Unreal Engine 5.2 Released

yes, its already been reported few times.

forgot to mention that not much has changed in city sample in vehicles, compared 5.1 content assets, source and plugin so to me this looks like problem with some engine code or settings, thats what i believe but not confirming :smiley:

you ever get an answer? they keep deleting documentation… specially confusing because of how rare is to get new documentation

hi @Alessiot89
Sorry its not about 5.2

All release notes before 4.26 (so starting to 4.25 down to 4.1) returns 404 or get redirect 5.x documentation. They were used to be still accessible from 4.27/4.26 documentation, probably through some kind of redirect

Unless you have a Visual Studio Subscription you cannot use VS2012,VS2015,VS2017 needed for these products. No use going earlier than 4.15 because the vs2010 and vs2013 have been deleted from the Microsoft archive and need to buy the Enterprise version Premier Support to get these. Only VS2019 and VS2022 are supported. If you lose your CD copy and PC then setup.exe wont load after 5 years.

The links have been replaced the more obvious links, but no overall page


So feels like im close to solving this bug with weird physics when you enter the car. i will post more info later regardless success. so far you can enter car without problem and drive it however character is not attached to it so stays in location you entered car in :smiley:

I found problem and posted fix here

hi @marcatzeri
I have patched the Twinmotion plugin 5.1 to work with 5.2 Epic binary.
see README.md its public so you can read
TwinmotiontoUnrealBeta-5.2-patch/README.md · GitHub

What is going on with Plug-In approval?? Oceanology claims they submitted over 2 weeks ago for approval and other Devs are saying the same thing. I need the Updated plug-ins now. Whatever the holdup is, Please fix it…


Previews landscape materials, in UE5.11, worked fine. Now engine says I’m using too many samplers.

The Hillside Project is the first project released by Epic to exploit and teach the new features in 5.2
This is the Documentation link

Project Hillside Content Example for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

The project is available in Epic Games Launcher in Marketplace. Search for “Hillside”

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it’s a nice archviz project. I’ve downloaded the packaged version and looks fantastic.

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I agree. The amount of visual noise/clutter it creates is brutal. This is significant reduction in the usability of the Content Browser. The amount of text information usually presented is already overwhelming as is. Adding a content item type just makes things worse. The content types can already be determined by the combination of item icon and the color coding, so whoever thought this was a good idea wasn’t particularly smart that day :confused:

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In 5.2, I am noticing some ugly/clunky UI slide animations when closing tabs in the main window. They are very clunky because they run at very low FPS, and they unnecessarily resize the viewport (which in turn causes the low FPS since UE can’t resize viewport render targets smoothly).

It’s a downgrade compared to 5.1 where the UI was snappy because there weren’t unnecessary low-FPS animations:

It’s also just looks odd when it looks like the main window keeps drifting down repeatedly for no reason.

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Thank you for sharing. It works.
One question, while driving a car, if you stop the car in any street, other cars stop by next to the player. This makes no sense; I believe the correct behavior would be stopping only if the player is on foot. I did notice this issue in earlier versions. I believe it has to do with the Player’s Mass Agent component, traits Navigation Obstacle and Traffic Obstacle. Looks like these traits should be enabled while driving only if the player’s car is blocking the path of other vehicles. Any ideas?

i ditn play with this much yet, i have lyra combined in it and working on chaos atm, but certainly we wouldnt want this behaviour i guess

I’ll see if I can find anything helpful and post here.

amazing thanks for the latest update….

I thought this was a minor thing but after actively using 5.2 for a while, I have to say this is growing increasingly frustrating. The entire editor UI feels very buggy and fragile just because of that single animation.

Even just rearranging tabs triggers it. It’s just so annoying. :rage:


Yeah, that needs to be patched out ASAP. It’s bringing my peace of mind to a dark computer smashing place just watching it

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Where is the Oceanology Plugin? It has been waiting for approval for 1 month @Amanda.Schade