Unreal Engine 5.4 Released

Like I said, I highly doubt after a month TSR increased cost of 1ms would be mitigated in 5.4 release vs preview results. The cost of TSR is too much, even as an upscaler unless your on console, but motion is still being hit by TSR.

I see, and I can prove it, you’re right. But why does this work until 5.4? When I use Simple Wind, it works; it’s just my own method that is not working.
The instancing thing is a clue; I use the foliage tool. When I use actors, I can place them myself. It’s all about having fewer draw calls. So, did I miss that until 5.3 there was no instancing, or what happened here?

Seems Water Body render is not supported in UE 5.4 via Movie Render Queue. It’s fine in editor as well as in a gameplay, but not in render.

To reproduce:

grab a fresh UE 5.4 installation
create a new level
add Ocean
add Level Sequence and Camera
render via MRQ

Would be grateful for a workaround. Thanks.

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Epics, what happened to you then?
Previously, there were no such bugs in versions 5.1-5.3.2.
Version 5.4.1 is just packed with a lot of bugs and is much less stable than 5.3.2. Now the water has gaps in the joints. For example, if the ocean is near a lake. How can you break something that works well? Shame on you!

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Any update?

they’ve said “later this year” multiple times… never did they say it was to come with 5.4

Getting “PrepareDistanceFieldScene”-infinity (FRDGScatterUploadBuffer::Init also getting infinite) crash in packed build. Seem to happen connected to niagara (or older particle system) effects. Didnt have the issue in UE5.3. Currenty testing to toggle particle collisions off.

Getting this, seems like niagara related, crash with UE5.4.1 when play testing cooked/launched development building. After some time of playing.

appError called: Fatal error: [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\RenderCore\Private\RenderingThread.cpp] [Line: 952]
Rendering thread exception:
Fatal error!

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000028

0x00007ff64e23da9c WarProject20.exe!FGPUSortManager::FDynamicValueBuffer::Allocate()
0x00007ff64e23d107 WarProject20.exe!FGPUSortManager::AddTask()
0x00007ff652e051d0 WarProject20.exe!FNiagaraGpuComputeDispatch::AddSortedGPUSimulation()
0x00007ff652e94c1c WarProject20.exe!FNiagaraRendererSprites::GetDynamicMeshElements()
0x00007ff652f686da WarProject20.exe!FNiagaraSystemRenderData::GetDynamicMeshElements()
0x00007ff652a873b9 WarProject20.exe!FNiagaraSceneProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements()
0x00007ff64be0a80f WarProject20.exe!FDynamicMeshElementContext::GatherDynamicMeshElementsForPrimitive()
0x00007ff64bde44c6 WarProject20.exe!FComputeShaderUtils::AddPass<FHZBBuildCS>'::2’::<lambda_1>::operator()()
0x00007ff647e596e3 WarProject20.exe!TGraphTask<TFunctionGraphTaskImpl<void __cdecl(void),0> >::ExecuteTask()
0x00007ff647e7382a WarProject20.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread()
0x00007ff647e73dfe WarProject20.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit()
0x00007ff647e7fc43 WarProject20.exe!FTaskGraphCompatibilityImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete()
0x00007ff6484c6d86 WarProject20.exe!FGraphEvent::Wait()
0x00007ff64be1b006 WarProject20.exe!FVisibilityTaskData::ProcessRenderThreadTasks()
0x00007ff64bded865 WarProject20.exe!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::BeginInitViews()
0x00007ff64b0603fe WarProject20.exe!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::Render()
0x00007ff64bdad1c7 WarProject20.exe!FSceneRenderer::RenderThreadEnd()
0x00007ff64bd579f7 WarProject20.exe!UE::RendererPrivateUtils::Implementation::TPersistentBuffer<UE::HLSL::FCellBlockData,UE::RendererPrivateUtils::Implementation::FStructuredBufferTraits>::ValidateGPUData<FSceneCullingBuilder::UploadToGPU’::44'::<lambda_1> >'::12’::<lambda_1>::operator()()
0x00007ff64c723e78 WarProject20.exe!FRenderCommandPipeRegistry::StopRecording'::2’::<lambda_1>::operator()()
0x00007ff64c74e27f WarProject20.exe!TGraphTask<TFunctionGraphTaskImpl<void __cdecl(void),1> >::ExecuteTask()
0x00007ff647e7382a WarProject20.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksNamedThread()
0x00007ff647e73dfe WarProject20.exe!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit()
0x00007ff64c7733ee WarProject20.exe!RenderingThreadMain()
0x00007ff64c776969 WarProject20.exe!FRenderingThread::Run()
0x00007ff648468728 WarProject20.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::Run()
0x00007ff64845c277 WarProject20.exe!FRunnableThreadWin::GuardedRun()
0x00007fffadf67344 KERNEL32.DLL!UnknownFunction

Had to set shader cache to unlimited in nVidia Control Panel to avoid that above crash. Didnt have that in UE5.3. Using the new tessellated materials if that is related.

Mentioned here: UE5.4.1 crashing - Development / Getting Started & Setup - Epic Developer Community Forums (unrealengine.com)

One thing I can’t find any NFO on is how the new Mover Plugin can work with Motion Matching…

Cascade particle systems seem to be unstable in UE5.4.1 (effects that worked normally in UE5.3), switched some cascade explosion effect to niagara and no crashes so far.

I wonder if the problem people are having might be fixed if they close unreal editor but keep the code editor open like visual studio or rider, then reopen unreal engine and try compiling and in unreal engine and see if the problem is fixed?

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Glad to see new and improved features and fixes… but meanwhile stuff from years ago still goes unfixed :sweat_smile:


I got crashes even Verifying the installation of 5.4.1 or downloading it again…
I’m trying the same with 5.3.2 and have no problems.

Is there a checklist to perform on my computer? Maybe some directories I should clean

I’m getting a strange issue with UE5.4.1 in that upon installing any asset to a project…the textures will only be installed at 64x64 in size and not at the intended in-game resolution. This obviously causes everything to look blurry when utilizing. I have tried to submit a bug, but I’m not sure if the submission went through as the the web page just continued to show the circle indicating it was trying to upload and never indicated it was received.

I originally noticed this when I tried to upgrade my project to UE5.4.1. Some of my assets in the project were incredibly blurry…like there wasn’t any detail there like it was in UE5.2.1. I thought is was just some incompatibility happening with the upgrade…but eventually realized that wasn’t the case when I decided to try some assets in a fresh UE5.4 project and had the same issues.

I have provided some screenshots showing the issue in UE5.4.1. The assets in the screenshots are from the maps in 2 different assets bought from marketplace to use as examples. The assets aren’t the problem as they are both listed as compatible with UE5.4. This only happens with UE5.4 and no other version. Other versions show and work as they should.

I would like to upgrade to UE5.4.1 to use the new animation features and other things but if this is going to be a problem…I guess that isn’t going to happen unless there is a fix or solution.

I also have tried uninstalling and reinstalling UE5.4 and the assets to see if it was just a download problem but after doing so, I get the same results.

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When will there be an update for fixes??? @Amanda.Schade


I am also wondering if 5.4.2 will be coming.

  1. Is anybody fixed long shader compilation?

  2. Seems strange, but my friend fixed Editor UI stutters by disabling MPO. It’s old bug fix for UE4 and NVidia RTX series GPUs (black editor/flickerring), but must works for any GPU. Try someone, mb this will help you.
    After updating to NVIDIA Game Ready Driver 461.09 or newer, some desktop apps may flicker or stutter when resizing the window on some PC configurations | NVIDIA
    Disabling MPO fixed blackscreen crashing and glitc... - AMD Community

  3. Another strange thing. Peoples writing about GameThread stutters every second. I had same problems in 4.27 (mb 4.26 too) when use some strange OpenVPN config in one work. I can’t solve that in 2021 and only can reboot PC or disable TCP/UDP Messaging plugins in my pet projects. (this stutters bug is old)

  4. I have no UI stutters on 5.4.1, and can’t test this on my PC, but mb this will help you.


hi @motorsep .

UE Fortnite 30.00 has just come out using UE 5.5 code base so my next LGPU release will be on 5.5

Luoshuang’s GPULightmass - LGPU 5.5 Timetable


So after revisiting this ue5.4 issue as it was bugging the heck out my mind, I figured out that the Oodle Texture Sdk Version for each texture was set to none on nearly all the textures (which is the same for Ue5.3 but without issues in UE5.3). Some were also set to 2.9.5…so I clicked the ‘latest’ button beside that on one that was set to none…and that set the version to 2.9.12. Upon doing this the texture size immediately was set to the proper in-game size. While I’m not sure why this is correcting the issue…other than ue5.4 not liking legacy versions of Oodle on my system…I’m at least happy I could find a work around.

So I highlighted all textures (for the test map I was checking) and opened them up in the bulk property matrix and set them all to 2.9.12…and immediately the static meshes came to life with detail…like they should.

I’m not sure why this is happening only on my system…since I haven’t scene or heard of anyone else experiencing this issue, but if so…there is the solution.