be built on Mac Silicon / Intel using Source build or precompiled launcher version. Fails without error. World settings checked, firewall disabled. Fails in fresh / empty project created with 5.5.1 on both Intel and Silicon.

Tested 5.5.2 from source.

Packaging using the Project Launcher is still broken, giving a fatal error when executing the packaged game.

Thank you. (I mean, thank you for reading, not for keeping it broken :sweat_smile:).

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