Unreal Engine 5.2 Released

I just looked at marketplace, it has been approved for 5.2.

Thx jimbohalo10, I tried to compile without copying anything into my content folder. Problem is that this should work out of the box without copying any file from the engine plugins folders, so it is a packaging problem, console displays this message on startup and many other warnings during packaging:

LogLinker: Warning: [AssetLog] C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\FX\Niagara\Content\Modules\Update\Forces\WindForce.uasset: VerifyImport: Failed to find script package for import object ‘Package /Script/ChaosNiagara’

LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeFunctionCall /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeFunctionCall_7’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeFunctionCall /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeFunctionCall_7’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeFunctionCall /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeFunctionCall_7’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘None’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Module.Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeParameterMapGet_10’.
LogNiagaraEditor: Warning: Pin states that it is of class type, but is missing its class object. This is usually the result of a registered type going away. Pin Name ‘Physics Field’ Owning Node ‘NiagaraNodeFunctionCall /Niagara/Modules/Update/Forces/WindForce.WindForce:NiagaraScriptSource_1.NiagaraGraph_0.NiagaraNodeFunctionCall_7’.
LogAnimationCompression: Display: Fetched compressed animation data for AnimSequence /Game/Characters/Mannequins/Rigs/Poses/Manny/Manny_calf_l_anim.Manny_calf_l_anim

This happens even if i open the uasset and click on compile. It is happening since 5.1, I think when some niagara tries to load that uasset.

I agree with that I am simply trying to provide a work-around and as an independent developer I cannot do anything else.
Hopefully Epic will fix this in future

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Is the engine not tested before release? Something like that would probably be the first bug encountered in any kind of normal use. And it’s been more than a month now since release…


5.2.1 just released, curious for release notes


The 5.2.1 Hotfix is now live and includes many fixes for Unreal Engine 5.2.

Issue Summary
UE-184740 City Sample - Parked Cars, Traffic, and Crowds do not spawn while in PIE
UE-186382 Multiple anim modifiers used in Lyra are broken in 5.2
UE-187032 Ensure in NetworkObjectList.cpp
UE-187076 VSM shadow popping can be observed at clipmap borders with WPO
UE-187176 Crash when deleting DMX Patches while being referenced by the Pixel Mapper
UE-187312 Crash when calling UControlRig::GetControlGlobalTransform
UE-187374 Crash when trimming animation and then undoing action
UE-187426 Generation at runtime crashes if a Static Mesh Spawner does not have a connected output
UE-187485 Curves on montages aren’t sampled in non-editor builds
UE-187647 Crash when adding curves via anim modifiers
UE-187767 Crash when launching ThirdPerson project in UE5.2 with patch_25488586_v3.dff applied
UE-187788 DMX - Output port threads get stalled when send rate cannot be met
UE-188074 SpinBox UMG Widget’s GetValue only returns the last value set directly via SetValue
UE-188076 Fix compile issue with XCode15
UE-188161 Crash opening BungeeMan ControlRig (references RigVM)
UE-186087 CitySample - Crash on startup with r.PSOPrecaching=1 and r.SkipDrawOnPSOPrecaching=1
UE-187460 Editor crash when assigning post process material to PPV with ndsiplay preview ON
UE-187527 Fix deprecation of MoviePipelineMasterConfig so that existing plugins still compile
UE-181339 Crash in UnrealEditor_Niagara!FNiagaraDataInterfaceProxySubmix::AddSubmixListener()

5.2 does not have the editor in Spanish, my fault or is this version not available in this language?

There is a bunch of UI changes in the last few engines that just make no sense.
They removed Cell Loading in World Partition instead of making it optional. It appeared in code they already supported swapping out the minimap tab, but instead of adding a new type of tab, someone actually went and re-wrote the entire Cell Loading code into Region Loading instead of just adding it as a separate “module”.

Also the bloated UI overall just isn’t nice to work in anymore. I miss the top bar that actually had text for many buttons instead of these icons. Half my top bar when in the level viewport is just empty now.

Tired of fresh people trying “make their mark” coming in and just reinventing the wheel and just making it worse than it already was, while all the crashes, large landscape, HLODs crashes etc just get ignored.

They seem to only test with “brand new projects” and totally miss out on everything else.
For example, converting a 16k by 16k resolution “pre-world partition” level to WP in (at least) 5.0, actually doesn’t update the WP Cell Size correctly, so you have to export everything and reimport it, and if you don’t do it right it crashes. (Import heightmap first, then turn on Use Material Instance on Landscape, THEN set the material and import the layers.)


Has the 5.2.1 hotfix killed VCam Virtual Production tool?
It’s suddenly stopped working for me.

I get a message on the iPad stating:

ERROR - Couldn’t connect: No stream connected.

The output log in Unreal is stating that the “Websocket client connected.”

Copying multiple tracks with AnimNotify/AnimNotifyStates from one Anim Montage to another still crashes the engine.

Is anyone actually using this engine? How does something like this not get fixed.
I also can’t find it in the bug tracker anymore.

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Hi All,
The State of Unreal 5.2 sample has been released

Electric Dreams Environment in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

Introduction to Electric Dreams Environment - Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked (epicgames.com)

In Settings turn from auto 360p to 1080 HD

Building your own Environments using PCG in 5.2 - Electric Dreams Environment: Unpacked (epicgames.com)

See my updated post at
Unreal Engine 5.2 Preview - General / Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums

Just migrate a 5.1.1 project to 5.2.1, what is happening with Chaos Destruction? It’s laggy and blurry, it worked very well under 5.1. Did I miss something ?


I know I’m alone in this, not the first time I’ve been downvoted for saying this, and I appreciate Epic’s work, Unreal Engine is still awesome.

However, I wish we could relax a bit with the new features and instead spend 1 or 2 years polishing the engine, or maybe have an LTS branch.

There’s just so much undercooked, incomplete, buggy stuff all around…


You are not alone dude plenty of others agree: UE5 feedback: STOP making new features and START working on PERFORMANCE for actual GAMES.

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i fixed this but if doors broken bug is actual, and some time vehicle streaming take a bug like a wheels on air rolling and vehicle body hiden before collide with player.

What we need is 5.3 or 5.4 being the QoL/Performance update rather than more shiny new features imo.

And especially comparsion of all scalability settings of 4.23 and 5.2 on same project, cause I feel like theres some regression in quality when we compare old and new version on lower scalability settings, there might be some performance regression on low scalability too :sweat_smile:


On windows 10 this latest build has a memory leak in the Editor. It just keeps eating ram until it crashes.

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Hello all. I updated to version 5.2. Decided to test the metahuman animation. At the last step of preparing metahuman and clicking on “Prepare for Perfomance” I get this error. The card is rtx3070 laptop. I downloaded volcano drivers, but it didn’t help. Has anyone had this happen&


Hello there,
With the new 5.2.1 update the Matrix CitySample is broken.

Are you talking about the physics bug when entering a car? if so, there’s a fix here up in this thread. The mass spawning issue seems to be fixed.